The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 84 Three Women, One Drama!Ning Chen's sad reminder!

Chapter 84 Three Women in One Drama!Ning Chen's sad reminder! (three more!)
"I want you to take care of it, hum." Fatty Ma ignored Jiang Yihan and turned his head away.

"What's the matter, Zhuqing, Rongrong, why are you crying?" Ning Chen said that he was really inexperienced in coaxing girls.

"Big villain, you left us alone and went out without telling us, you big villain." While talking, Ning Rongrong raised her small fist to punch Ning Chen's chest. your chest.

"Uh, I was afraid that you wouldn't let me go! That's why I didn't tell you." Ning Chen scratched his head and said.

"Okay, Rongrong, don't make trouble. Ning Chen didn't take us because he was afraid that something would happen to us, so don't blame Ning Chen, okay?" At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing who was next to him wiped away his tears and comforted Ning Rongrong.

Ning Chen thought to himself: Zhuqing, you know my difficulties!
"Let's talk, should I kneel on the washboard for a month? Or kneel on the durian for a month?" Zhu Zhuqing said with a smile.

Sure enough, you can't provoke a woman, otherwise, the woman's revenge is very terrible.

"Uh, actually, I think we can sit down and have a good talk." Ning Chen wiped the cold sweat beside him and said carefully.

"Hey, what are you doing? Gathering there will disturb other students' studies. Can I ask you to go out and talk about something?" At this time, a boy in the seat next to him stood up and spoke.

The reason why this boy stood up and told Ning Chen and the others to go out was because he also liked Zhu Zhuqing. There was no way, this woman was too attractive, with long straight legs and a plump figure, let alone her tall of the two peaks.

So Zhu Zhuqing was very popular in the college, and many boys went to strike up a conversation before, but they were all rejected by Zhu Zhuqing indifferently.

"Oh, this classmate, we are standing here chatting, do you have an opinion?" Dai Mobai looked at the boy just now with a playful expression.

"Of course, you guys will disturb everyone if you gather here to chat, so I invite you out." Although the boy was a little scared when he saw Dai Mobai's gaze, he said bravely.

"Did we interrupt your study?" Dai Mobai and the Shrek Nine Monsters looked at everyone in the classroom together.

As for the Shrek Nine Monsters!Of course, Ning Chen and Jiang Yihan were added.

"No." Facing the gaze of the Shrek Nine Monsters, the students in the classroom were a little scared. Of course, what made them more afraid was Tang San's gaze. You must know that Tang San defeated a soul king.

As for the soul king, of course it was Tai Long's father.

Since that battle, Tang San has become famous in one battle!Knowing that Tang San defeated a soul king with a soul sect in the thirties, who would dare to provoke him in Shrek Academy?
"Look, they don't suggest it." Dai Mobai looked at the boy just now with disdain.Dai Mobai is the most dismissive of teammates who think they are standing on the moral high ground.

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, that boy turned around and left directly. For him, being ashamed in front of his goddess was really more uncomfortable than killing him.

There are rumors that since the boy left, he has never returned to this class. It seems that he has changed classes, but for Ning Chen and the others, it is none of our business?

"I think it's better for us to go out and talk, after all, it's not good to catch up on the past here." Tang San said suddenly.

Ning Chen thanked Tang San in his heart, after all, this situation is obviously not good for him!Whether it was a washboard kneeling for a month or a durian for a month, Ning Chen felt that his leg would definitely be disabled.

"Well, why don't we go to Chunxiang Tower! Just to celebrate Ning Chen's return." Fatty Ma suggested.

"Yes." Everyone agreed, and they didn't linger after speaking, and went directly to Chunxiang Building.

As for class, they chose to ask for a day off.

When we came to Chunxiang Tower, we chose a booth, and then there was the performance of Fatty Ma and Oscar. After a while, many delicacies appeared on the table.

Then Dai Mubai chose some drinks, although he is still a student, they are proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling!

During the meal, Ning Chen also told them all the experiences he had told Tang San about himself before.

They also said that they must go to the Valley of the Wicked if they have time.

"Hey, who is this beauty? Ning Chen, you didn't introduce it just now." The sharp-eyed Dai Mubai asked Ning Chen directly when he saw Yuru, a beautiful girl.

"I'm Ning Chen's wife." Without waiting for Ning Chen to say anything, Yuru said directly.

"What?" Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, who heard Yuru's words, patted the table and shouted.

"Um, you two calm down first, okay?" Oscar next to him smoothed things over.

"Shut up." Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Chen said directly to Oscar.

Seeing these two people like this, Oakes hurriedly picked up his bowl tremblingly and walked to the side to eat.

Seeing this situation, Fatty Ma also reacted quickly, and ran to squat in the corner with Oscar with a plate of food in hand.

"It's not what you imagined." Ning Chen said.

"Shut up too, go away and stay, and I'll deal with you later." Ning Chen was different from Oscar and the others. Oscar was bullied by two women, and he was bullied by three women. Well, Yuru also Participated in.

Ning Chen simply squatted on the side of the aisle with his job bowl in hand.

The rest of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Jiang Yihan looked at each other, and saw the "Let's go together!" look in their eyes.

Then they also squatted down with their own bowls, leaving it to the three women.

"No, brother, you are so awesome. You have another daughter-in-law when you go out. We are still single, but you and Xiaosan have girlfriends. Hey, can you teach us how to get out of singles?"

Hearing what Dai Mubai said, Fatty Ma and Oscar hurriedly said, "Master, apprentice please pay respects."

"Get out, what can I teach you? It's not my fault for having nowhere to put my charm." Hearing what they said, Ning Chen said angrily.

"That Ning Chen, why don't you teach us." Jiang Yihan beside him said with a blushing face.

There is no way, he is also thinking of spring, after all, which boy does not cherish spring, um, something is wrong, forget it is almost the same.

"Hey! If I have time, I can give you my Yushi Chunqiu, right? Don't pester me." Ning Chen had no choice but to ask Little Buge.

Four people: "Thank you, master."

Now let's take a look at Zhu Zhuqing's situation.

Now they are yelling.

Zhu Zhuqing: "A vixen knows how to seduce men."

Yuru: "You are the vixen, you are."

Ning Rongrong: "Hmph, brother Ning Chen is mine, don't try to snatch it from me."

Yuru: "Hehe, that's not necessarily true, I've already been with him..."

Zhu Zhuqing: "Shameless."

Ning Rongrong: "So what, we've already had sex with Brother Ning Chen, and it's earlier than you, so you're the one who came later, do you know?"


These three women became louder and more violent, with a faint tendency to destroy the world. Of course, none of the three of them did anything, they just moved their mouths.But one mouth can't resist two mouths, so Yuru was beaten and retreated steadily.

Watching the battle of the three, Ning Chen and the others leaned against the corner and shivered... eating.

 I wrote another novel called "Male Gods in a Feminist World". Originally, my first book was about feminism, but for some reason I didn't write it down. I decided to write another novel about women's rights, if you are interested, you can take a look.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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