Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 401 The Legend of the Stars

Chapter 401 The Legend of the Stars

Following the direction of Xiao Baorui's finger, Tang Huanxi looked around in amazement.

"so beautiful!"

In the dark night sky, there are stars.

The bright twinkling stars made her feel within reach.

"Xiao Baorui, why is this place so beautiful?"

"Miss, I didn't lie to you!" Xiao Baorui leaned into her ear as if offering a treasure, exhaling like blue, "When I was unhappy or sad by myself, I often came here to look at the stars. Is it? I think it's really bright!"

"That twinkling one is probably the morning star!" Tang Huanxi rested her right hand on the man's shoulder, her smile became sweeter and sweeter, "Xiao Baorui, have you heard of the legend of the stars?"

"What?" Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of curiosity.

"In the vast starry sky, the first star that everyone looks up and sees is the dearest relative they have lost." Tang Huanxi sighed softly, her tone suddenly became a little more sad, and then pointed to the A star next to the moon smiled brightly, "I think that star is the brightest, do you think it is my mother?"

"It must be." Xiao Baorui replied firmly.

"Well, it must be."

"Xiao Baorui, can you sing Little Star?"

"Little Xing Xing?" Xiao Baorui scratched his head and asked suspiciously, "What is this? A ballad?"

"Well, this is a song." Tang Huanxi raised her lips triumphantly, and said slowly...

"Wow, there's a shooting star! Xiao Baorui, look quickly, there's a shooting star!" Tang Huanxi yelled loudly while patting Xiao Baorui's arm, his face filled with excitement and joy!
Before Xiao Baorui could respond, Tang Huanxi had already closed her eyes, folded her hands reverently, and placed them on her chest to make a wish.

Xiao Baorui had never seen Tang Huanxi so pious before, his heart moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms.

After a quarter of an hour, the meteor disappeared.

But the radiant romance just now is forever engraved in the memory of the two of them.

"Xiao Baorui, I just made a wish, did you make a wish?"

Xiao Baorui shook his head slightly towards her.

"I heard that making a wish on a shooting star is especially effective. How could you miss it?" Tang Huanxi looked at him with regret on his face.

"Miss, I only have one wish." Xiao Baorui suddenly kissed her on the cheek lightly, and smiled softly, "As long as I can be with my mistress, I will be satisfied."

"You are such a fool." Tang Huanxi raised her eyes, and her heart was more and more touched when she met the man's affectionate gaze.

The two of them stared at each other quietly.

The moment the two people's eyes met, time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Tang Huanxi looked at his gentle, affectionate and doting eyes, and felt that her heart was sinking bit by bit.

"Xiao Baorui...I..."

Xiao Baorui didn't have the chance to continue speaking, but sealed her lips without hesitation.

At this moment, the stars that were originally twinkling were hiding behind the dark clouds, and they seemed to be talking about shame.

The moonlight is hazy, and the cicadas and frogs are chirping.

Occasionally, there is the sound of hard-working people panting.

After an unknown amount of time, the exhausted Tang Huanxi slowly closed her eyes.

When Tang Huanxi fell asleep, he raised his hand to touch her face, his eyes full of reluctance.

From now to the end of the year, there are only five months at most.

After the new year, it was time for him to confess his identity to his wife.

He sincerely hoped that there would be no secrets or grievances between them.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Huanxi was awakened by the sound of pattering rain outside.

She rubbed her eyes, raised her head and met Xiao Baorui's wolf-like eyes.

"Miss, are you awake?"

"...Mmm...Xiao Baorui, I'm so hungry." Tang Huanxi said coquettishly, lowering her head and touching her stomach.

"What do you want to eat, lady?" Xiao Baorui looked at her with pity in his eyes, he raised his hand to rub her soft hair, and asked softly, "It's not suitable to eat too greasy food in the morning, I've already cooked it I ordered porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, do you want to eat it, lady?"

"Yes!" Tang Huanxi nodded immediately, and then looked at him aggrieved, "Xiao Baorui, I'm really hungry..."

"I know." Xiao Baorui scratched his head shyly, and said warmly, "Wait for me, lady, I'll come right away."


Tang Huanxi stretched her waist a lot, then reached out and rubbed her waist, and couldn't help but cursed a beast in her heart!
Xiao Baorui, who was serving porridge in the kitchen at that time, couldn't help but sneezed!

(End of this chapter)

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