Chapter 408

Qian Shi hurriedly walked outside the door.

"Huanxi, what's wrong with you? Didn't you even eat lunch?" Qian shouted anxiously, "Did Baorui make you angry? If you are unhappy, you can tell your sister-in-law, and she will scold him for you." , you must not be overwhelmed by yourself!"

Tang Huanxi was a cheerful and lively person, but now she was suddenly so quiet that she didn't even eat, which was really worrying.

"Sister-in-law, let the lady be alone." Xiao Baorui frowned and walked to Qian's side, persuading him softly.

"Baorui, it's not my sister-in-law who is talking about you, why on earth are you making Huanxi angry! A man as good as Huanxi, you can't lose such a wife!"

Xiao Baorui was just silent, but the position of his heart seemed to be firmly grasped by an invisible big hand, which was extremely uncomfortable.

He can't, absolutely can't give up on his wife!

Xiao Baorui suddenly kicked open the door in front of him, and rushed in like a gust of wind.

Tang Huanxi, who was lying on the table and thinking wildly, was suddenly hugged from behind, and she shivered instantly.

"Xiao Baorui? What are you doing!"

"Miss, let's have a good talk!" Xiao Baorui suddenly carried her around behind the screen, and then hugged her on the bamboo chair.

"My... lady, no matter who I am, my feelings for you are sincere." Xiao Baorui hesitated for a while, and finally raised his hand to swear, "I, Xiao Jingchen, swear to God, my feelings for Tang Huanxi are all Sincerely, I love you, and I am willing to give everything including my life for you! Lady, I know that you may not be able to accept what I told you now, but I can wait slowly until you understand and you are willing to accept me again ! But I will never never give up on you!"

Tang Huanxi looked at the man kneeling in front of her and raised his hand to swear, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to help him up.

"I know your feelings for me are real," Tang Huanxi said softly, looking into his eyes, "In fact, I have known for a long time that your identity is not simple, but I have always been a little puzzled. Now you will You have told me all your identities, are you not afraid that I will hurt you?"

"I trust my wife."

"You idiot." Tang Huanxi raised her hand to touch the man's face, and smiled slightly, "Who was it that killed your whole family back then? Why are you still taboo about your existence?"

What kind of bloody feud is it that wants to drive the other party to death!
"My lady, when I have a chance to go to Jinling in the future, can I explain to you?" Xiao Baorui frowned, not knowing where to start.

In fact, he still doesn't know who the person behind the scenes who wants to kill him is.

"Okay." Tang Huanxi nodded with relief, and gently held his hand, "Xiao Baorui, since we are husband and wife, let's live a happy life, but I only have one request for you."

"you say!"

"Based on what you said, there are still people chasing and killing you. I'm not afraid of danger, but I hope you don't leave me alone. No matter what kind of danger you encounter in the future, you will take me with you, okay? "

"But lady, I can't take you on a risk."

"If that's the case, then give me a divorce letter." Tang Huanxi frowned, and said in a cold voice, "Since you are afraid of taking me to face danger with you, then you shouldn't have married me in the first place. As husband and wife , if we can't share the troubles together, why don't you give me a letter of divorce now, and we will break up, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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