Chapter 334

Song Zhuo frowned, more and more doubts in his heart.

Just now Xiao Baorui looked at him with warning eyes, but he was intimidated unconsciously.

It is conceivable that the identity of this man is not as simple as imagined.

"My lord," Qi Yan was silent for a moment, and finally raised his eyes and said in a deep voice, "I heard that Xiao Baorui went to the military camp in the frontier when he was 16 years old, and he didn't come back until two years ago. Maybe he is a deserter? But this is just The lower officials' guesses."

"Deserter?" Song Zhuo pondered these two words carefully, finally shook his head and said, "No, I believe he must not be a deserter."

That man is not like that cowardly and stupid deserter.

"Forget it, maybe as he said, I shouldn't be so concerned about his identity. No matter who he is, as long as he doesn't do anything that hurts innocent people, I won't comment." Song Zhuo seriously I thought about it for a while, and finally said with some helplessness, "What's more, my wife and my little fairy and sister-in-law are very good friends. Maybe this was arranged by God in advance."

If Tang Huanxi hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have been able to arrange the disaster-stricken people so properly after the earthquake.

In the end, all of this was due to Tang Huanxi.

"The little fairy and sister-in-law don't have the knowledge of a country woman. The husband and wife seem to have secrets." Song Zhuo sighed silently in his heart.

When Xiao Baorui left the study and was about to look for his little lady, he realized that he had been abandoned by her.

Tang Huanxi dragged Yang Yanqiu out of the Song Mansion in high spirits just now, remembering that she came with Xiao Baorui...

In a blink of an eye, it is the end of time.

"How does sister feel?" Tang Huanxi carefully lifted off the mask on her face, and asked with a smile on her lips, "Do you feel that the cold is very comfortable?"

"Huanxi, this mask is really amazing." After washing his face with warm water, Yang Yanqiu patted his face lightly, showing a happy smile, "Now I feel that my face is so smooth, so tender, so tender." bouncy!"

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly and leaned into her ear and whispered, "Sister, be careful that Mr. Song will eat you tonight without even bones left!"

"You girl, what are you talking about?" Yang Yanqiu didn't expect Tang Huanxi to say such Meng Lang's words, her face flushed immediately, and a strange blush appeared on that delicate face!

"Ahem... Sister, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart." Tang Huanxi said with a tense face, "Your face has become so ugly, Mr. Song will definitely want to take a bite. What about my sister? What are you thinking?" What? Why are you blushing so much?"

"Okay, you little girl, dare to bully your sister?" Yang Yanqiu realized that he had been played by this girl, and patted her on the arm pretending to be annoyed, and soon the two sisters were messing around They fought into a ball.

Until a cute voice sounded in his mind, Tang Huanxi stood up from the chair with a bang!
"What's wrong with you?" Seeing her suddenly bluffing, Yang Yanqiu blinked her eyes to express her confusion.

"I... forgot to tell Xiao Baorui when I left the Song Mansion." Tang Huanxi frowned, feeling worried in his heart.

Xiao Baorui was originally a sensitive and paranoid person, so he would be angry if he left him and came back alone, right?

Tang Huanxi was silent for a few seconds, then turned around and wanted to run over, but didn't want to bump into a strong embrace!

(End of this chapter)

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