Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 230 Death is not a pity

Chapter 230 Death is not a pity
Hearing Gu Caixia's shrill scream, Tang Huanxi frowned and fell into deep thought.

About a quarter of an hour later, the yamen servant dragged Gu Caixia, who had fainted from the pain, down.

"My lord, can we leave?" Xiao Baorui turned and asked Song Zhuo softly.

"Well, you can take the Xiao Tang family back together." Song Zhuo said seriously, then walked in front of Tang Huanxi, lowered his voice and said with a smile, "Little fairy and sister-in-law, you are really amazing, sir It is really admirable!"

But with just a few words, Gu Caixia showed her original shape, which is really amazing!
"Um...Master Song Liao praised it!" Tang Huanxi said with a smile, shaking his head quickly.

After spending the whole morning in court, Tang Huanxi returned to the shop feeling extremely exhausted.

She didn't expect Gu Caixia to be so cruel and merciless, and she also didn't expect Wu Cuilan to instigate Gu Caixia to kill Aunt Gu in order to embarrass her.

Aunt Gu's death was actually related to her.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

This is how Tang Huanxi feels in her heart now, so her mood is also dull and flustered.

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her, his eyes were full of guilt and self-blame, "Miss, are you surprised today?"

He was suddenly taken to court by the government servants, and then slandered and murdered by Gu Caixia.

The lady is probably frightened, especially now that the lady's face is extremely ugly.

"I'm fine," Tang Huanxi forced a smile and shook his head towards him, "Xiao Baorui, I was just wondering if we indirectly caused Mrs. Gu's death?"

"Miss, don't think about it." Xiao Baorui interrupted her thoughts with a strong attitude, and said with deep eyes, "Ms. Gu has pampered Gu Caixia all these years, and it is not unusual for her to do such a thing now. Even without us, She will also do this kind of thing that kills her mother for glory!"

For 20 taels of silver, she was instigated by Wu Cuilan to kill Aunt Gu!

This kind of person is not worth dying for!

"Miss, you can rest for a while, I'll go to the kitchen to cook." Xiao Baorui gently rubbed her hair, and said warmly.


Gradually, Tang Huanxi felt that her upper and lower eyelids began to fight...


Your little cute refrigerator is online!

"What are you doing here?"

"Master, cutie is here to enlighten you, Aunt Gu's death has nothing to do with you, you see..."

Soon, Tang Huanxi felt that there was a fog in front of him.

Suddenly there was a noisy voice in my ear, a familiar shout from a familiar booth.

At that time, a gray figure limped into view, and Tang Huanxi's eyes widened in surprise.

Aunt Gu?
Aunt Gu is still alive?

"Master, if you didn't show up, the scene in front of you will happen two years later," the cute voice sounded in my mind again, "Master, you might as well watch it carefully."

Aunt Gu is still cooking wontons. Judging from the clothes she wears on the way, this season should be cold winter.

But what about Mrs. Gu?Wearing only a gray robe, the whole person looked yellow, emaciated and weak.

After finally closing the stall, just as she locked the money box, a bright red figure suddenly appeared!
Gu Caixia!
Gu Caixia, who was wearing a bright thick jacket, snatched all the copper coins in the money box, and kicked Aunt Gu to the ground before leaving...

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Tang Huanxi wouldn't have believed her eyes.

There are still people in this world who are so kind and revengeful?
"Master, do you see clearly? Without you, these are the futures of Aunt Gu and Gu Caixia." Xiaocuti said in a low tone, "So the master doesn't have to blame himself for Aunt Gu's death, instead of having time Instead of being sad, think about how to earn more money in the remaining time."

 Little cuties touch your pockets, remember to take out the recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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