Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 254 is not the place you should come

Chapter 254 is not the place you should come
"If the master wants to know the news, he needs to consume 66 blessing points." Xiaocuti said carefully while holding her head, "Master, are you sure you want to exchange it?"

Tang Huanxi nodded without hesitation.

In an instant, many memories filled her mind.

"The banquet is scheduled for noon. Seeing that it's still early, why don't we all go to the backyard?" Qiu Wu stood up and faced everyone with a generous smile on his face, "My second master came from Kyoto two days ago. I sent two pots of clivia, they are the best in appearance, why don't you all go and have a look?"

"Okay!" Xia Xu, who loves orchids the most, immediately nodded in agreement, "Our county has all kinds of flowers, but this orchid is so rare!"

"Today, under the grace of the old lady, we can see this beautiful Clivia, why don't everyone go and have a look?"

"it is good!"

A group of noble ladies bowed to the old lady Shi Shiran to salute, and then went down to the backyard led by Mrs. Qiu Wu.

When Shen Yanqiu was about to take Tang Huanxi's hand, she avoided it lightly.


"Sister, go first, I'll come later!" Tang Huanxi gave her a reassuring smile.

In a blink of an eye, only the old lady Qiu, the nurse beside her, and Tang Huanxi who was sitting at the bottom were left in the huge hall.

"Given the rift between you and Mrs. Qiu Wu, I'm afraid you won't receive an invitation letter for the birthday banquet." The old lady Qiu took a sip of her tea and sighed in a low voice, "Why are you here today? "

"Old lady, you knew something strange about my mother's death back then, right?" Tang Huanxi said straight to the point, "Of course I have conflicts with Mrs. Qiu Wu, but I didn't come here today to spoil your birthday banquet. , I just want an answer."

"How did my mother die?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it's important!" Tang Huanxi frowned instantly, and her tone became a little more angry, "The person who died was my mother! My mother has been in poor health since she was a child, but it's a coincidence that she was sick!"

Back then, He Dongxue married Tang Shizhu with a big belly and gave birth to Tang Huanxi not long after.

But it didn't take long for He Dongxue to die of illness.

If she died normally, why would the Qiu family arrange Tang Shizhu to have her cremated in a hurry?

Even decent rituals were never prepared for her.

If there was nothing tricky about it, she wouldn't believe it if Tang Huanxi was killed!

"Your mother really died of illness. No matter how much you doubt your mother's death, this is the truth." Mrs. Qiu slowly raised her eyelids and glanced at her, "Girl, let the past pass! Now You also got back the dowry that belonged to your mother, and I heard that the business of your cloth shop is also good. That being the case, let's live the future life well!

The Qiu family is not the place for you. "

"Do you know what kind of person Qiu Wu is? Is Qiu Pingfeng really your own grandson? Don't you have any curiosity at all?" Tang Huanxi really didn't expect the old lady Qiu to have such an attitude. Very shocked.

"These questions are not for you to ask." The old lady Qiu stood up slowly, "Girl, for your mother's sake, the old lady will give you a piece of advice, you can live your stable life well, don't It’s not worth it to think about the past.”

Tang Huanxi trembled a little until the figure of Mrs. Qiu completely disappeared in front of her eyes!
Her mother died so wrongly!

Although the real original owner has passed away, since she has already occupied this body, if she can't do something for the original owner, she will really have trouble sleeping and eating!

It was noon, and the birthday banquet officially began.

Tang Huanxi followed Shen Yanqiu all the time, and took a seat beside her.

"Huanxi? Why does your face look so ugly?"

 Ask for votes, Wu Cuilan will be led by a dog in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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