The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 50 Monster Snatcher!

Chapter 50 Monster Snatcher!

Hearing this voice, Ning Chen knew who was coming, wasn't it just a duo of monsters?But this time only one came.The other is her granddaughter.

"Who?" Zhao Wuji said.For Zao Wou-ki, these students are like his own sons and daughters.Now someone snatched his son's soul ring, of course Zhao Wuji had to protect his son.

Poor Oscar didn't know that he had an extra father out of nowhere.Oscar was thinking about whether to kill the cocksnake.

"Old man, Chaotianxiang." The old woman said.

"Oh, so it's Long Po! Brother Zhao Wuji, what an offense!"

"So it's Fudo Ming Wang, Zhao Wuji!"

"It's down."

"Brother Zhao, this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake originally belonged to us, but because we accidentally let this beast run away, I wonder if we can return it to us so that my granddaughter can absorb the third spirit ring? "

She obviously bit the four words of the third soul ring very hard, and she just deliberately let them know how awesome her granddaughter is.

"I'm afraid not!"

"What? Why?" Chao Tianxiang was visibly astonished when she heard Zhao Wou-ki's words.

"Because this cocksnake is also just right for my students."

"What? You mean, this kid has also reached level [-]?" The old woman pointed at Oscar while speaking.

Even Meng Yiran next to her was stunned, because she thought she was already very talented, and with the support of family resources, she already surpassed her peers by how much?

But she didn't expect that the boy in front of her, who was the same age as herself, would reach level [-] just like herself.

"Well, that's right, my student has also reached level [-], and he also needs a soul ring. So I'm afraid I can't give you this cockscomb snake." old woman.

At this time, Ning Chen jumped down from the tree and said: "Since both parties need this cockscomb snake, then let's decide between soul masters!"

"It's you!" But Meng Yiran looked at Ning Chen in surprise.

"So it's you!" Ning Chen said with a familiar face.

"You know me?" Meng Yiran said excitedly.And there is a little red rhyme on the face.

"I don't know." Ning Chen vetoed it.


"Then what did you say so it was you?" Meng Yiran said a little angrily.

"To cooperate with you!" Ning Chen said indifferently.


"Humph╯^╰, do you still remember me?" Meng Yiran said.

"Remember!" Ning Chen said.

"Who am I?" Meng still asked excitedly.

"The person who robbed me of Ziyun Mang." Ning Chen, the monster-robbing duo, is very familiar with it!Last time, my Ziyun Python was given to them.

"Cough! Cough! It's all right, Yiran, we'll talk about things later." The old woman glanced at her granddaughter and said to Zhao Wuji.

"Since the decision is made in the way of a soul master, then let your students and my granddaughter have a soul fight, and whoever wins the cockscomb snake will get it?"

"I'm afraid it won't work!" Ning Chen said again at this moment.
"Don't push yourself too hard, don't think that you can bully me, an old woman, if my old man is not around."

"It's not to bully you, but Oscar is a food-type soul master." Speaking of this, Ning Chen didn't want to say anything.

"What, food-type soul master, how old are you, kid?" The old woman immediately looked at Oscar and asked when she heard the food-type soul master.

"I am 14 years old." Oscar replied fluently.

"What? I'm only 14 years old, and I've already reached level 14 at the age of [-]." The old woman was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses and said.

"Since he can't perform soul fighting, how should you solve this matter?"

"Teacher Zhao let me come?" Tang San, who was impatient to pretend to be aggressive, came out and said.

"No, I want him to come." At this moment, Meng Yiran disagreed, pointing at Ning Chen and telling him to let him come.

"This, isn't it good?" Zhao Wuji said.

"What's wrong. It's okay, Brother Zhao, soul power doesn't mean anything?" Chao Tianxiang spoke at this time, she wished that the other party's strength was as weak as possible, so that her granddaughter could get the phoenix-tailed cockscomb The snake is gone.

"How should I say this? Ning Chen, you can explain it yourself!" Zhao Wuji looked at Ning Chen and said.

"Okay!" Ning Chen shrugged, then stomped his feet fiercely, three soul rings rose slowly, two purple and one black already showed that they must lose.

"It's better to be this kid." Chao Tianxiang was stunned when she saw Ning Chen's soul ring configuration, it's no wonder she didn't lose with such a soul ring configuration.

"Tang San, what do you think?" Zhao Wuji also asked Tang San in order to make a cutscene.

"I have no problem." Tang San was also full of confidence in order to pretend to be aggressive!

"Okay, let's start then!" Chao Tianxiang said.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, Tang San punched directly, Meng still used the snake stick to block the attack.Then hit with one palm.

Tang San did a backflip, dodged the attack, and then used the first Soul Soul Ji, Entangle.

"Little San is really too, I don't know, do you want to entangle first, and then parasitize? This kind of fighting, how is it like playing, you know how to pretend." Ning Chen complained while watching.

For some reason, a durian suddenly appeared in front of Ning Chen.

"Who! Do you know that it's wrong to litter casually!" When Ning Chen wanted to see who littered.What I saw were indeed two pairs of cold eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong said: "Kneel and watch."

Ning Chen: "Why!"

"No reason?"

Poor Ning Chen could only silently knelt on the durian, kowtowed melon seeds, drank Assam and watched Tang San pretending to be there.

That made Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong on the side very angry. After all, they just told Ning Chen to kneel and watch, but they couldn't eat or drink!

Fortunately, Ning Chen can enjoy life.

The battle was getting more and more intense. Anyway, Ning Chen was not excited at all, and then the battle came to an end.

Tang San and Meng Yiran confront Bo, there is a saying that is good, don't confront Bo with the Sun family in Dragon Ball, otherwise you won't know how Ning died.

Neither of these two people was surnamed Sun, so this wave also went up and down with each other.

Looking at the battle, Chao Tianxiang said: "Brother Zhao, let me count one, two, three and fight together."

"it is good."



The two shot together and broke them apart, and then, Chao Tianxiang took her granddaughter away.

"Little San, please reply first. Oscar quickly absorbs the spirit ring. Everyone, be vigilant." Zao Wou-ki said.

PS: Book friends group: 943247876! I’m in a bad mood, first of all because of bad grades, secondly because I lost a few games in a row in Glory of Kings, I fell from diamond to platinum, and then I’m jealous when I see the girl I like walking very close to others .

(End of this chapter)

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