Chapter 98 Thousand Daoliu!
The soul power of the students of the Unbeaten Academy is higher than that of the Shrek Academy, so it is natural for the Unbeaten Academy to win this match, but Ning Chen doesn't want to win. If he wins, he doesn't know what will happen next. Will there be any changes in the plot? In order to kill Tang San, Ning Chen thinks that Tang San should lose Xiao Wu first.

Although they have been together for some time, those feelings are just passing by and not deep.

Looking at Shrek Academy, which has already been beaten and retreated, Ning Chen raised a hand and said to the referee: "We admit defeat!" Although it is very meaningless to do so, Ning Chen still wants to see Haotian Douluo Will it come.

"I am so special, I am admitting defeat? Isn't this about to win? Why did you admit defeat?"

"That's right, that's right, why did you admit defeat?"

The audience in the audience was very puzzled by the surrender of the Invincible Academy. To them, it was a foolish behavior to admit defeat even though they were about to win.

Even everyone in Shrek Academy was very confused.

"After this match, we have nothing to do with each other. Goodbye!" After speaking, Ning Chen left the top of the ring with his side.

The members of the Demon Sect also didn't understand Ning Chen's actions, but they didn't ask any more questions?After all, they are just Ning Chen's subordinates.

Regarding Shrek Academy winning the championship, although many people are not convinced, but many people agree, after all, they are also capable, the seven colleges have met them, and all of them have won.

Couldn't this explain the strength of Shrek Academy?
"Master, I don't understand why we had to admit defeat. In that situation, we could have won the game." Ye Ming asked very puzzled.

"Don't ask so many questions, go back and prepare, we will start to act soon." Ning Chen didn't say much, but ordered silently.

"By the way, go back and tell Mr. Mo, write to Evilman Valley, he knows exactly what to do."

"Okay, I'll go back now." Ye Ming was a little excited, because after so long, the Devil's Cult was finally going to make a move.

Before, Tang Jiatuo told Ning Chen that if he needed help, he could find him. Although he couldn't help Ning Chen, he said that people in the Valley of the Wicked could!
The meaning is very simple, that is, all the villains in the Valley of the Wicked can help Ning Chen.


Soon it will be time for Shrek Academy to receive rewards, and Unbeaten Academy will also receive those rewards.

Ning Chen stood aside and quietly looked at the dignified and elegant young woman on the stage, Bibi Dong, Her Majesty of the Wuhun Palace.

"Is it finally coming?" Ning Chen murmured softly, Honglian and Yuru stood beside him.

Yuru knew what was going to happen later, so she looked at the crowd above with sensitivity.

Above the crowd were the suzerains and elders of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

When Ning Fengzhi saw that Ning Chen was not standing by the Shrek Academy, he was a little puzzled, but because of his status, it was not easy to ask him kindly.

Soon, everyone in Shrek went up to receive the rewards, Bibi Dong didn't do anything when she presented gifts to others, but when it came to Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong frowned slightly, and didn't make any outrageous actions for the time being.

Seeing Bibi Dong frown slightly, Xiao Wu was a little flustered, but after a while, finding that she didn't make any movements, she was also slightly relieved.

Bibi Dong turned and left, sat on the seat, and said softly: "Do it!"

As soon as he blurted out, Yueguan who was next to him made a move, and immediately came in front of Xiao Wu, and captured Xiao Wu.

Everyone in Shrek Academy next to him was also slightly taken aback. Flender, the master and others walked up together, looking solemnly at Chrysanthemum Douluo in front of him, and his martial soul was also fully revealed.

When Yu Xiaogang came out, Bibi Dong's eyes were slightly moved, but the flash was fleeting. Although she still loved him, she couldn't give her all.

"I don't know, what is Wuhundian doing?" Yu Xiaogang stared at Bibi Dong coldly, and said coldly.

"Why not! Kill the spirit beast and absorb the spirit ring!" Bibi Dong replied forcefully.

"Oh, it's ridiculous, killing soul beasts, why did the Wuhun Temple arrest my students?" Flender sneered.

"Sure enough, the weak are the weak, and this little girl is a soul beast that has been reincarnated and rebuilt after 10 years, and she doesn't even know it." Ju Douluo sneered coldly.

"What? Xiao Wu is a 10-year soul beast!" Hearing Ju Douluo's words, Tang San was a little confused. As a student of the master, Tang San naturally knew that a 10-year soul beast could be reincarnated and rebuilt.

But what he doesn't know is that his cute little one is.

Everyone in Shrek Academy was also very surprised. Ning Chen knew it after reading the original book, but he didn't say much?Watching the show quietly is the kingly way.

When they heard that Xiao Wu was the reincarnation of a 10-year soul beast and rebuilt, the soul masters below were not calm.

The expressions of the other big sects didn't change a bit after hearing this, because they already knew about it.

"I don't care if Xiao Wu is a 10-year spirit beast or not, I only know that she is my sister. Let my sister go quickly." Tang San's martial spirit appeared, and he resisted the appearance of another martial spirit , Tang San looked at Ju Douluo indifferently.

"Yes, regardless of whether Xiao Wu is a 10-year spirit beast or not, we only know that she is our partner." Dai Mubai roared angrily, and then the spirit also appeared.

"Yes, we don't allow you to bully our partners." Oscar also roared, preparing a big sausage.


Looking at the crowd on the field, Ning Chen just looked like he was watching a show.I don't want to go up and help at all.

Tang San is his enemy, helping him is impossible.

"Heh, you crazy boy, if I don't teach you a lesson, you probably don't know how powerful Title Douluo is?" Swipe, Chrysanthemum Douluo threw Xiao Wu to the side of Ghost Douluo.

Then he came in front of Tang San in an instant, and punched Tang San out. Flender originally wanted to help Tang San, but Ju Douluo was too fast.

"Third brother!" Seeing Tang San injured, Xiao Wu called out sadly.

Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu, and with a puff, a mouthful of old blood spit out, and Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer was also taken out by him.

"This is, the Clear Sky Hammer, he belongs to the Clear Sky School." Ju Douluo was a little surprised, of course there were also people from other sects who were surprised, but the three from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School already knew about it, so they didn't say much. surprise.

"Grab him!" Suddenly a voice came, the voice was like Hong Zhong.

It was an old man with fluttering white clothes and fluttering white beard.

Seeing the person coming, Bibi Dong was a little startled, the person who came was none other than Qian Daoliu.

 Efforts are being completed!

(End of this chapter)

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