Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 416 Why Are You Guilty?

Chapter 416 Why Are You Guilty?
As soon as Tang Huanxi finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Xiao Baoshan's face.

After all, Xiao Baoshan is the eldest son of the Xiao family, and everyone used to think that he was honest and honest.

Who would have thought that he would abandon his wife and son overnight and marry someone else!
"You... you are all watching me!" Xiao Baoshan couldn't stand the suspicious eyes of the villagers, and immediately pointed at Tang Huanxi's nose and cursed, "This little bitch is talking nonsense!"

"I didn't mention you, why are you guilty?" Tang Huanxi smiled suddenly, her tone was full of doubts and sarcasm, "Why, is it possible that I guessed it right, all this is your plan?"

"You want to provoke the relationship between father-in-law and my husband, and then profit from it, Xiao Baoshan, you are really cruel-hearted! No matter how you say it, my husband is your own brother, how can you do this fierce!"

Xiao Dazhuang didn't expect Tang Huanxi to be so eloquent. With just a few words, he transferred the flames of war to Baoshan.

Sure enough, he still underestimated this stinky girl!

"Enough," Xiao Dazhuang growled, raised his eyes to look at Xiao Baorui, with a final pleading in his eyes, "Baorui, I always feel that there may be no reason for it, for the sake of father's peace of mind, you took off your coat and let me Let's see?"

"Father, if you look at it today, whether I am Xiao Baorui or not, I have nothing to do with the Xiao family." Xiao Baorui was silent for a moment, and finally raised his eyes to look at Xiao Dazhuang, and said in a deep voice.

"……it is good."

Under everyone's gaze, Xiao Baorui slowly raised his hand and unbuttoned his chest, then quickly took off his coat and turned his back to everyone!

dong dong dong-

Tang Huanxi felt her heart was about to jump out.


Seeing the red plums on his shoulder clearly, Xiao Dazhuang felt dazed for a moment, and fell heavily on the ground after a burst of dizziness!
"Fathers and folks, please be a witness for me. From now on, I, Xiao Baorui, will have nothing to do with Xiao Dazhuang's family in Hekou Village." Xiao Baorui bowed to the crowd in front of him.

Among the people present, some sighed, some sighed, and some felt that all this was just like Tang Huanxi said, it was all a play by Xiao Baoshan.

Soon, under Qian's persuasion, everyone left.

And Xiao Baoshan also left dejectedly with his tail between his legs.

This farce is over.

However, Tang Huanxi's heart was full of doubts. After the group finished their breakfast, Tang Huanxi told Ping An Fu'an to take Qian, Zihan and Mu Sheng out of the thatched cottage. .

"Miss, are you here?" Xiao Baorui, who was sitting by the edge of the bed, looked up at the person in front of him, and smiled helplessly, "If Brother Baorui knows that his relatives will treat him like this, I'm afraid he will be sad."

"En." Tang Huanxi gently held his hand, and said softly, "Actually, it's okay not to have such a relative."


The two looked at each other, and they both saw worry from the bottom of each other's eyes.

"My lady, I always feel that this matter is not so simple." Xiao Baorui was silent for a while, and finally said with a frown, "Xiao Baorui has never doubted my identity, but now, he has received such a letter .”

"I think this is the temptation of the people behind it." Tang Huanxi also frowned, and analyzed seriously, "But after Xiao Dazhuang made such a fuss, everyone has confirmed that you are the real Xiao Baorui, that is to say, during this time, The people behind it won't take it easy anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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