The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 31 Ten Thousand Years Ghost Tiger!

Chapter 31 Ten Thousand Years Ghost Tiger! (Please recommend!)

Ye Ming: "Okay, since you've said that, I can't stop you anymore, but you have to think about it, there will be soul shocks when you absorb the ten thousand year soul ring, so be careful."

"Okay, I will be careful!" Seeing Ye Ming caring about him so much, Ning Chen was also very moved. After all, Ye Ming has nothing to do with him except the relationship with the leader. loyalty.

After convincing Ye Ming, Ning Chen, Pikachu, and Ye Ming started on their way again. I don't know how long it took, anyway, it didn't take a day for Ning Chen, Pikachu, and Ye Ming to arrive at the Star Forest.

It was already night, so the two of them set up a tent on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.Ning Chen and Ye Ming decided to rest for one night and enter the Star Forest tomorrow morning.

Although Ye Ming, the 89-level Contra, was there, Ning Chen still didn't dare to take activities in the Star Forest at night easily.

In the final analysis, he is still too weak.

There was nothing to say all night, until the sun slowly rose the next day, and a little white belly appeared, and Ning Chen, Pikachu, and Ye Ming began to set off to enter the periphery of the Star Dou Forest.

There are no high-level soul beasts in the periphery, so Ning Chen doesn't have to be so close to Ye Ming, what should I say?It's him who swells.

There are some [-]-year-old soul beasts and [-]-year-old soul beasts around, not even a thousand-year-old soul beast.

Ning Chen, Pikachu, and Ye Ming quickly entered the inner circle, and then Ye Ming quickly summoned his Wuhun Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and the soul ring under Ye Ming's feet also slowly rose: Huang, Huang, Purple, purple, purple, black, black, black.

Dazzling rays of light radiated from within the Star Dou Great Forest.

Some thousand-year-old soul beasts avoided them.In this way, Ning Chen, Pikachu, and Ye Ming ran rampant in the Star Dou Forest.He didn't see a ten thousand year soul beast in a daze.

This made Ning Chen and Ye Ming very depressed. On the other hand, Pikachu sat on Ning Chen's shoulder with a calm face, and his expression seemed to say... In the dark, there is God's will, and this matter cannot be rushed.

In this way, Ning Chen and Ye Ming searched for a whole day but couldn't find a ten-thousand-year soul beast. Well, Ning Chen even wondered →_→ if he had some bad luck recently!Such luck bei.

Then Ning Chen and Ye Ming planned to go back first, and come tomorrow, because the Star Dou Forest is now faintly dark, and it is really an unwise choice to stay here at night.

Just when Ning Chen and Ye Ming were about to leave, Ye Ming suddenly heard movement in the grass on the opposite side, and there was a strong wind blowing.

"The dragon follows the cloud, the wind follows the tiger. This should be a tiger-type soul beast. Look at the year. If it is enough, kill and get the soul ring!" Ning Chen said to Ye Ming while being vigilant.

Ning Chen, who had just finished speaking, saw a huge purple-black tiger pounced on him.

Just when Ning Chen was about to use the lightning flash, he realized that the time was running out. The speed of this tiger was so fast that even the naked eye could not catch its movements.

"Qinglong Yanyue Slash!" Ye Ming, who was the first to react, directly used his first soul skill.

Since the tiger was in its mouth when it pounced on Ning Chen, the tiger spirit beast couldn't move without a fulcrum.

Just like that, this tiger-type soul beast forcibly received a Contra's attack.

After being hit by a single blow, this tiger spirit beast was perfectly thrown out like a kite with a broken string, forming a perfect parabola in the air.

The tiger-type soul beast was hit on the tree by a single blow. Only then did Ning Chen and Ye Ming see clearly that the tiger-type soul beast turned out to be a ghost tiger.

"This ghost tiger has reached the ten-thousand-year level in terms of size and hair color, but are you sure you want to hunt this spirit beast as your third spirit ring?"

Ye Ming thinks that Pikachu belongs to the electric system, and this Ghost Tiger doesn't seem to have anything to do with the electric system, does it?Why did Ning Chen absorb this ghost tiger?
"That's right, I just want to absorb this ghost tiger, please, Mr. Ye." Ning Chen couldn't feel the meaning of Ye Ming's words at all, and said directly.

Ye Ming: "Okay! But it will take a lot of time to deal with this ghost tiger!"

While the two were talking, the ghost tiger immediately got up from the ground and continued to attack Ning Chen.

Ning Chen was depressed, there were obviously two people here, why did this ghost tiger just attack him?

Because the speed of the ghost tiger was too fast, before Ning Chen could think about it, the ghost tiger had already arrived in front of Ning Chen, and bit Ning Chen with one bite.

Ning Chen was caught off guard and was bitten on the arm. Seeing that Ning Chen was injured, Pikachu immediately used [-] volts.

After being electrocuted, Ghost Tiger started to move a little slowly, and then let go of his mouth.

Seeing the ghost tiger let go of his mouth, Ning Chen immediately used the second soul skill to escape in a flash.

Seeing that Ning Chen had escaped, Guihu planned to continue chasing him, but this time his speed was significantly slower than last time.

This is the deceleration effect of [-] volts. Seeing this, Ye Ming immediately activated his second soul skill, sweeping away thousands of troops.

Since there is still a deceleration effect after being hit by [-] volts, Ghost Tiger can't dodge Ye Ming's blow at all. After all, this blow is a range-like soul skill.

In this way, the ghost tiger was sent flying out again, with such a beautiful parabola.

Ning Chen looked at his bleeding arm and his helpless head, thinking that he was too careless.

There are deep tooth marks on Ning Chen's arm, and the white bones can be seen in the tooth marks.

It's heart-wrenching to watch!
Ning Chen quickly stopped the bleeding on his arm, and then the ghost tiger that was knocked down just now got up again.

This time the ghost tiger used its innate skill, shadow clone.

Suddenly, three identical ghost tigers appeared in front of Ning Chen and Ye Ming.

Ning Chen has a headache for this innate skill, after all, they are all fucking the same, who the hell can recognize them.

There was no way but to try one by one. The first Ye Ming who came up stepped forward to block it, and the other two rushed towards Ning Chen and Pikachu.

"Pikachu uses one hundred thousand volts!" Ning Chen also activated the first soul skill, one hundred thousand volts.

Pikachu's [-] volts and Ning Chen's [-] volts combined into a [-] volts, which is double [-] volts.

I saw that the ghost tiger rushing to the front was directly blasted by double [-] volts of electricity, um, this is fake.

Then the other one is true, as soon as Ning Chen turned his head, he saw that the bloody mouth of the ghost tiger was not far away from him.

Pikachu saw that Ning Chen didn't move, and that the ghost tiger's bloody mouth was very close to Ning Chen, so he quickly called out: "Pikachu!"

But it was over, Ning Chen could no longer use the lightning flash, and seeing the tiger's mouth getting closer, Ning Chen closed his eyes.

This chapter is over! (Hey (∩_∩))

PS: There is another update tonight, please recommend tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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