The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 76 Father and Daughter!

Chapter 76 Father and Daughter!

Tang Jia Tudou suddenly took out a crimson soul ring from nowhere.

"Awesome, digging things out of space!" Ning Chen said when he saw Tang Jia Tudou suddenly took out the soul ring from nowhere.

"Don't talk too much, this is a 10-year soul ring. Be careful when you absorb it yourself, don't explode and die. This is too embarrassing for us traversers." Tang Jiatu He handed the soul ring to Ning Chen and said.

Hearing what Tang Jiatu said, Ning Chen knew that Tang Jiatu was caring about him, and glanced at Tang Jiatu, Ning Chen felt that Tang Jiatu was weird now.

He was about to absorb a 10-year soul ring, and Ning Chen didn't think too much about it. He just said, "Got it, don't look at who I am? Even if you die, I won't die."

"I hope you can absorb these 10-year spirit rings safely!" With a sigh, Tang Jiatuo's eyes became firm.

"Why do you feel like you don't trust me so much?" Ning Chen looked at Tang Jia Tudou with disdain, obviously Ning Chen was very concerned about Tang Jia Tudou's distrust.

"Pikachu~" Pikachu looked at Ning Chen and called out.

"Damn it, you don't even believe me, Pikachu? How can you be like this, everyone thinks I'm not good enough?" Ning Chen looked angrily at the person and mouse in front of him.

Then I saw the person and the mouse nodded at the same time, expressing their affirmation.

"I..." Suddenly Ning Chen spat out a mouthful of old blood due to the excessive energy and blood in his body.

"Hey, why did you vomit blood? Haven't started absorbing the 10-year soul ring yet? Why did you vomit blood? Could it be that you... have kidney deficiency?" Tang Jiatuo continued to tease when he saw Ning Chen's appearance.

"Get out, you're not good, your whole family is not good, you have kidney deficiency, your whole family has kidney deficiency." Ning Chen who had just said this sentence suddenly felt bad.Because he seemed to have said something terrible just now.

"Hahaha, you want to laugh me to death~ You even admit that you have kidney deficiency, so young people should know how to control themselves, and don't let the girl next door come into your room all the time." Tang Jiatuo laughed.

"Pi~ka~pi~qiu~" Pikachu, like Tanga Tudou, was lying there covering his stomach and laughing wildly.

Ning Chen suddenly felt that the whole world has abandoned him, um, no, the whole world has not accepted him too much, where is the abandonment?
"Ignore you, hey." Ning Chen felt that the more he defended, the more chaotic he became, so he just stopped talking.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's start absorbing the soul ring quickly!" Tang Jia Tudou laughed for a while, and then told Ning Chen to quickly absorb the soul ring.

"Well, I see." After finishing speaking, Ning Chen went to bed and began to absorb the spirit ring.

"Well, remember to give up if you really can't absorb it. I have a way to keep you from getting hurt, understand?" Tang Jia said in the color of potatoes after Ning Chen sat down.

"Well, thank you...thank you." Although he hadn't reached that point yet, Ning Chen could clearly feel the other party's relationship with him.

"Thank you? Boy, I haven't helped you yet! Besides, maybe you can absorb a 10-year soul ring intact? Believe in yourself." Tang Jiatuo looked at Ning Chen seriously, and then said This kind of nicer words came.

"Yeah." Ning Chen nodded, then began to sit cross-legged, took out the red 10-year soul ring, and Ning Chen quickly absorbed it.

I saw the crimson soul ring slowly floating under the traction of Ning Chen's soul power.

At this moment, Tang Jia Tudou had unknowingly surrounded this place with soul power. Although there was someone as powerful as himself here, Tang Jia Tudou still added an enchantment condensed with soul power.

Pikachu on the side is also sitting there with his eyes closed and breathing.


"Daddy, do you think Ning Chen has already obtained the soul ring and is absorbing it?"

"After all, he has already reached the Soul Sect." Mo Ziyou looked at his father and asked without blinking.

"Well, if calculated by time, he should already be absorbing the spirit ring by now."

"However, Ning Chen is not a level [-] soul sect." Mo Changyuan said looking at his daughter.

I don't know if it's because Mo Ziyou has suffered a lot because of Mo Chang Yuan's injury these years, or if it's for other reasons.Anyway, Mo Changyuan now loves Mo Ziyou, his own daughter more and more.

Although she loved this daughter very much before, Mo Ziyou clearly felt that her father's love for her now was far more than before.

"Ah? It's not the [-]th-level soul sect, how could it be? He obviously only has three soul rings? And what is his current soul power?" Mo Ziyou played it well and asked when he encountered a question that he didn't understand. good spirits.

"Well, he does only have three soul rings, but his true soul power is indeed a level 59 soul king. He is three levels higher than you." Mo Chang Yuan drank his tea and said slowly.

"How come? Didn't he not absorb the soul ring? How could he be a level 59 soul king?" Mo Ziyou asked with a look of disbelief.

"Well, maybe it's because of the Valley of the Wicked?"

"Let's not talk about this now, Ziyou! I'm asking you something, and you have to answer me seriously." Mo Changyuan looked at Mo Ziyou with a serious face.

Seeing his father's expression, Mo Ziyou also knew that this matter was not a joke, so he nodded seriously.

After seeing his daughter nodding, Mo Chang Yuan also started to ask: "Let me ask you, have you fallen in love with Ning Chen?"

When she heard her father asking herself this question, Mo Ziyou also lowered her head and said with a blushing face, "Yes, I like it."

"Sure enough, I knew you liked him." Seeing his daughter like this, Mo Changyuan also had a headache, because he could tell that Ning Chen didn't like his daughter at all, after all, his daughter...

"What's wrong? Father." Seeing his father like this, Mo Ziyou asked with concern.

"Well, haven't you ever thought that Ning Chen doesn't like you at all?" Mo Changyuan took a deep breath, and then said flatly.After all, it was his daughter, and Mo Changyuan still didn't want to make his daughter too sad, so he simply let his daughter have a long-term pain rather than a short-term pain, and let her know that she and Ning Chen had nothing to do with each other.

"I know, I'm already dirty after all." After hearing what his father said, Mo Ziyou's eyes turned red.

In fact, Mo Ziyou knows better than anyone that Ning Chen doesn't like her at all, but she still likes him, although it's just deceiving herself, but the word love is too difficult.

"Hey! You can do whatever you want! But father, I can support you." Seeing his daughter like this, Mo Chang Yuan was also very uncomfortable.

"Thank you, father." Mo Ziyou hugged her father as she said that.

In this silent room, only a father and daughter embrace each other, and their emotions have risen to a higher level at this moment.

PS: Well, someone asked about my rank, well, I’m sorry, because it’s too low, so I won’t say it.

(End of this chapter)

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