Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 414 You Are Not Xiao Baorui

Chapter 414 You Are Not Xiao Baorui
I have to say that the fate is really amazing.

Faced with Qian's emotion, everyone laughed unanimously.

Tang Huanxi tilted her head and looked at the man beside her, with a smirk all the time.

Xiao Baorui, who was drinking, felt a burst of fiery gaze, and quickly turned to look at the person beside him.

Tang Huanxi's face was reddened by the flames.

"My lady, you are so beautiful."

"Xiao Baorui, you are so handsome!" Tang Huanxi responded with a slight smile.

The other people present looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally got up and went back to the house at the same time, leaving the yard to the couple.

"Xiao Baorui, do you want to drink beer?" Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then turned and went to the kitchen, took a dozen beers and walked to his side.

"I'll drink with you."

"……it is good."

The two held a can of beer in each hand, chatting with each other.

Tang Huanxi knew that he probably still felt a little uncomfortable, so she didn't mention the Xiao family in Jinling.

The moon hung in the night sky, and the moonlight became more and more blurred.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Huanxi felt her head starting to become dizzy and uncomfortable.

"Xiao Baorui, do you know that you say you are not you, but in fact I am not me!" Leaning on the man's shoulder, Tang Huanxi's eyes became more and more blurred, "It's like you don't know your life experience, so I don't know you. I don’t know my life experience, let me tell you a secret, in fact, I am an orphan without father and mother, I grew up in an orphanage, and later... I was adopted by a couple, but I didn’t expect my adoptive father There are... there are pedophiles..."

"My lady?" Xiao Baorui frowned upon hearing Tang Huanxi's nonsense.

He didn't understand a single word the lady said.

But he could hear the sadness in her emotions.

In the end Tang Huanxi got drunk.

Xiao Baorui held her in his arms, turned around and went back to the house.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, while Mrs. Qian was making breakfast, a group of people suddenly came outside the thatched cottage.

The people headed by Xiao Dazhuang stood aggressively outside the door. The moment Xiao Baoshan saw Qian's, his eyes were scarlet, and he stepped forward and kicked him to the ground!
"Qian Yuer, what a slut, no wonder you are arguing to make peace with me, I dare you to have an affair with my second child!" Xiao Baoshan rushed forward angrily, and shouted loudly, "I insist on getting married today!" Teach you a good bitch who stole behind my back!"

"You... Xiao Baoshan, you spitting blood!" Qian never thought that Xiao Baoshan would dare to pour dirty water on her body like this. She was so angry that she trembled. She slowly got up from the ground and picked up the The broom greeted Xiao Baoshan!

"Xiao Baoshan, you are a beast that is not as good as pigs and dogs! Seeing that Zihan is not in good health, you even want to divorce your wife and marry another one. You abandon your wife and son, you are simply inhuman! See if I don't beat you to death today, you ungrateful pig and dog." Not as good as a beast! I must beat you to death!"

Mrs. Qian was already dazzled by anger, picked up the broom and just swept around!
"It's a joke. It's still a question mark whether Zihan's sick son is from my Xiao family. Stop it!"

When Xiao Baorui walked into the yard, he saw such a scene.

He roared, and everyone fell silent.

"Father, you brought your eldest brother and all the fellow villagers here so early in the morning, what exactly is your intention?"

"Xiao Baorui, no, you may not be Xiao Baorui," Xiao Dazhuang frowned and shouted, then walked in front of Xiao Baorui, and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, are you Xiao Baorui?"

(End of this chapter)

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