Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 314 I Like Self-Motivated Men

Chapter 314 I Like Self-Motivated Men
"My sister is the most powerful and smartest woman in the world." Xiao Musheng followed Fu'an's words and said in a very serious tone.


Tang Huanxi was a little embarrassed by the compliment, and a strange rosiness appeared on her face.

"Mu Sheng, you are so cute."

"Hey, my sister is the cutest in the world, and I am the second!"


Mu Sheng's childish words made everyone laugh.

"What are you all laughing at? Why are you smiling so happily?" Xiao Baorui also came back at that time, holding two wild pheasants in his hand, "Lady, didn't you say you want to eat ground pot chicken? How about we Do you want to make it tonight?"

"Okay, okay!" Tang Huanxi, who is a foodie, immediately nodded when thinking of this delicious dish, "Xiao Baorui, you go to the kitchen to boil water first, I'll be right there!"


"Wow, it's delicious again!"

Xiao Musheng clapped her hands excitedly, and couldn't help drooling at the thought of the ground pot chicken!

The dishes made by my sister must be exquisite!
They have a good time again!
"Mu Sheng, I entrust you with a glorious and arduous task. You and Fu An go to the county government office and invite sister Yanqiu to dinner for me. Just tell her that I have prepared a lot of delicious dishes and tell her to come quickly! "Tang Huanxi already had an idea in her heart.

She has already made up her mind to open a beauty shop with Yang Yanqiu, but they have to negotiate about the operation of the shop and other related matters first.

"Peace, sister-in-law, please clean up the masks on the table. I'm going to the kitchen first!" Tang Huanxi hurried to the kitchen with her skirt in her hands.

Sister Yanqiu, like her, is a typical foodie.

So she asked Xiao Baorui to go hunting early this morning, and she wanted to make ground pot chicken.

"Miss, I met Uncle Er Niu at the market just now when I came back." When the water boiled, Xiao Baorui squatted in the outer corner of the kitchen and started plucking chicken feathers, then suddenly remembered what Uncle Er Niu said, and looked up. Xiang Tang Huanxi said with a smile, "Uncle Er Niu said that he has made five chains during this period, and asked when you will sign the contract with him."

"Uncle Er Niu has completely dispelled his worries, are you willing to cooperate with us to develop shared bicycles?" This news was a surprise to Tang Huanxi, "I thought he would have to think about it for a while, after all, this is a business. Well, high income and high risk!"

"Didn't the lady have already drafted the contract before? How about we go to Uncle Erniu tomorrow to get this matter settled?" Xiao Baorui thought for a while and said with a smile, "When the contract is signed, I should also do it." Keep riding the frame of the bike."

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, walked behind the man, hugged the man's neck from behind, raised the corners of her lips and said with a smile, "If you didn't remind me , I almost forgot about the bike sharing thing. Xiao Baorui, you can’t hunt all your life, have you ever thought about what you want to do most?”

"What does the lady mean?"

"I like self-motivated men!" Tang Huanxi walked around in front of him, looked into his eyes and smiled, "So whether it's business or imperial examinations, you always have to choose a path you want to take, I I will silently support you behind you!"

"Miss, right now I really haven't figured out what I want to do, but the thing I want to do the most is to help my wife earn money together. I don't want to see you working so hard, my lady." Xiao Baorui raised his eyes slightly. Looking into her eyes, he said affectionately.

"But you can't always revolve around me in this life. A man should have his own career, shouldn't he?" Tang Huanxi blinked and asked with a charming smile, "What do you think?"

 A new week has started again, please vote.

  Last week Chengzi caught a cold, Xiaochengzi caught a cold, and Xiaochengzi's grandma also caught a cold...

  This time seems to be another period of high incidence of flu, everyone should keep warm, take good care of your body, and celebrate the New Year healthy!

(End of this chapter)

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