Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 1016 Lian, I miss you very much

Chapter 1016 Qianlian, I miss you very much

"Xiao Baorui, are you really not angry at all?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and asked with a smile.

"Am I that narrow-minded?" Xiao Baorui quickly hugged her into his arms and asked with a smile.

Leaning in his arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat.

Tang Huanxi felt very happy and satisfied.

"By the way, do you know where uncle has gone?" Xiao Baorui asked anxiously as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Uncle is still in the Garrison Mansion!"

"I met a goddess doctor in Chuzhou. She looks a bit like the senior Qianlian that my uncle has been looking for."


"It's just that the woman is involved in a lawsuit now, so I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

"That being the case, let's go with uncle." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and soon came to a decision, "It's not too late, let's tell uncle about it earlier."


After hearing Xiao Baorui's description, Jin Sheng soon confirmed that the person was the Qianlian he was looking for so hard.

"Qian Lian hates heartbreakers so much, those men all betrayed their former lovers! With Qian Lian's temperament, it is very likely that she did it to torture those heartbreakers."

"Senior Qianlian injured six men one after another, three of them were civilians, two were merchants, and one was the wife-in-law of Qian Shenglin, the prefect of Chuzhou. That's why Senior Qianlian was imprisoned on charges of abusing lynching. into prison."

"I'm going to rescue her! We must not let Qian Lian continue to be imprisoned." Jin Sheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "Leave now!"

"Uncle, calm down first." Tang Huanxi quickly persuaded, "Uncle, I know you are eager to save people, but this matter still needs to be carefully considered. After all, it is a fact that Senior Qianlian hurt someone. My Yong Dynasty It is a fact that senior Qianlian violated the law in governing the country."

"But I can't leave her alone!"

"I understand how you feel, so I plan to go to Chuzhou with you." Tang Huanxi quickly poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Jin Sheng, "Uncle, you might as well think about it seriously, even if you go After leaving Chuzhou, senior Qianlian may not necessarily be willing to see you."

Hearing these words, Jin Sheng sighed in disappointment.

"Yeah, you're right, she won't want to see me."

The misunderstanding between them has not been explained clearly.

"Uncle, the top priority now is that we need to help Senior Qianlian avoid this prison disaster as soon as possible. It's just a fact that she triggered the law, so she will definitely suffer some hardships when the time comes."

"With her temperament, she is not afraid of physical pain at all. I am only worried that she will refuse to plead guilty, and then the crime will be aggravated."

"Because the prefect of Chuzhou hasn't dealt with the case, why don't we rush there overnight?" Xiao Baorui suggested softly, "Going earlier can solve the problem earlier."


Jin Sheng nodded, thought for a moment, then looked at Tang Huanxi, and said earnestly, "You are not in good health, you should not be overworked. It is getting late now, you should stay in the garrison and have a good rest. Xiao Baorui and I will go ahead and wait Tomorrow, how about you take the carriage to Chuzhou again?"

"But uncle, I..."

"My lady, just listen to uncle's arrangement!" Xiao Baorui gently held her hand and smiled gently at her.

Meeting Xiao Baorui's caring eyes, Tang Huanxi could only nod obediently.

Fortunately, Chuzhou is not far from Spring City. If you take a carriage, it only takes one and a half hours.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Huanxi ordered Hong Fu to prepare the carriage.

At that time, Chuzhou Mansion.

Xiao Baorui did not disclose his identity, but disguised himself to meet Xu Shenglin as Zhao Zhuo's assistant.

"To be honest with Mr. Xu, Qianlian, the killer who committed a series of murders a few days ago, is an old friend of Mr. Zhao." Xiao Baorui looked at Xu Shenglin and said with a smile, "I wonder if Mr. Xu can do something about it." It's convenient, let's meet this old friend?"

Xu Shenglin hesitated for a while, and finally frowned and said, "If it is an ordinary prisoner, there is no problem. But Master Xiao, this female killer, has too vicious thoughts. I think you, Master Zhao, should not get involved with her." .”

"This person really committed a heinous murder?"

"Exactly." Xu Shenglin nodded, with a strange gleam in his eyes.

Xiao Baorui was silent for a moment, and finally took out a token from his pocket and handed it to him, "Master Xu, to be honest, this female killer may also be involved with the higher authorities."

Seeing Xiao Baorui pointing to the sky, Xu Shenglin instantly understood.

"The background of this person is so great?"


Xu Shenglin pondered for a moment, and finally took him to the prison of the county government himself.

"This prisoner's criminal methods are too cruel. The family members of the victim jointly filed a petition, demanding that he be executed no matter what. Now that I have submitted the paperwork, I believe that it will not be long before I receive a reply from the Holy Majesty." .”

There was no light in the entire cell, and there was still a rotten smell in the air.

Jin Sheng walked in hastily, and when he reached his destination, his feet seemed to be fixed.

At that time, Qian Lian was leaning against the corner, closing her eyes and meditating.

A faint light hit her body.

The prison clothes she wore were covered with dark red marks.

"Master Xu, have you tortured her already?" Xiao Baorui frowned, looking at Xu Shenglin with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Well, there were all the witnesses and material evidence at the time, but she still refused to plead guilty, and even made insulting remarks to me in class, so she was whipped."

"Abusive lynching is always wrong."

"Yes yes yes!" Xu Shenglin nodded hurriedly, but there was no trace of regret in his eyes.

"I want to talk to her alone." Jin Sheng looked at Xiao Baorui with pleading eyes.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with that?" Xu Shenglin said with a frown.

"Master Xu, can you take a step to speak?" Xiao Baorui looked at him with a firm light that could not be refused.

Xu Shenglin thought for a while, then nodded.

After the jailer opened the lock, Jin Sheng slowly walked in front of her.

Sensing the familiar breath suddenly, Qianlian suddenly opened her eyes.

When she saw the person in front of her clearly, a flash of surprise flashed across her eyes, but it disappeared soon after.

"What are you doing here?" Qian Lian lowered her eyes, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, "Are you trying to see my joke?"

"I've been looking for you all these years." Jin Sheng sighed deeply, seeing that her face was thinner than he remembered, his eyes filled with distress, "Qianlian, I miss you very much .”

(End of this chapter)

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