The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 60 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 60 Untitled Chapters

Ning Chen decided to use his second martial spirit "Indestructible Demon Body" Ning Chen has always used Pikachu, and he has never used "Indestructible Demon Body" at all. "Indestructible Demon Body" is used very rarely.

The reason why Ning Chen intends to use the "Indestructible Demon Body" this time is not only because he wants to improve his proficiency in the "Indestructible Demon Body", but also because there is no one he knows here.

You can use it with confidence.

Ning Chen put Pikachu on the ground and said to Pikapi: "Pikachu, I want to try another martial spirit this time, so you don't have to play this time, okay?"

Although Ning Chen's words sounded like he was asking Pikachu, his tone was full of unquestionable.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu nodded and said.

After appeasing Pikachu, Ning Chen went straight to the ring.

Ning Chen looked at the girl opposite. The girl was about [-] years old, a green dress swaying in the wind, indescribably free and easy.Well, it's just a little cold, that kind of high coldness.

Ning Chen walked up and bowed slightly and said, "Please enlighten me!" But when Ning Chen had just finished speaking, the girl moved, and she directly summoned her own martial soul, which was a sword.

The length of the sword is three inches and three inches, and it is very delicate. Unlike the domineering sword, this sword is very small.Gives a soft feeling.

After the girl summoned her martial spirit, she stabbed with a sword, which caught Ning Chen off guard.

After seeing the girl's stabbing sword, Ning Chen wanted to dodge at first, but it was too late, so Ning Chen had no choice but to turn sideways slightly, but although Ning Chen's speed was not slow, the girl's speed was faster.

Then Ning Chen's left shoulder was stabbed by her sword. Ning Chen reacted and punched him directly. After knocking the girl back, Ning Chen didn't dare to take it lightly.

Ning Chen's left shoulder was bleeding, but Ning Chen didn't care at all, Ning Chen just looked at the girl flatly.His eyes were so cold that he didn't even know it.

The girl also looked at Ning Chen, her eyes were also very flat, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with her.

Ning Chen and the girl looked at each other, neither of them made a move first.They are all waiting, waiting for the other party to show their flaws.

The next moment, Ning Chen moved.

I saw that Ning Chen quickly activated the immortal martial soul body, and the girl's sword was already close at hand after the immortal body was activated, and then Ning Chen quickly raised his knife to block.

The big knife and the sword collided together and made a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping sound.But the next moment Ning Chen's sword was picked up by the sword and flew away.

In desperation, Ning Chen used the second soul skill "A Lightning Flash!" The next moment Ning Chen picked up the big knife and looked at the girl.

Ning Chen was secretly surprised in his heart. Just now he clearly felt that the opponent's strength was not as good as his own, but Ning Chen's sword was still thrown away. Ning Chen felt that the moves the girl used were related to his martial arts in his previous life, such as using softness to overcome rigidity.

"Looking for death?" Ning Chen looked at the girl and said coldly.

I saw that the girl ignored Ning Chen at all, and just stabbed him with one move.

"The third soul skill, Ten Thousand Swords Chaozong." After the girl used her third soul skill, she saw several swords appearing in the sky, and the next moment all the swords stabbed at Ning Chen.

Because the range of this soul-calling skill is too large, even if Ning Chen uses the second soul skill "Electric Light Flash", it is useless, so Ning Chen has no choice but to raise his sword to block.

The sound of "ping pong pong" was endless, and fortunately Ning Chen's sword was big enough, so no sword could hit Ning Chen.

But Ning Chen's physical strength is also consumed a lot, um, Ning Chen didn't use his soul power when he swung the knife, it was because he wanted to see where the limit of his physical fitness was?

"The fourth soul skill, Sword Qi Slash." The girl used the fourth soul skill immediately after using the third soul skill.

Ning Chen was puzzled, this girl's soul power is really huge!
I saw a huge sword energy appearing in front of the girl. It was still a range-type soul skill, and there was no way to avoid it. Ning Chen didn't have a defense-type soul skill and had to fight it.

Fortunately, the defensive power of the indestructible demon body is good, otherwise Ning Chen might be cold directly.

After the girl used the third soul skill, Ning Chen directly used "A Flash of Lightning" to reach the girl's back and then slashed it down without any emotion.

The girl only felt a pain in her back, and then quickly rolled forward. Although Ning Chen's knife did not cause fatal damage to the girl, the girl was obviously injured seriously.

"This is called tit for tat." Ning Chen looked at the girl with a sinister smile.

"Fifth soul skill, sword soul!" A purple soul ring slowly rose from the girl's feet, and then a giant sword appeared behind the girl, but the girl didn't make a corresponding attack.

Although the girl didn't attack, it didn't mean that Ning Chen didn't attack. Ning Chen charged directly with a big knife in his hand.

The girl made a quick move and stabbed with a sword. Ning Chen immediately raised the knife to block, but was shocked and retreated.

"Her speed and strength have improved a lot, it should be her fifth soul skill. Damn it." Ning Chen Nannan said.

Before Ning Chen could react, the woman stabbed with her sword again, the speed was getting faster and faster.

Reluctantly, Ning Chen had no choice but to activate the second soul skill, which reached behind the girl in an instant. Ning Chen raised his knife and slashed. He thought that this knife would injure the girl just like before, but what Ning Chen never expected was that the girl just turned around slightly. It is to raise the sword to block.

Defeated in one blow, Ning Chen retreated quickly, because he knew that the current girl was no longer his opponent with the blessing of the fifth soul ability, unless he used his first and third soul skills.

Otherwise, the best way for Ning Chen is to consume her, and Ning Chen will launch an attack after the time of her fifth soul skill has passed.


Seeing the time passing by every minute and every second, the time for the girl's fifth soul skill has also come, and the giant sword behind the girl suddenly disappeared.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Ning Chen came to the girl with a "flash of lightning" and chopped it down with a single knife.

This knife directly cut through the girl's belly, blood flowed out, and a small intestine was exposed, showing the power of this knife.

When Ning Chen wasted the girl's time before, she also caused a lot of harm to the girl, so after being stabbed by Ning Chen, the girl fell to the ground directly.

Looking at the girl's beautiful cheeks, Ning Chen didn't kill her, not because he didn't want to, but because she had no grievances with him, why did he kill her?Just win the soul fight.

Ning Chen looked at the girl and said, "You'd better admit defeat!"

The girl looked at him without speaking, and the next moment, a sword pierced Ning Chen's head directly from the girl's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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