The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 71 Was blasted by the hammer.

Chapter 71 Was blasted by the hammer.

Ning Chen saw a lump of black liquid shoot towards him quickly, and saw that black liquid exuded a foul smell and sizzling corrosive sound.

Before he had time to think, Ning Chen yelled: "Get out of the way, Pikachu." Then Ning Chen kicked Pikachu away, and then a lazy donkey rolled to the right.

Pikachu: "Pi~ka~chu~pi~ka~"

Royal translation: "Fuck, is it poisonous? Tell me to drive more and tell me to avoid it, why kick my ass?"

Ning Chen stood up quickly and looked at Liu Beep with a serious face. Ning Chen knew that with his current strength, not to mention defeating a Titled Douluo, even a Hard Steel Titled Douluo was not enough.

So Ning Chen is formulating tactics. If Ning Chen wants to win this soul fight, he must rely on fighting. Well, although the winning rate with this tactic is only [-]%.

But this is the only way to defeat the enemy in front of him. This tactic is better than not doing anything and directly using Wuhun to be tough.

Ning Chen looked at Liu Bi, and said to Pikachu: "Pikachu, use the evil wave ball." Pikachu saw Ning Chen talking to him again and thought that Ning Chen was going to kick him again?Run far away in a hurry.

After hearing Ning Chen's words clearly, Pikachu quickly used her third soul skill, Evil Wave Ball.

Seeing that Pikachu used the Evil Ball, Ning Chen also immediately used the Evil Ball. Well, that's right, Ning Chen's plan was carried out by relying on his third soul skill, the Evil Ball.

Ning Chen wanted to rely on Liu Bi to take his third soul skill lightly, but there was no other way, other than this method, how else could he defeat Title Douluo?

I didn't see that even if Ning Chen felt that his third soul ability was very powerful, he would have to use it twice before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing two black spherical objects, Liu Bi just raised his hands to block the two evil balls, and then the two evil balls immediately melted into Liu Bi's body.

That's all Liu Bee saw when he saw the attack, so he didn't care, after all, the arrogance of Title Douluo is so small.

Liu Bi looked at Ning Chen jokingly and said, "Are you like this? Just like this, it's hard for me to understand how you managed to win this far."

Obviously Liu Bi didn't know Ning Chen's fighting style, that is, he didn't understand Ning Chen's fighting style and Ning Chen's soul skills.

Well, obviously Ning Chen doesn't understand Liu Bi's soul skills, but he is confident, well, confident that he will never defeat Liu Bi.

"Heh, I want you to take care of it. I'm ready. Now I'm going to get serious." Ning Chen looked at Liu Bie and smiled coldly. Using the second soul skill, he immediately reached Liu Bie's back and cut it out.

Seeing Ning Chen make a move, Pikachu on the side also made a move immediately, and Pikachu hit with a hundred thousand volts.

When Liu Bee saw Ning Chen disappear, Liu Bee immediately sensed Ning Chen's position and turned around quickly, blocking Ning Chen's attack with both hands.

Ning Chen's blue broadsword collided with Liu Bi's black arms, making a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" sound.

At this very moment, when Ning Chen was confronting Liu Bee, a [-] volt blast from Pikachu directly hit Liu Bee. Liu Bee was confronting Ning Chen.

So Liu Bi directly used his body to bear Pikachu's [-] volts. You must know that Pikachu's [-] volts is a skill that can even hurt Title Douluo.

When the [-] volts hit Liu Bie, Liu Bie obviously suffered a slight injury. Because he was hit by the [-] volts, Liu Bie obviously had a flaw.

At this moment, Ning Chen seized Liu Bi's flaw, and directly raised the blue sword and slashed towards Liu Bi's abdomen.

But Liu Bi is a titled Douluo in the [-]s after all, and even though he has a strong body, he was injured by Pikachu's [-] volts.

But Ning Chen's knife didn't do as much damage as Pikachu's.

A slash hit Liu Bi's abdomen, only a shallow knife mark was cut, Liu Bi felt that Pikachu was about to attack again, and Liu Bi quickly kicked Ning Chen's lower abdomen, using the soles of his feet Reaction to a backflip and landing firmly.

"It's interesting! It seems that I have to be serious. The fifth soul skill, the Vajra Curse." I saw Liu Bi's body was flashed by a yellow light, and then I saw Liu Bi's body became more and more hard. Like the indestructible body of the diamond.

Seeing that Liu Bi's body was getting harder and harder, Ning Chen immediately used the second soul skill, using it with flashes of lightning, and instantly appeared in front of Liu Bi, and then slashed at Liu Bi's neck.

"Bang!", Ning Chen's arm went numb in an instant, and the blue sword instantly turned into gravel.

Liu Bi looked up at Ning Chen, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Seeing Liu Beep's expression, Ning Chen cursed secretly, "It's not good." Then he exerted a little force on his feet and wanted to step back immediately.

"Want to run? It's too late." Liu Bi punched out instantly, and the armor of the indestructible demon body was slightly weakened.

Ning Chen was blown away, and seeing Ning Chen flying out, Liu Bi ran to Ning Chen in an instant, grabbed Ning Chen's feet with one hand, and threw them into the sky with the other.

Then Liu Bee jumped up quickly, and Ning Chen was thrown half a meter into the air by Liu Bee, and then Liu Bee punched Ning Chen in the chest.

Taking a closer look, Liu Bee just hit the spot where Ning Chen was sent flying by Liu Bee's punch.

After being punched by Liu Bi to the original wound, Ning Chen spat out a mouthful of old blood, and the blood spattered everywhere.

But it's not over yet, I saw that Liu Bi was descending rapidly again, and the speed of the decline was a little faster than that of Ning Chen.

When he came to the ground, Ning Chen was still descending. When he saw Ning Chen was about to fall to the ground, Liu Bi punched out again, and Ning Chen flew high again.Another mouthful of old blood spit out.

I don't know how long after that, Ning Chen was finally punched by Liu Beep and knocked down to the ground, only to hear "Bang!" Wide and five meters deep pit.

Seeing that Ning Chen was finally beaten down, Pikachu quickly ran to Ning Chen's place, looked at Ning Chen worriedly, and then looked at Liu Beep cautiously, making a fighting posture, ready to strike at any time.

Just now Pikachu also wanted to help Ning Chen, but Liu Bi's attack speed was too fast, although Pikachu could clearly see Liu Bi's attack speed.But his attack speed couldn't keep up with Liu Bi's speed at all.

"Fucking ruthless, I don't know who can tell me what happened just now?" The people in the arena saw this thrilling battle and started to eat melons.

"I am a dignified Contra, but I can barely see his falling speed, I can't even see his attack speed clearly, strong, it is too strong."

"Fuck, the King of Kings won't hang up, right?"

"Under such a heavy attack, what else can I do if I don't hang up?"

"Damn it, I'm trembling watching this soul fight."

"Brother upstairs, don't talk about it, you are shivering? You obviously peed on me, okay?"

"Brother upstairs, don't talk about others, please, go home and change your pants? It's so delicious, what did you eat for lunch?"


"Is it about to start?" Tang Jia Tudou ignored everyone's comments, but looked at Ning Chen in the pit solemnly, although he couldn't see anything except layers of dirt.But it didn't affect Tang Jia Tudou's pretense at all.

Tang Jia Tudou looked at his disciple Liu Bi with a satisfied expression on his face, um, yes, Liu Bi is Tang Jia Tudou's disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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