The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 57 is updated first.

Chapter 57 is updated first.

Sure enough, the herbs in the Valley of the Wicked were extremely expensive, so I bought some herbs to treat external and internal injuries and gave Ning Chen a thousand gold soul coins, which made Ning Chen feel distressed.

Although Ning Chen has money, but after being poor for a long time, it is also distressing to see the money wasted like water!Well, after Ning Chen and Ye Ming wiped out the Lin family, Ning Chen looted the property of the Lin family.

Well, as expected of the Lin family?Or is it worthy of the Heaven Dou Empire?The Guanglin family, a small and inferior family, also has a lot of heritage.

It can be said that the money to expand Ning Chen's own influence is enough for the time being, but it will be difficult to say in the future.

Ning Chen walked along the dark street with Mo Ziyou, and Mo Ziyou was as happy as a five or six-year-old girl.

I don't know if it's because her father was saved, or is this just her temperament at her age?

Ning Chen had a hard time imagining what such a girl had gone through to save her father?Looking at Mo Ziyou's pretty face, Ning Chen was a little lost!
It was because of this slight distraction that Mo Ziyou turned his head so coincidentally that he happened to see Ning Chen's idiot fragrance.

When Mo Ziyou saw Ning Chen's idiot's fragrance, his face blushed like a red apple, and then he lowered his head with lightning speed.

Ning Chen also knew that what he did was wrong, but who made Mo Ziyou not only Ning Chen's favorite type, but also so beautiful?What's wrong?
It was during this embarrassment that Mo Ziyou walked away, not knowing if it was because she was too shy that she didn't see that there was a corner ahead.

When Mo Ziyou was about to hit the wall, Ning Chen grabbed Mo Ziyou's hand and pulled it towards Ning Chen, only to hear Mo Ziyou's exclamation, which almost didn't scare the old farmer uncle who was working happily at night up.

"Hush! Keep your voice down! If it wasn't for me, you would have already made intimate contact with the wall." Ning Chen covered Mo Ziyou's mouth and said.

"Uh! Uh!" Mo Ziyou nodded and said falteringly, but what came out of her mouth was only a murmuring sound.

Seeing Mo Ziyou who had stabilized in his arms, Ning Chen slowly let go.

Mo Ziyou blushed and said, "Thanks...thank you!" But after finishing speaking, Mo Ziyou quickly lowered her head.Well, like a little girl who made a mistake.It was so cute.

"Okay, don't stand there stupidly, can you save your father?"

"Well, help, let's go quickly!" When Mo Ziyou heard what Ning Chen said, Mo Ziyou immediately regained her spirits, after all, her father will recover soon.

Ning Chen and Mo Ziyou walked quickly to Mo Ziyou's residence.It's just worth mentioning that the two of them still held hands when they walked away.

Walking through the streets, Ning Chen was driven around by Mo Ziyou until Ning Chen saw a dilapidated street.There are dilapidated houses on the side, and some lying people are lying on the corner of the street. These people are all seriously injured lying on the corner of the street.

Some of these people were lying on the ground seriously injured, some had only one breath left, and some were already out of breath.Ning Chen knew that these people were all the ones who lost in the soul fight and were not killed. They were beaten like this, and they probably will die soon.

After all, they had no money, they couldn't buy expensive herbs, they couldn't beat others by robbing them, and they were still injured.

Ning Chen took a look at this street. It is probably in the southwest of the town. It is very remote here. It is estimated that all the people who lost the soul fight and those who were not killed came here, right?Well, I probably won't be able to come if I'm beaten to death.

"Where is your father?" Ning Chen asked with a glance at Mo Ziyou beside him.

"It's in the house not far ahead." Mo Ziyou let go of Ning Chen's hand, and pointed to a dilapidated wooden house in front of him.

"Well, let's go now."


When he came to the dilapidated wooden house, the corners of Ning Chen's mouth twitched. This damn house is a bit too rotten, right?

I saw that the beam roof of this wooden house was already potholed, and there were still a few tiles that could not fall off. Then, the wooden door in front was about to collapse, and the wooden boards beside it were also rotting.

"Um, housewife, don't mind me!" Mo Ziyou observed Ning Chen's expression, and said with embarrassment and blushing.

"It's okay, I don't recommend it." What a ghost!Is such a rotten wooden house inhabited by people? , but Ning Chen said the last sentence in his heart, because Ning Chen couldn't imagine how Mo Ziyou allowed his father to live for so long under such difficult conditions.

Mo Ziyou opened the dilapidated wooden door that was still creaking when it was opened.

The moment he opened the door, what Ning Chen saw was a middle-aged man lying on a bed, covered by a thin quilt.

Ning Chen cast a glance at him, um, a soul sage, probably got hurt so badly when he met someone who was several grades higher than him during the soul fight.

"Xiaoyou, are you back? Cough!" The middle-aged man who heard the door open slowly supported himself.

"Father, don't move around, your injuries are not healed." Mo Ziyou hurried up to support his father.

"Xiaoyou! It's all my father's fault, my father's fault! If it weren't for my useless father, you wouldn't, you wouldn't, woo, it's all my fault." While talking, Mo Ziyou's father actually started to cry .

"Father, it's fine, I'm willing to do anything for your daughter." Mo Ziyou also shed tears silently.

Ning Chen looked at the two people and said silently, "A pair of father and daughter who love each other deeply!"

"Ahem!" Ning Chen felt that it was time for him to appear on the stage. Although it was not good to disturb the time alone of father and daughter, Ning Chen did not forget what he was here for.

"Who is this?" Mo Ziyou's father saw Ning Chen outside the door looking at Mo Ziyou and asked.

"This is Ning Chen. I met him at the hotel. He was willing to help me, so I brought him here." Mo Ziyou explained slowly.

"Oh, so it's little brother Ning! Thank you, you are willing to save my useless father." Mo Ziyou's father looked at Ning Chen and said.

"Well, it's okay!" Ning Chen walked in front of Mo Ziyou's father, took out the healing elixir from the soul tool, and threw it directly into Mo Ziyou's father's mouth.

"This is Guyuan Pill, which is used for healing." Ning Chen explained.

Mo Ziyou and her father were slightly surprised when they heard Ning Chen's words, because Guyuan Dan is a high-healing elixir!One bottle is worth one thousand gold soul coins.Secretly applauding Ning Chen's generosity, the two didn't say anything.

"This is applied to the wound." Ning Chen directly threw them a topical medicine.

And the father and daughter of the Mo family quickly thanked them, because they really didn't know how long his injury would have dragged on if it wasn't for Ning Chen?
Ning Chen took a look at Mo Ziyou's father's injury just now. Although the injury is serious, he is a soul sage, and his physical fitness is definitely not low. He only needs to use some medicine and heal for a month.You are also the reason why Mo Ziyou's father can carry such a serious injury for so long, well, Mo Ziyou also hanged himself with some low-level medicine.

PS: I didn't say that I won't update it, this is what I took out of the time code, let's make do with it first!

(End of this chapter)

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