Chapter 48 Grilled Sausage!
What?Who called me, what did you call me for?It seems to be telling me to eat some sausage, right?The bewildered master asked himself a bewildered three-time question.

Tang San looked towards the place where Ning Chen was yelling, it's okay not to look, but when he saw Tang San burst into tears!It's like seeing your own father.Ah bah, although she is not her own father, she is even closer than her own father!

Yu Xiaogang walked slowly to Ning Chen, looked at Flender and said, "I'm here!"

"This is the master, the teacher I invited to give you physical training, you should know Xiaosan, right?" Flender was obviously pretending to be stupid, but Flender had read the letter from the master.

"Yes, this is my teacher. Teacher, why are you here?" I have to say that Ning Chen respects his teacher very much.

"Little San, I am here to teach you. Hello everyone, my name is Yu Xiaogang, and I am Xiao San's teacher. I will train you from now on." The master first smiled sweetly.

"Hello, Master!" Everyone replied one by one.

"Master, do you want to eat sausage? Fresh big sausage ⊙⊙! This is made by a food-type soul master! It's so delicious." Ning Chen said with a bright look.

Flender didn't stop Ning Chen either, um, I checked his eyes, Flender wanted to sit on a small bench, kowtow melon seeds, and wait for his old friend to make a fool of himself.

"Teacher..." Tang San originally wanted to say something, after all, this is his teacher, but before he finished speaking, he was forced back by everyone's eyes, well, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is Tang San just ate Oscar's big sausage, and then he vomited like hell.

"Oh ⊙⊙! It's made by a food-type soul master, so I'll try it." The master took the big sausage from Ning Chen's hand.Started to eat with relish.

The master ate a kaben crisp, and Oscar's lower body was cool when he saw it.

After eating, the master asked as if he still wanted to eat: "Is there any more! I want to study the big sausage made by the soul master of this food department."

"Yes, yes, why not? Right! Oscar." Ning Chen looked at Oscar and said.

Everyone also looked at Oscar together, and said silently in their hearts: Brother, give me some strength!

"Yes, here we come, the super invincible sausage." Oscar silently chanted a spell.

It's just that this curse was heard by all the people present, and then the master sat on Pikachu's small bench with a majestic face and vomited.

Seeing the master also sat on it, Jiang Yihan was inexplicably happy, and then silently stroked his own butt.

Everyone: Sure enough, Oscar's big sausage is invincible.

After the master vomited, he stood up, um, he got stuck, and then Fatty Ma recruited the old story that Flender spit out from his mouth.

"Hahahaha, hahaha, hahaha!" Shrek was full of cheerful laughter, except for the master.

Even Tang San, the master's disciple, was afraid of being hammered on the ground laughing until his stomach hurts.

After spending a while, the master finally got rid of the clutches of the small bench.Well, it's just that Master's ass probably won't be able to sit still for a month.

Master: Wait, none of the people present can run away, just remember this little book!

After a burst of joy, everyone returned to the starting point.

Ning Chen looked at the big sausage in his hand, his hands were shaking, and he was screaming in his heart.

"Can you not eat it!" Ning Chen said cowardly.

"No, you have to eat." The master said before everyone else.

Ning Chen first glanced at the crowd with resentment, so Ning Chen took out...a handful of grass under everyone's eyes?

Then, under everyone's bewildered eyes, he put the grass on the ground, raised the fire, picked up a tree stick, and started to grill. Well, first some waste oil, and then Sichuan spicy pepper.

In less than a few minutes, the big sausage in Ning Chen's hand gave off bursts of aroma, which made everyone salivate. After roasting for a while, Ning Chen felt that it was almost ready, and then he took a bite.

The oil directly flowed out from the sausage, and then it was a bouncy fragrance.

"Brother Chen, I want to eat too, give it to me!" Ning Rongrong said coquettishly.

Hearing this voice, Ning Chen immediately went numb, after all, his little Ning Chen succumbed to Ning Rongrong's silver prestige.

"Okay! I'm just baking some." Ning Chen couldn't stand his daughter-in-law acting like a baby.

"Oscar, some more sausages." Ning Chen looked at Oscar and said.

"Oh ⊙⊙! Alright." Oscar recovered from his bewilderment, and immediately started making big sausages.

"I want to eat too, I want to eat too, bake more." If one person is the first, there will be the second, and then they will swarm to contain it.

"Wait, there are all of them, take your time, Oscar quickly bring me some big sausages! Fatty Ma heats up a bit, and Dai Mubai is bringing some firewood." For some unknown reason, the barbecue meeting kept going Continue until noon until Oscar's soul power is exhausted.

It has to be said that Ning Chen's barbecue technique is definitely the highest peak in Douluo Continent.

After eating the grilled sausage, Flender was also quite happy. Not only did he see his old friend make a fool of himself today, but he also ate such a delicious barbecue.

So today Flender made an exception and gave them a vacation. After all, tomorrow they have to go to the Star Dou Forest to help Oscar hunt the soul beast.

Well, today Ning Chen invited his two wives to go shopping. Well, as for Pikachu, hehe, she was always left out in the cold before she transformed.

The three of them wandered around, um, they ended up in...the hotel, and then the three of them fought for [-] rounds.

Ning Chen didn't panic at all in one-on-two, and little Ning Chen was also high-spirited, so he didn't hesitate at all!

Then Ning Chen turned into a fighting maniac, um, it just made Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong want to cry. Ning Chen felt that he had to teach Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong a good lesson today.

After all, I can't always be afraid of my wife, can I?If he was always so cowardly, Ning Chensuo would probably own all the durians and washboards in the world.

Ning Chen secretly set a goal for himself, and today he must make his two daughters-in-law obedient.

In this way, Ning Chen fought with Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong for three hundred rounds.

The three of them slept peacefully!
Well, just like that, Ning Chen, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong returned to Shrek Academy. When they returned to Shrek Academy, Ning Chen finally realized that he forgot Pikachu in the restaurant.

Well, then Pikachu went back to Shrek while lighting Ning Chen.

PS: Book Friends Group: 943247876!I am pretty tired!I was stunned when I saw the data, this is too bad, hey!It’s hard, I just want to finish this book as soon as possible! The one I posted before was blocked, so I’ll edit it again.

(End of this chapter)

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