Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 430 Mosquito legs are also meat!

Chapter 430 Mosquito legs are also meat!
The fragrant and sweet glutinous rice tastes very delicious.


This time, other people in the store once again cast admiring gazes at Tang Huanxi.

Tang Huanxi grinned foolishly, tied the special suitcase to the back seat of the bicycle, and covered it with a thick quilt, and then, under the puzzled eyes of everyone, took the money Shi went out.

When the figures of the two left completely, Pingan broke the silence first, "Why did the shopkeeper put a quilt on the box? Isn't she afraid of melting the popsicles?"

There is also Qian Shi who has the same worry.

In the end, Tang Huanxi used the physics knowledge she had learned to explain it seriously, until the end Qian was still at a loss.

She held her forehead helplessly and gave up explaining this knowledge point.

By the time the two people pushed the bicycles to the market, the market was already very lively.

Because there are too many villages around Yunshui County, Song Zhuo deliberately developed a square in the north of the county town for the people to conduct temporary sales.

The afternoon market is no better than the morning market, and the flow of people is relatively less.

However, this did not affect Tang Huanxi's impromptu performance.

Pushing the bicycle to a more conspicuous position, Tang Huanxi picked up the wooden horn with a wave of his hand, and praised his popsicle loudly.

"A popsicle that costs six cents! A popsicle that cools off the heat! If you can't afford it, you can't buy it. If you can't be fooled, you can only buy your fiery popsicle! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Hearing Tang Huanxi's voice, Mrs. Qian blushed instantly.

This is really the first time for her to do business in such a public manner!

But encouraged by Tang Huanxi's eyes, she mustered up her courage and shouted loudly.

Probably because their voices were too special, gradually people in twos and threes began to stop.

After a luxuriously dressed old lady bought two mung bean popsicles, their business gradually improved.

After all, on such a hot day, no one can resist the temptation of cold drinks.

In less than half an hour, thirty popsicles were wiped out.

Tang Huanxi immediately took out the handkerchief in his arms, gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, weighed the money bag in his hand, and narrowed his eyes contentedly.

After deducting the cost, they didn't earn much money, but Tang Huanxi just felt happy.

After all, mosquito legs are also meat!
"Hey, husband, look, isn't this your former wife Qian Yu'er?" Just as Qian Shi packed her suitcase and was about to leave with Tang Huanxi, a sarcastic voice sounded in her ear.

She raised her eyes, just in time to meet the sarcastic eyes of a fat woman.

What made her even more sad was the way the man standing next to the woman looked at her.

Xiao Baoshan didn't expect to bump into Qian Yu'er here.

Up until now, he didn't know who Xiao Zihan's real father was, and he felt very awkward.

"Ewha, let's go." In the end Xiao Baoshan just gave her a cold look and didn't say any more.

After all, Tang Huanxi had already made a fuss in Xiao's house before, and Xiao Baoshan knew that Tang Huanxi was not easy to mess with, and he couldn't afford to mess with her.

But Niu Lihua didn't think so. Over the years, she has always been worried about it.

If Qian Yu'er hadn't stepped in back then, she would have married Xiao Baoshan long ago, so how could she have been tortured by that dead ghost husband for so many years?

"Qian Yu'er, you are dumb, why don't you speak?"

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Wait!" Niu Lihua suddenly stood in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "I heard that Zihan's child is weak, although Baoshan and I don't know who you were born with, but After all, Baoshan once regarded him as his own child, so these twenty essays should be regarded as a wish between Baoshan and me, please keep it?"

Qian Yu'er's eyes turned red instantly, she sneered, and then knocked off her arm forcefully.

Those twenty texts fell to the ground in an instant, and Niu Lihua suddenly staggered two steps and fell heavily on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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