Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 1048 That's Right!

Chapter 1048 That's Right!

"You look like a dog in your clothes, why do you speak so badly?" An angry Xia Shao pointed at Xiao Yijin's nose and cursed loudly.

"Say it again?" Xiao Yijin narrowed her eyes, and her eyes became colder and colder!

"Say it ten times again, you are a dog! You bastard!"

The more Xia Shao thought about it, the more angry she stepped on Xiao Yijin's foot angrily, then turned and left!

Xiao Yijin who was suddenly attacked was completely dumbfounded!
Witnessing the whole process of Xiao Wuyou, the smile is like leaning forward and backward!

"Hahaha, Brother Emperor, I never thought you would have today!"

"Still laughing?" Xiao Yijin poked her forehead angrily, and said in a low voice, "Let's go and see mother."

"What happened next?" The more Tang Huanxi listened to it, the more she felt that there was something going on, and anxiously grabbed Xiao Wuyou's arm, "What happened later?"

"I don't know what happened later." Xiao Wuyou shook her head obediently, and smiled sweetly, "Mother, I think it would be great if sister Xia Shao could be my sister-in-law! You don't know, sister Xia Shao can be my sister-in-law." Well, not only is she a good female celebrity, she is also good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting!"

"so smart?"

"Of course, and sister Xia Shao's appearance is bright and charming, even more beautiful than peony flowers!"

Listening to Xiao Wuyou boasting about the girl Xia Shao whom she had never met, Tang Huanxi touched her chin thoughtfully.

After Xiao Wuyou went back to her bedroom, Tang Huanxi immediately turned to look at Nanny Gui, and asked with a smile, "Have you ever heard of Miss Xia Shao?"

"Your Majesty, you should remember the Xia family in Yunshui County, right?"

"Xia Family?"


"You're talking about the cloth shop?" Tang Huanxi recalled it seriously, then smiled instantly, "I remember, sister Xia and I still have a little friendship."

"Xia Shao is the jewel in the palm of Xia Hou, the current head of the Xia family." Nanny Gui said with a smile, "Xia Jiagui is an imperial businessman who provides all the fabrics the royal family needs. In addition, Xia Hou is very good at business. Now it is spread all over the country. Dayong’s Datong Bank was founded by Xia Hou.”

"What about Xia Shao? How's his character?"

"Xia Hou has only one daughter, Xia Shao, under her knees, so she loves her in every way. As the princess said, this girl Xia Shao has been taught by a famous teacher since she was a child, so she is indeed proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and dancing. At the flower viewing banquet for Mrs. Duke, Miss Xia Shao wrote Immortal Li Bai's general drink with one hand, and drew a picture of the rising sun with the other hand!"

"That is to say, sister Xu knows this Miss Xia Shao?"


Tang Huanxi thought about it thoughtfully, and finally said with a smile, "Nurse, go to the storeroom and choose some suitable gifts. I'm going out of the palace tomorrow morning to find Sister Jiudi."

"Okay! The old slave will do it immediately!"

Later, after hearing Tang Huanxi's plan, Xiao Baorui frowned worriedly.

"What's the matter? Don't you agree?"

"My lady, even if that Xia Shao is very kind, she is the daughter of a merchant after all. It may not be easy to add her to the list of beautiful girls." Xiao Baorui, who was lying on the bed, silently held her tightly. hand, said softly.

"There is nothing difficult in the world if you put your heart into it!" Tang Huanxi had a confident smile on her face, "Besides, Yijin finally fell in love with a girl. How could I not seize this opportunity?"

"Okay! Since the lady has confidence, I will support you!"

"That's right!" Tang Huanxi smiled and snapped her fingers, then leaned over her head and kissed him hard on the cheek!
"Lady, is there another side?" Xiao Baorui said with a smile, pointing to the other side of the cheek that was not kissed.

"It's already midnight, why don't you go to bed earlier?"

"Then rest, good night, lady!"

"Good night, I love you!"

Two people share the same bed and embrace each other sweetly.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Huanxi took Wuyou and Yiming to do a set of Tai Chi in the yard, feeling refreshed a lot.

"Mother, are you going to Aunt Jiudi's house today?" Xiao Yiming, who was already five years old, ran up to Tang Huanxi excitedly, hugged her calf and began to act like a baby, "Can you take me with you?"

"You don't have to go to school today?"

"I miss Sister Yue'er!"

"Oh?" Tang Huanxi immediately raised her brows, with a little smile in her eyes, "Yiming, do you want to see Yue'er?"

"Yeah, Sister Yue'er is so cute! I want to play with her!"

"Success, mother will take you there!"

"Wow, mother is the best!"

Xiao Yiming, whose wish was fulfilled, began to dance and dance, and his joy was beyond words.

Tang Huanxi changed into light clothes, took Xiao Yiming, and went out secretly.

An hour later, the carriage stopped outside the gate of Duke Dingguo's mansion.

Xu Jiudi, who was basking in the sun with her daughter in the yard, was extremely happy when she heard that Tang Huanxi had come.

"Caihuan, hurry up and tell the kitchen to make a pot of good Biluochun, and serve some more pastries!"

"Slaves will do it immediately!"

"Sister Jiudi, seeing each other every day is like three autumns!" Tang Huan smiled happily and walked in front of Xu Jiudi, her eyes fell on her protruding abdomen, which became softer.

"If that jealous Xiao Baorui heard what you said, wouldn't it be sour?" Xu Jiudi gave her an angry look, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be stopped no matter what.

"Why did you remember me so well? Did Xiao Baorui make you angry?"

"Can't you just expect me to be okay?"

"He guarded you for three years, and finally woke you up. With Xiao Baorui's temperament, he can't cling to you well, how could he be willing to let you out of the palace?"

"Sister Jiudi, you are making fun of me again!" Tang Huanxi smiled shyly.

"I'm telling the truth, and you know it well!" Xu Jiudi smiled and said softly, "The Biluochun, which I just got last year, is cheap for you."

"I know Sister Jiudi is the best!" Tang Huanxi smiled and patted Rainbow Fart, then picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup and took a sip.

The aroma of tea is overflowing.

Really good tea!

"Aren't you worrying about drafting for Yijin these days? Why are you still free to come to my place?"

"Actually, I came today to ask my sister about someone."


"Xia Shao."

Xu Jiudi, who heard this name, quickly flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes, "What do you want to know about Miss Xia?"

"I heard that this girl is one of the best ladies in a hundred. If such a good girl becomes my daughter-in-law, that would be great!" Tang Huanxi confessed her intention of coming.

"Then your wish may come to nothing."


"Because of Miss Xia Shao, I got engaged earlier." Xu Jiudi looked at her somewhat disappointed expression, and explained softly, "Miss Xia Shao and General Qin's son, Qin An, had a marriage contract a long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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