Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 1013 South-to-North Water Diversion

Chapter 1013 South-to-North Water Diversion
Jin Sheng turned around, found a table, wiped off the dust on it, and put his medicine box on it.

"I only have two hours. If you really don't want to live anymore, then I will suggest that you set fire to this ancestral hall."

"Uncle?" Tang Huanxi shook his head slightly at Jin Sheng.

It's just that she didn't expect that when Jin Sheng's voice fell, those people had already lined up obediently.

"Doctor, are you... aren't you afraid of being infected by us?" A white-haired woman took a step forward, looked at Jin Sheng, and asked with a complicated expression.

"What's the use of being afraid? I'm a doctor. Do I have to choose and choose when facing patients?" Jin Sheng frowned and said in a deep voice, "Old man, stretch out your hand."

"Open your mouth."

"Okay, here is the prescription." Jin Sheng quickly prepared a prescription and handed it to the officers and soldiers behind him.

In less than two hours, all thirty patients were diagnosed and treated.

It's just that they found that their prescriptions were still somewhat different from those of others.

"You have bad breath, so you added mint."

"You are born with a cold body, so you added some mild Chinese herbs."

"And you, you were wounded by an arrow in the early years, and the wound was on your chest, right?"

"As for you, you are a deficient disease brought about by your mother's womb. Although the medicinal materials are a bit more expensive, this time the government will give you money to treat your illnesses, so let's cure them together!"

After listening to Jin Sheng's explanation, the villagers stood there in a daze.

In the end, they all knelt down on the ground by coincidence, thanking the miracle doctor over and over again.

"It's not a genius doctor. Although I'm a doctor, I'm not a good doctor with compassion. The reason why I'm willing to help you is because of my niece's face." Jin Sheng finished speaking with a smile, and then left.

"The niece of the genius doctor? Who is that?"

"The niece of Divine Doctor Jin is the empress of the dynasty!"

"Queen? The person who spoke softly just now is the queen?"

"That's right!"

The crowd exploded in an instant.

These villagers infected with the plague originally thought that they would definitely end up in a terrible end.

But in the end, they were all saved.

Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi breathed a sigh of relief as the epidemic situation in Lihua Village was effectively brought under control.

"Fortunately, uncle is here." Tang Huanxi looked at Jin Sheng who was standing in the distance without saying a word, and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

At that time, Jin Sheng was standing on the hillside outside Lihua Village, looking at the scenery in the distance.

The emotions in my heart are a bit complicated.

Just now when he was taking the old woman's pulse, he found that the old woman's earlier palpitations had also been effectively relieved.

That healing method is like Qian Lian's handwriting.

So Qianlian must have been to Lihua Village.

"Uncle, you look a little sad?" Tang Huanxi walked to his side, looked at his expression carefully, and finally asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Jin Sheng turned towards her and shook his head slightly.

"After so many years, I still can't find Qianlian."

Since the last time he had a quick meeting with Qian Lian, there was no news of her.

Over the years, he has traveled around in order to find Qian Lian and explain what happened back then.

But every time, he came one step late.

"If you are determined to find someone, you will always find it." Tang Huanxi looked at him and said with a smile, "I believe that hard work is not as good as someone with a heart."

"hope so!"

"It's you, why didn't you stay in the palace well, and instead came to this spring city?"

"Uncle, I have found Nanxiang Princess."

"Really? Where is she?"

"She has passed away."

Tang Huanxi sighed with some regret, "I never thought that she would become the Queen Mother of Xiliang."

"You went to Xiliang?"

"Well, I'm going." Tang Huanxi nodded, explained concisely, and finally looked at Jin Sheng and smiled slightly, "At first I thought the truth was very important, but later on, I found that the truth is not that important at all. Sometimes the truth really doesn't make sense."

"But no matter what, you have untied your knot." Jin Sheng raised his hand and gently rubbed her head, "From now on, you can be your Empress Dayong with peace of mind. !"

"Xiao Baorui said that if he stayed in the capital and stayed in that square city, he would not be able to understand the sufferings of the people. So I want to accompany him to build this beautiful Dayong and protect the mountains and rivers of Dayong water."

"As an emperor, the biggest goal is to make the river clean and the people happy." Jin Sheng praised softly, "I believe that you and Xiao Baorui can do all of this well."

"Yeah." Tang Huanxi responded softly, her eyes shining with determination.

The epidemic in Lihua Village was properly handled by the government, and Zhao Zhuo's reputation in Spring City has been improved to a higher level.

But Zhao Zhuo himself is still very busy every day.

There are many hidden dangers left behind by the breach of the dam of the Chunjiang River.

Most of the people in Chuncheng live on the water in the Chunjiang River.

Now that the river water is temporarily unusable, it is necessary to transfer water from other places.

Tang Huanxi helped Xiao Baorui look at the map on the table and frowned slightly.

"From the perspective of the topographic map, the most time-saving water transfer route is to transfer water from Xuzhou, pass through Chuzhou and Zhengzhou, bypass this mountain range, and completely solve the water problem of the people in Spring City."

"Yes," Tang Huanxi also nodded, expressing agreement, "It's just that Xuzhou is located in the south, and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is simple to say, but if it is actually implemented, it may not be easy. And it needs field investigations to understand come up with an effective solution.”

"It seems that we will be busy in the next period of time." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and looked at Tang Huanxi with a bit of guilt, "Lady, maybe we won't be able to return to Kyoto before the Mid-Autumn Festival. "

"Since you have a plan in mind, let's do it!" Tang Huanxi smiled playfully, "And the South-to-North Water Diversion project sounds great! Xiao Baorui, if you can do this well, you will be able to go down in history."

"I only hope that this huge project can really help the people."

"Most definitely."

During the next period of time, Xiao Baorui took Zhao Zhuo to investigate around, planning to plan the most reasonable route.

And Tang Huanxi was not idle either, she wrote a letter to the two Pingan Fu'an sisters in Yunshui County.

She visited Lihua Village a few days ago, although the plague has been fully controlled.

But Lihua Village is still a relatively poor and backward village.

But the only favorable condition is that the reason why Pear Blossom Village is called Pear Blossom Village is because the whole village is surrounded by Pear Blossoms.

So she planned to build a garment factory in Lihua Village, and the main concept she introduced was Lihua.

(End of this chapter)

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