The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 37 Tang 3 VS Dai Mubai!

Chapter 37 Tang San VS Dai Mubai! (Please recommend, please collect, please vote!)

Ning Chen and Pikachu found a place to sit down, took out melon seeds and drinks, and waited to watch the show.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu came in, they asked the waiter if there was any room?
Then I don’t know what they are doing? It’s just that after a while, an abrupt voice came from outside the door: “I said this room should be mine?”

When Ning Chen heard this voice, he knew that it was his Zhuqing's fiancé.

Everyone looked at the door together and found a blond-haired boy walking in with two blue-haired women in his arms.

The two blue-haired girls should be a pair of twin sisters, "Well, I've confirmed that their eyes are not as good-looking as Honglian's." Ning Chen said.Yong Shi also despises Dai Mubai in his heart, looking for the fucking mistress if he can find a better-looking one, you see what kind of goods they are.

Well, then Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai began to bicker like that.

"Why! It's obvious that we arrived first, why should we give it up to you?" Xiao Wu said angrily.

That appearance simply brought the profession of big sister to the extreme.

"Oh, that waiter, you should be new here, right? Didn't your manager tell you that you have to reserve a room for me every day, Dai Mubai's?" Hearing Xiao Wu's question, Dai Mubai ignored it. , and then said to the waiter.

"I'm sorry! I'm new here, and it's true that our manager didn't tell me to reserve a room?" The waiter said respectfully.

"Hey! Why are you like this! I'm talking to you!" Seeing that Dai Mubai ignored her, Xiao Wu became angry.

"Shut up, you're really noisy!" Dai Mubai glanced at Xiao Wu and continued to speak to the waiter.

"Go and call your manager, I want to see your manager!"

"I, I can't take it anymore, when has my little sister Wu been so angry!" I saw Xiao Wu directly attacking Dai Mubai.

"Hey, Xiao Wu is back." Tang San on the side hastily called Xiao Wu to stop, but there was no time.

Ning Chen was overjoyed to see this scene, and Pikachu was also secretly smiling there.As if they were afraid they would see it.

I saw that Xiao Wu went up with a broken leg, Dai Mubai was very protective of his part, and then he was a monkey fishing for the moon.

I saw that when Xiao Wu's dead son and grandson were about to kick Dai Mubai's leg, Dai Mubai used the monkey to catch the moon.

With a dodge, Dai Mubai dodged the severed son and grandson's leg, and then a monkey Laoyue slapped Xiao Wu's buttocks.

Then I saw Xiao Wu's face flushed instantly in embarrassment, and Tang San's lungs on the side were about to explode.

Ning Chen and Pikachu on the side quickly covered their mouths to keep themselves from laughing.

"Well, it's a little small, but I didn't mean it." Dai Mubai said innocently.

Hearing here Tang San was about to vomit blood, and pulled Xiao Wu back, Tang San said to Xiao Wu: "Is Xiao Wu okay? I'll avenge you right now."

"Yeah!" Xiao Wu blushed and hummed softly, how should I put it, now Xiao Wu dare not face Xiao San anymore.

"You are also soul masters, right? Then let's use the method of soul masters to resolve this conflict!" Dai Mubai said with an innocent face.

"Right on my mind!"

"Dai Mubai, level 37, assault type battle soul master, Wuhun Xie Mou Baihu!" Dai Mubai's skin began to expand violently, and then white hair grew.

"Ah, how disgusting!" Seeing Dai Mubai's martial spirit, Ning Chen's contempt towards him couldn't help but increase a bit.

"Tang San, level 29, control system soul master, Wuhun Blue Silver Grass!"

I saw an extra blue silver grass growing out of Tang San's hand.

"What? Blue silver grass, it's still level 29, I'll wipe it, and even such a useless martial spirit comes to fight me?" Dai Mubai said contemptuously.

"There are no trash spirits, only trash soul masters." Tang San said firmly.

"Well, sure enough, I was so stupid when I heard Xiao Sanzi say this." Ning Chen looked at Tang San and said.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said too.

Well, that means, really stupid!

"Haha, good, what a spirit without trash, only a soul master with trash. Dai Mubai is your friend today." Dai Mubai smiled heartily and directly attacked Tang San.

Seeing Dai Mubai approaching menacingly, Tang San knew that he still couldn't use Ghost Shadow Bewilderment, so he saw Tang San's feet bent down slightly.

Well, looking at the situation, Ning Chen knew that Tang San was going to make a bigger move.

I saw that when Dai Mubai was about to approach Tang San, Tang San resorted to the Monkey Stealing Peach that had been lost for many years.

Then I saw Dai Mubai retreated more than ten meters, and then touched his crotch.

Looking at Tang San at this time, um, I saw Tang San standing there with a calm face, um, male compatriots, you can't ignore the two... peaches in Tang San's hands.

Seeing here, Xiao Wu and the blue-haired twin sisters are covering their eyes with red faces, um, please ignore the gap between the fingers and the fiery eyes.

Seeing that half of Ning Chen's green tea has been sprayed here, Ning Chen not only finds it funny but also feels that the lower part is a bit cold.

"It's a long-lost trick of the world, the Monkey Stealing Peach, I admire it, now it's time for me to fight back." Dai Mubai waited until the pain was gone, and then said to Tang San.

Then I saw that Dai Mubai also zoomed in on his move, I saw Dai Mubai used the water gun, ahhh it was Bai Hu Lie Guangbo.

Then Tang San used his enchanting posture, ah bah it's a ghost shadow.After dodging, use Coil.

Instantly wrapped Dai Mubai into a rice dumpling.

But seeing Dai Mubai use the first soul skill bra to protect the body, the Blue Silver Grass instantly turned into ashes.

"Second soul skill, Parasite." Tang San shot a booger bullet onto Dai Mubai, and then the booger instantly began to grow blue silver grass.

Then Dai Mubai was wrapped into rice dumplings again.

Dai Mubai used it, wanting to pull the little blue silver grass, but found that this time the blue silver grass was more tenacious than last time, it couldn't stop pulling at all.

"The third soul ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation." Dai Mubai had no choice but to directly use the third soul ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

Well, this White Tiger Vajra Transformation is also a purple soul ring, and it directly tore the blue silver grass to pieces.

I saw that Dai Mubai's body was more than two times bigger than before.

Seeing that the blue silver grass was torn to pieces, Tang San approached Dai Mubai with a ghostly and lost track, and then used the milk-grabbing dragon claw hand.

This move can be described as fast, accurate and ruthless!That made Dai Mubai almost happy, ah bah, I cried in pain.

Then seeing Dai Mubai use the White Tiger Light Wave, Tang San had no choice but to retreat.

Looking at this scene, Ning Chen didn't even know that he had lost his melon seeds.Just watched the scene in amazement.

PS: Collect it! I want to collect it!It's almost [-], everyone work harder!Come on ^^^~
(End of this chapter)

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