Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 1065 Cooperation

Chapter 1065 Cooperation
Xiao Yijin and Xia Shao have been married for more than two years, and there is no good news so far.

Although Tang Huanxi has been comforting Xia Shao, but in fact she is also anxious to hug her grandson!
"Didn't the imperial doctor see His Majesty and the Empress every month? This old slave thought that their bodies were fine." Nanny Gui smiled and comforted her, "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry anymore, the matter of having a baby , but also resigned."

"I understand the truth, but I still can't help being a little anxious!" Tang Huanxi said with a helpless smile, "I don't know where these two little ones went crazy. Go back to the palace."

At that time, the Royal Racecourse was located outside the city of Kyoto.

Today's Xia Shao's polo playing skills can be described as proficient.

After playing two rounds of polo, Xia Shao felt that the depression in his heart had dissipated a lot.

Xiao Yijin smiled modestly at her.

"It's vented, are you feeling at ease?"

"No!" Xia Shao, who was still angry, glared at him angrily, "There is not a single truth in your mouth."

"Forgive me for disagreeing with this sentence." Xiao Yijin looked at her with a gentle smile and said, "At least everything I said to you is true."

"Then you still hang out with that fellow like smoke to anger me?"

"I didn't hang out with Ruyan, and I didn't have any relationship with her." Xiao Yijin looked at her and swore to the sky, "I swear, if there is even half a lie, I will be struck by lightning and die a terrible death!"

"Shut up!" Xia Shao anxiously covered his mouth, "Aren't you afraid that God will strike you to death with lightning?"

"I didn't lie, how could I be struck by lightning?" Xiao Yijin smiled and grabbed her shoulders, and tightly wrapped her in his arms, "Stop thinking about it, okay?"

"En." Leaning in his arms, Xia Shao nodded obediently.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Xiao Yijin suddenly kissed her on the cheek.

Xia Shao blushed instantly in embarrassment.

Seeing her shy appearance, Xiao Yijin was suddenly distracted, and hugged her calmly and forcefully.

Near the Royal Racecourse, there is an exquisite royal courtyard.

After some cloud and rain, Xia Shao leaned into Xiao Yijin's arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, she curled her lips in satisfaction.



"I heard that Xia Baihe is pregnant again." Xia Shao's tone was full of disappointment, "I have been married to you for more than two years, and there is still no good news. I..."

"Do you like children very much?" Xiao Yijin interrupted her with a smile and asked softly.

"Well, I like it very much."

Xiao Yijin immediately lowered her head and glanced at her, her affectionate gaze was full of tender pampering.

"Trust me, we're going to have a baby soon."


"Of course." Xiao Yijin said with firm eyes, "But you have to cooperate with me."

"How to cooperate?" Xia Shao blinked, a little confused.

"For example——" Xiao Yijin suddenly grabbed her hands, and breathed heavily into her ears...

Xia Shao understood instantly, and nodded meekly and obediently.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yijin took Xia Shao back to the palace.

Tai Chi Temple.

Xia Shao lowered her head and looked at her toes, not daring to look up at Tang Huanxi.

"Aren't you angry with your husband?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and joked with a smile, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"Mother, you're making fun of me again." Xia Shao simply let herself go, ran to Tang Huanxi's side, grabbed her arm and began to act like a baby.

"You, you, how old are you, and you still play scenes like running away from the palace?" Tang Huanxi patted her hand lovingly, "How many times have I told you that Yijin only has you in his heart?" In his eyes, the woman next to him is invisible at all, but you are so unconfident in yourself, this time you planted a trap carefully designed by Xia Baihe!"

"Mother," Xia Shao suddenly felt a little sore in her heart, "Lian'er has been by my side since she was a child. I thought she was always trustworthy, but I didn't expect her to betray me long ago! Actually, the reason why I wanted this time Leaving the palace, I just want to relax. Yijin treats me like a treasure, and I know it in my heart. But I feel so stupid, I have been betrayed by my confidants for so many years, and I don't even know it."

"You don't have to worry about it too much. People have to learn to grow." Tang Huanxi looked at her face and said earnestly, "Growth comes at a price. Although Lian'er has served you for many years, once this woman treats a man If you move your heart, it will be like a different person. You should also be thankful that Lian Er has taught you a truth, people are unpredictable."

Listening to Tang Huanxi's teaching, Xia Shao nodded thoughtfully.

"Besides, don't always think about the fact that you are not pregnant. Sometimes too much pressure is not good for your health." Tang Huanxi patted her hand and gently persuaded her, "Shao'er, you are already a queen. Now, in addition to enjoying the honor that belongs to the queen, you also have to shoulder your own responsibilities, and you should also learn to take care of the general affairs of the sixth house."

"My wife knows." Xia Shao nodded obediently.

"By the way, your father heard about your embarrassment and leaving the palace, and he has already been to the Tai Chi Hall before."

"Ah?" Xia Shao instantly showed a bitter face, "Mother, please help me, I dare not see my father..."

"Don't worry, I've already explained it to him, and he also promised me that he won't talk about you anymore."



At that time, it was Fengluan Palace.

Xia Hou sat on the lower chair and took another sip of tea.

The anxiety in his heart was getting deeper and deeper, and he frowned a little irritably.

"Father..." Xia Shao walked in front of him with his head drooping.

"You are still willing to go back to the palace!" Xia Hou looked at her, and sneered angrily, "You are promising, as a queen, you want to leave the palace and leave the palace? Xia Shao, when you were not married, I was Did that teach you how to solve problems?"

"Father, I know I'm wrong!" Xia Shao quickly grabbed the hem of his clothes, and acted softly, "Didn't I lose my head with anger? Besides, this matter is over..."

"You, you, when will you grow up!" Xia Hou poked her forehead angrily, and sighed earnestly, "Shao'er, Your Majesty loves you, and the Queen Mother loves you very much. But you can't Taking their love so recklessly, you are the queen, do you know that your every move will be watched by those old stubborn people at Yushitai? If the queen mother hadn't protected you these few times and found you If you used an excuse to go to the Great Buddha Temple to burn incense and pray for blessings, then the memorial to impeach you on the Yushitai must have piled up into a hill long ago!"

(End of this chapter)

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