Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 365 The gap is not 1 point

Chapter 365 The gap is not a little bit
"Brother Pei, are you in a hurry?" Tang Huanxi jumped off the back seat of the bicycle with a smile, and walked in front of Pei Zhonghou, "It's getting late, did Brother Pei have lunch?"

"Brother Huanxi, I haven't had lunch yet, the shopkeepers from the flower shop in this city and several other restaurants have come..."

"Xiao Baorui and I haven't eaten yet, let's have lunch together first? Nothing is as important as filling our stomachs, right?" Tang Huanxi smiled, waved to Xiao Baorui, and a group of three entered The back door walked into the backyard of Huiwei Building.

"My lady, what do you want to eat?" Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Huanxi with a smile while holding the menu.

"Sweet and sour short ribs, steamed sea bass, roast duck, and a stir-fried vegetable! Brother Pei, let's sit down and eat together!" Tang Huanxi smiled and looked at Pei Zhonghou beside him.

At this time, Pei Zhonghou could only respond with a silly smile.

He was so anxious that he felt like an ant on a hot pot, but Tang Huanxi was so calm!
Sure enough, the gap between myself and Huanxi's siblings is not a little bit!
"Good girl, eat more vegetables." Xiao Baorui put the vegetables into the bowl in front of Tang Huanxi, speaking in a tone as if coaxing a child, which made Pei Zhonghou's skin crawl.

Now he admired Tang Huanxi more and more.

He had a relationship with Xiao Baorui before, and in his eyes, this guy was a rough guy with a resolute personality!
Sure enough, in front of characters like Huanxi's younger brother and sister, Bailian Steel has become a pliant finger.

"Ahem..." After a full meal, Pei Zhonghou put down his chopsticks and looked at Tang Huanxi and said, "Sisters and sisters, the other shopkeepers have been waiting for a long time, why don't we go to the lobby first? What does this hop look like? Also very curious!"

"No rush." ​​Tang Huanxi gnawed a piece of pork ribs, raised her eyes and said with a faint smile, "Brother Pei, the show is coming to an end, so don't worry!"

"But those shopkeepers have been waiting for a long time. If it continues like this, I'm afraid they will all leave." Pei Zhonghou expressed his concerns with some worry.

"Brother Pei, don't worry, those people will not leave." Tang Huanxi said firmly, "You have to believe that they are more curious about what this hop is than you."

Tang Huanxi did another thing after promoting hops everywhere yesterday.

She told Xiao Musheng to find a few little beggars to advertise that some people want to buy hops at a high price, and some people are even willing to pay a thousand dollars to buy them!As a result, among those restaurant shopkeepers who do business, they are more curious about hops.

"Miao Miao Miao! It's really wonderful!" After listening to her explanation, Pei Zhonghou couldn't help stretching out his thumb, "Sister Huanxi, you are really amazing!"

"Thank you," Tang Huanxi waved his hands and said with a smile, "Brother Pei, have you done everything I sent someone to tell you to do last night?"

"It's done, it's done. I asked someone to buy twenty fresh free-range chickens early in the morning!" Pei Zhonghou hurriedly asked, "Sister Huanxi, do you want to go to the kitchen now?"

"Hmm, beer and fried chicken are standard!" Tang Huanxi, who was full, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and a gleam appeared in his eyes, "Let's go, let's go to the kitchen first, and wait until the fried chicken is ready." Chicken, it's time to reveal the mystery of hops!"

(End of this chapter)

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