Chapter 1076

"Princess, in fact, I shouldn't interfere in the affairs of Wuxian's room..." Wei Wushi said softly with a little smile on his face.

"If mother-in-law really thinks that she shouldn't interfere, she wouldn't say these things in front of me, right?" Wuyou looked at her and smiled, but the smile was full of warning, "I and Wuyou Brother Xian just got married, it is the time of the newlyweds, it seems inappropriate for you to intervene between us at this time."

"Princess, please don't get me wrong!" Wei Wushi heard the dissatisfaction in Xiao Wuyou's tone, and quickly explained, "Those two housemates are both law-abiding, so don't worry, princess, they will definitely not Make another mistake in front of you."

"Your kindness, I appreciate it." Wuyou interrupted her coldly, "Early before I promised brother Wuxian that he would marry him, he had already promised me that he would never marry me in this life except me. Touch another woman."

"Then if you are a princess, you can't have children at all?" Wei Wushi didn't expect Princess Wuyou, who has always been known for her gentle temper and easy-going words, to have such a hard temper. She stepped forward anxiously, and asked in a deep voice, " What if you can't do anything for the Wei family in your life? Even if you are a princess, then you shouldn't be so selfish!"

"Why do you question my inability to have children?" Wuyou squinted her eyes and asked coldly.

"Does the princess insist that I speak out?"

"Would you like to talk about it?" Wuyou smiled slightly, his eyes full of smiles.

Just seeing her cold smile, Wei Wu shrank his neck a little guilty.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Furong hurried into the room, pointed at Wuyou's nose, and scolded her for being shameless and shameless!
"Do you know what kind of crime it is to insult the royal family?"

"I'm not afraid!" Wei Furong poked her neck and said angrily, "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup you poured into brother Wuxian. He wanted to marry you, a woman who doesn't lay eggs, even though there are so many well-qualified ladies from aristocratic families. Hen! Xiao Wuyou, so what if you are a princess? This behavior of defrauding a marriage is really shameless!"

"Come here, give me a slap!"

"you dare?"

"Why do you think I dare not?" Xiao Wuyou smiled sweetly, and walked to Wei Furong's side step by step.

Wei Wushi subconsciously protected Wei Furong behind her, pointed at Xiao Wuyou's nose, and reprimanded him coldly, "Furong is right, you are indeed suspected of defrauding the marriage! When Wuxian comes back, I will make him divorce you!"

"I won't divorce my wife!" At this moment, Wei Wuxian walked into the hall with his head held high, and gently grasped Xiao Wuyou's hand, his eyes were full of guilt, "I'm sorry, I made you Wronged."

When Xiao Wuyou, who didn't feel wronged at first, heard this sentence, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Wei Wuxian held her hand tightly in his own, and then looked at Wei Wushi with serious and firm eyes, "Wuyou and I will move to the Princess Mansion immediately, and the matters between our husband and wife will be resolved in the future. , you still don't want to interfere."

"Wuxian, I'm your mother!" Wei Wu was trembling with anger, "I'm also doing it for your own good, do you know that Princess Wuyou...she can't bear children at all?"

"So what?" Wei Wuxian smiled nonchalantly, "Don't you know my temper? Now I can still say hello to you with a smile because I know you are my mother."

"Brother Wuxian, how can you talk to the aunt like this?"

"Innocently insulting the royal princess, according to the law, your tongue will be cut off." Wei Wuxian glanced at her coldly, his eyes full of warning, "Wuyou just sent someone to slap you a few times, already It’s the most benevolent.”

"Brother Wuxian, are you going to hit me?"

"I'm the one who wants to beat you." Xiao Wuyou smiled slightly, and winked at Bai Ying who was behind her.

The latter immediately stepped forward and slapped Wei Furong twice.

Wei Furong, who was blushing from the beating, cried loudly and ran out in a hurry.

"Let's go." Wei Wuxian looked at Xiao Wuyou who was stunned, and smiled gently, "Let's go to the villain first and sue first."


Fushou Garden.

After hearing Wei Wuxian's explanation of the ins and outs of the matter, Shu's face turned livid.

Wu's is a bastard who is more than successful than failure!

It was her idea to put people next to Wei Wuxian, and she had known for a long time that this grandson had big ideas.

Now that Wei Wuxian has married the princess again, after leaving the Wei Mansion, he will be even more out of his control.

So Shu thought and thought, and finally came up with the trick of stuffing the Tongfang girl next to Wei Wuxian.

But he didn't want Mrs. Wu to mess up the whole thing.

"It is indeed Fu Rong's fault. She shouldn't hurt people." Shu thought for a while, then said thoughtfully, "How does the princess want to deal with this matter?"

Just when Xiao Wuyou was about to answer, Shu smiled again, "Everything is going well with this family, and the princess has just married into our Wei family, if it's not three days before she broke up with her sister-in-law, Not good either."

"So grandma means that big things are turned into small things?" Xiao Wuyou pointedly pointed out her implication, "Since I have married Brother Wuxian, I naturally hope that everything will be well for the Wei family. I don't need to pursue this matter, but if Wei Furong still dares to speak rudely, don't blame me for being rude? After all, I am Princess Wuyou first and then Brother Wuxian's wife. Grandma, do you think that makes sense? "

Provoking the dignity of the royal family, and even insulting the royal princess.

According to the laws of the Dayong Dynasty, he should be punished severely.

Shu Shi suddenly felt her heart was blocked and felt a little uncomfortable.

Just when she was about to say a few more words, Wei Furong ran in crying.

"Grandmother, you must make the decision for your granddaughter! Xiao Wuyou bullies others, she is extremely shameless!" Wei Furong didn't realize how weird the atmosphere was at this time, but kept pointing at Xiao Wuyou's nose, Scold!

Bai Ying took a step forward without hesitation, and slapped her face twice again!

Wei Furong's face was swollen from the beating, and there was even a trace of blood dripping from the corner of her lips.

She stared at Xiao Wuyou with wide eyes, full of shock.

"Xiao Wuyou, how dare you be so rampant? How dare you hit me in front of grandma?"

"Presumptuous! The servant girl was originally a first-grade female official who served the queen mother. This time the princess got married, the queen mother ordered the servant girl to take good care of the princess! The servant girl originally thought that your Shu family is a scholarly family that has gone through a hundred years, but the servant girl never expected that, A concubine girl is so shameless, offending the princess repeatedly, and even slandering the princess for no reason, you Wei family members are so brave, dare to insult the princess like this? Do you still have the dignity of the royal family in your eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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