Chapter 27 Water Chapter!
"Alright then, but if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely give you a Godly Zhuge Crossbow from Xiaosan." Ning Chen said solemnly.

"Eh(⊙o⊙)..., then thank you first!" Xue Qinghe couldn't bear Ning Chen's enthusiasm and had to agree.

"Well, I don't have any presents for you now. I'm really sorry. How about I tell you a story?" Ning Chen said, readers, take a seat. I'm about to start the car, remember to fasten your seat belts.

"Well, you can tell stories?" Xue Qinghe looked at Ning Chen curiously.

"It's just telling a story. Who can't do it anymore? I haven't seen a pig running, so I haven't eaten pork yet? I'll make it up now that you're obedient!" Ning Chen said seriously.

Xue Qinghe: "Yes!"

I saw that Pikachu first grabbed a handful of melon seeds, then poured a glass of wine, ah bah, it was a glass of Assam, then took out the shiny little bench, and then began to peel the melon seeds.

One set is as smooth as water, an absolute old driver.

Then Ning Chen started to talk, "Before I start, let me declare that this story is all made up by the author, if there is any misunderstanding, it is purely coincidental.

Story: In the past, there was a harmonious small mountain village with only a dozen people in it. There was only one soul master in the village, and that soul master had a beautiful wife. They lived very lovingly, and they were very loving in the village Although they are very affectionate, the nightmare still fell on them. One day, seven or eight soldiers came to this harmonious small village. The soldiers began to do whatever they wanted in the village, and the soldiers entered the house of the two couples. , when the soldiers saw the beautiful and flowery wife of the soul master, the soldiers immediately drooled, and then the soldiers started to rape the beautiful and flowery wife, you go to the Internet to check, and then there is that The famous soul master began to protect his wife. The wife looked at her husband with tears in her eyes, and his husband also looked at her with tears in his mouth and yelled, his eyes were full of despair and helplessness,... …I don’t know how long after the soldiers left, the husband also walked away in a daze, and the wife lay there as if she had lost her life. The next day, the husband came to see his wife and found that she was about to die. The husband found his wife, and then the husband He saved his wife and said that he didn't care about his wife being raped at all.Then the wife finally stopped looking for death, so the two couples continued to live their happy life, but one day, the wife found out that her husband was having an affair with others outside, so the wife asked her husband like crazy, why did he do this To him, the husband simply replied to his wife that he was raped by others, and finally the wife left with tears in her eyes. When the husband returned home, the wife was covered in blood and there was a shocking cut on her wrist. Immediately went to check and found that his wife was powerless, he shed tears silently, he loves her, she loves him too, but he can't accept her...flaws, but he can't leave her either, maybe he shouldn't betray She, but he is uncomfortable!After his wife died, the husband found a place to bury her, and then he stayed with her all the time and never left. "At the end of the story, this story is completely made up by the author, so don't take it seriously.

"Pi~ka~chu~pi~ka~chu~" Pikachu wiped the tears on his face while eating melon seeds, um, please ignore the...garlic under Pikachu.

We don't know if it's real ::>_<::crying or...garlic.

Xue Qinghe: "Well, you have no interest in making up this story at all!"

Ning Chen: emmm
"I made up such a good story and you actually said he was not good?" Ning Chen was so tired!I am a time traveler who came out of the time traveler alliance!What is the League of Time Travelers? It is the best alliance of five poisonous youths!Ah bah, it should be the best alliance for traversers.

The Traveler Alliance has taught Ning Chen how to pick up girls, fart, pretend, brag, cheat, coax... so many skills are necessary skills for a traveler!

"Hehe (^_^)!" After all, Xue Qinghe was played by Qian Renxue, and she was still a little girl in her heart, so how could she not be a little moved?
Ning Chen tried his best to squeeze out tears, um, if they didn't come out, he might as well stop, so Ning Chen simply said: "Indifference, huh╭(╯^╰)╮!"

Xue Qinghe wanted to laugh at first, laughing, now Ning Chen looks very funny, with a handsome face, long silver hair, Ning Chen who is eight years old plus that cute expression that does not belong to him, um , I really want a five-year-old girl to be angry.


Well, after dinner, Ning Chen and Pikachu separated from Xue Qinghe, and Ning Chen and Pikachu walked on this secluded street.

Well, Ning Chen and Pikachu came to a small alley.

Ning Chen: "Well, why is this scene so familiar!"


Ning Chen turned his head and looked into the small alley. Well, it was a familiar scene. I saw three eight or nine-year-old street children bullying a little girl. The little girl was wearing a red dress, but the clothes were already dirty, and the little girl His face was also dirty.

Because the girl was dirty, people couldn't see her face clearly. The little girl lowered her head and gnawed on the steamed buns. The steamed buns were dirty and filled with...sewage.

The three little boys yelled while kicking the little girl: "Fuck it, eat it and spit it out for the old man, fuck it, don't you know this place is Lao Tzu's place?"

While speaking, the little boy in charge kicked the little girl vigorously again, and the little girl was kicked flying. The little girl continued to chew on the dirty steamed bun as if she didn't feel any pain.

Take a closer look at the steamed bun, which still has a little bit of blood on it.

The leading boy saw the little girl like that and wanted to go up again.

At this moment, Ning Chen couldn't bear it any longer. Ning Chen was a kind-hearted person. He would complain when he saw bad people doing evil, and he would feel... sour when he saw poor people! Even Douluo Dalu is the same.

Ning Chen: "Stop it, why are you bullying her like this?"

The three little boys saw that Ning Chen was only an eight or nine-year-old child like them, and they didn't have any fear at all.

"It's none of your business, get out, or I'll beat you." The little boy headed by you looked at Ning Chen and said disdainfully.

My mother, Ning Chen is angry, he is despised, well, the other party is still a child of eight or nine years old, Ning Chen, as a member of the Traveler Alliance, is despised by an eight-year-old child, Ning Chen feels I am ashamed to see those old-timers who traversed.

"One hundred thousand volts!" Simply Ning Chen didn't want to waste his words, so he turned on the power directly.

I saw that the little boy who was the leader was already dead.

The two little boys next to them were also stunned for a moment. When they came back to their senses, they immediately ran away crying, yelling, "Ma Ma, I want Ma Ma, woo woo woo!"

PS: The author asks if there are any young ladies who are reading my novels? Is it okay to report the number? (Looking forward (∩_∩))

(End of this chapter)

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