The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 66 Would you please make a card every day?

Chapter 66 Would you please make a card every day?
Ning Chen hit him with a [-] volt shot, and I don't know if it was because the girl called Yin Yu was too weak or because of some other reason, she was directly electrocuted to death by Ning Chen's [-] volt shot, um, yes, she was directly electrocuted to death. Electrocuted.

Should it be said that Ning Chen's one hundred thousand volts is awesome?Or should we say that the girl named Yin Yu is too weak?Anyway, Yu Yu had been electrocuted to death.

Lie Yang was furious when he saw his forehead...should have killed the Taoist companion. Yes, but who knew that it was only because of this negligence that Yin Yu died.

From the very beginning, Lie Yang was very careless, firstly because he saw Ning Chen's age, and secondly because of Ning Chen's level of soul power.

Yin Yu, who was killed because of his carelessness, Lie Yang attacked Ning Chen and Mo Ziyou like crazy.

Using soul skills time and time again, that powerful attack seemed to tear apart everything in this world.

"Die, die, I want you all to die, hahaha. Go to die!" Lie Yang said that he used his current strongest soul skill, the fifth soul skill, the Scarlet Claw.

I saw a pair of red claws growing out between Lie Yang's hands at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then grabbed Mo Ziyou with one claw.

Seeing Lie Yang attacking Mo Ziyou, Ning Chen quickly used lightning to come to Lie Yang's back, and then hit with a whip kick.

Although this whip kick came out, Lie Yang is also a level 54 soul king, and his defense is relatively strong.

Although this whip kick did not cause any damage to Lie Yang, it still made Lie Yang's figure pause and Mo Ziyou quickly dodged.

Seeing that Mo Ziyou dodged his attack, Lie Yang's face instantly turned ferocious, and then he looked at Ning Chen fiercely and said, "Boy, you are looking for death, go to death, the fourth soul skill, blood speed."

Lie Yang's body was suddenly covered by a blood-colored red light, and then the red light slowly faded away, and then Lie Yang let out a loud shout, and then quickly attacked Ning Chen.

Ning Chen just stood there stupidly, and then "Slah", Ning Chen's chest was scratched with three bloodstains by Lie Yang.

Ning Chen suddenly reacted, punched out, and then quickly backed away.

"Have you ever heard a word?" Ning Chen, who was looking at the crazy Lie Yang, asked jokingly.

"What?" Looking at Ning Chen's playful expression, Lie Yang asked cautiously even though he knew that Ning Chen was injured.

"That sentence is, the villain dies because of talking too much." When Ning Chen had just finished speaking, there was only a "bang", and Lie Yang had already turned into a pool of blood mist.

Poor Lie Yang still doesn't know how he died. Poor Lie Yang just heard the sentence "The villain dies because of talking too much" and then he died.

"Why is this so strong?" Mo Ziyou looked at Lie Yang who had turned into a blood mist in surprise, his mind suddenly froze as if it didn't belong to him, and he was standing there just now as a living person, but he said If it's gone, it's gone.

Of course, Mo Ziyou, who grew up in the Valley of the Evil, didn't feel any pressure when she saw Lie Yang turn into a pool of blood mist, she was just thinking about how Lie Yang died.

"Well, could it be that time?" Mo Ziyou suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly there was a black attack that Ning Chen sent to Lie Yang during the soul fight just started in his mind.

Looking at Ning Chen with a strange expression on his face, Mo Ziyou felt a slight chill down his spine, then instantly kicked away the thoughts in his mind, and then continued to look at the center of the ring with a serious face.

Ning Chen naturally saw Mo Ziyou's small movements, and smiled slightly. He didn't want to say anything more, after all, he didn't want to say anything because they didn't ask, because it was a waste of time.

Mo Changyuan under the ring saw the whole soul fight clearly. The whole soul fight didn't last more than 3 minutes, to be precise, it should be exactly 3 minutes.

"Well, it's interesting. I didn't expect this kid to be so strong, and that first soul skill is so strong. If I didn't defend myself, I would probably be injured." Mo Chang Yuan patted Pikachu while talking to himself. .

Well, Ning Chen said that Pikachu didn't need to fight, so he gave it to Mo Changyuan to take care of him, but what Ning Chen didn't expect was that Mo Changyuan, an old man, likes to play mice.

Didn't you see that Pikachu's face has been deformed by this old man?

"Pi~ka~pi~ka~qiu~" Pikachu unhappily emitted a wave of one hundred thousand volts because he was deformed by kneading himself, then looked at Mo Changyuan, who was like black charcoal, and walked away proudly.

When Mo Chang Yuan saw Pikachu go away, he immediately wiped off the black charcoal on his face, and then walked towards Pikachu smelling like a pig, with a lewd sound of "hehehe".

Then I heard Pikachu's indescribable voice, which made the young ladies in Soul Arena blush.

After Ning Chen and Mo Ziyou continued to form a team and played four double soul fights together, Ning Chen's points got another ten points, and then he raised his soul power by one level, reaching level 35 soul power.Mo Ziyou also raised to the fortieth level of soul power.

Well, the points added to the two-person soul fight in the Valley of the Evil is two points, which is one point more than one person, and it's the same, there are many more people in two-person soul fighting than one-on-one.

Mo Changyuan saw that his daughter had reached level [-], so he said goodbye to Ning Chen, saying that he was going to the west of the Valley of the Wicked to hunt for a suitable soul ring for Mo Ziyou, and that they would continue to form a team to increase their soul power tomorrow. .

Hearing what Mo Changyuan said, Ning Chen understands, co-authoring is to let yourself and your daughter form a team so that your own daughter can improve her soul power, right?
Although Ning Chen knew what Mo Changyuan was thinking, he didn't care. After all, he also needed to quickly increase his soul power. This two-person soul fight is twice as strong as one v one, so why not do it?
Ning Chen also asked about the fact that there are soul beasts in the Valley of the Wicked. It turns out that there are also soul beasts in the Valley of the Wicked just outside the town.But for some reason those spirit beasts couldn't come into the town.

After knowing these things, Ning Chen left the center of the town and returned to the hotel with Pikachu whose face had become a steamed bun.

After returning to the hotel, Ning Chen saw Tang Jia Tudou sitting there with a wretched face and waving at him. Ning Chen pretended not to see it and quickened his pace to leave here.

Seeing Ning Chen's face, I don't know this idiot-like expression, Tang Jiatuo knew that this kid wanted to slip away, so before Ning Chen could react, he grabbed Ning Chen's hand, pulled it to his position, and forcibly held him. Ning Chen let me go down.

Ning Chen knew that he couldn't escape, so he asked directly: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly, I still have something to do!"

PS: Authors who don't drive are not good authors, so you know hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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