Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 391 You... look average

Chapter 391 You... Look Average
Xiao Baorui did not expect this person to be so powerful that he untied the rope in his hands without a sound.


When the ultimate move struck, Xiao Baorui squinted his eyes and took a step back, successfully dodging his attack.

Hong Yan continued to punch, Xiao Baorui bent over slightly while dodging, and successfully knocked him down with a sweeping leg.

"You...poof..." Hong Yan, who had been seriously injured, lay on the ground, spitting blood while clutching her chest.

This is what Tang Huanxi saw when he arrived.

"Xiao Baorui, don't kill him!"

"My lady..." Hearing the voice behind him, the murderous intent in Xiao Baorui's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by full of grievances, "My lady...he did it first."

"I know." Tang Huanxi immediately stepped forward and lightly held the man's hand, smiled and comforted him, "Xiao Baorui, are you not injured?"


"That's good." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then said to the man beside him, "Xiao Baorui, go to the kitchen and see if sister-in-law made my favorite fried spring rolls this morning."

"Lady, this man has martial arts, I'm afraid he will hurt you."

"No, don't worry, he is seriously injured now, and he has no ability to hurt me." Tang Huanxi pleaded with the man's eyes.

Xiao Baorui finally nodded.

The lady is so smart, she must have something to question the man in black.

That being the case, he turned around obediently and left.

When only the two of them were left in the firewood room, Tang Huanxi handed him the mountain spring water in his sleeve, and said softly, "You have been seriously injured, this is a good thing, drink it first, it is good for you benefit."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll hurt you?"

"Although the Red Luan Gang accepts life-threatening deals, they never kill innocent people indiscriminately. What's more, I believe that you, as the leader of the Hongluan Gang, shouldn't be that kind of ungrateful and despicable villain?" Tang Huanxi crossed her arms and raised the corners of her lips slightly.

"Who are you? Why do you know my identity?" Hong Yan narrowed her eyes, full of vigilance and vigilance, "You are with those people, and you want to kill me too?"

"I, Tang Huanxi, am just a businessman. I won't let myself get involved in the struggles of your gangs. What's more, I have a kind heart. My hands only save people and don't kill people." Tang Huanxi looked down at her hands. Full of appreciation.

As the leader of the Hongluan Gang, Hongyan has met many women in the past 25 years.

But this woman in front of me is very special.

For some reason, seeing the woman's smiling eyes, his mood relaxed a little.

He could feel that the woman in front of him had no killing intent towards him.

Hong Yan thought about it seriously for a while, and finally slowly got up from the ground, then took the strange bottle in her hand, closed her eyes and took a sip.

A sweet taste slipped into the throat and gradually entered the heart.

In an instant, a warm current spread all over the body.

But after a while, Hong Yan felt that her internal strength had recovered to a minimum.

"This... what kind of water is this?"

"This is fairy water. I am the little fairy herself who came from the Nine Heavens to save the suffering beings!" Tang Huanxi said with a smile while patting her chest.

Hong Yan raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, with obvious doubts in her eyes.

"Why, don't I look like a fairy?" Meeting his hesitant gaze, Tang Huanxi touched her face subconsciously, "Don't you think I'm pretty?"

"You...you look average."

 Ahem—forgot to update the settings, cuties, sorry.

  But secretly tell you a piece of good news, Xiao Baorui has entered the countdown to eating meat!

  So, vote now!

(End of this chapter)

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