Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 442 Her wife, life is too hard.

Chapter 442 Her wife, life is too hard.

"Um... can I have another one?" Yang Yanqiu blinked her watery eyes vigorously, and kept shaking Tang Huanxi's arm, acting coquettishly.

"No." Tang Huanxi shook her head at her, then looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "Whether it's glutinous rice cakes or popsicles, it's too cold. We women shouldn't be too greedy for cold, it's not good for our health."

"I just want to eat another one! Huanxi, you won't be so stingy, will you?" Yang Yanqiu curled her lips, instantly unhappy.

Tang Huanxi looked at her childish appearance, sighed softly, and then leaned into her ear and said a few words.

Yang Yanqiu's eyes turned red instantly, and she pursed her lips in silence.

After a while, she screened away, leaving Tang Huanxi alone.

The maids lowered their heads and looked at each other, and finally cast their eyes on Sister Chunshi in unison.

Nanny Chunshi is Madam's confidant, she was by Madam's side just now, so Nanny must have heard what Madam Xiao said.

"How can you allow us servants to inquire about the matter of the master?" Sensing everyone's gaze, Chunshi scolded with a straight face, "Let's spread out, do what you have to do, the mansion will send us a Monthly money is not for us to get together and gossip!"


After the little maids dispersed, Aunt Chunshi's eyes were red.

She just heard two words from Mrs. Xiao.

She really heard it.

The first sentence is, "Sister Yanqiu, you can't be too greedy for coolness, otherwise it will be difficult to conceive."

The second sentence is, "Sister Yanqiu, do you want to do more for Master Song?"

Her wife, life is too bitter.

Of the three ladies in the General's Mansion, the Song Mansion where his wife married is the poorest.

When Madam was pregnant, it was too late for the midwife to encounter an accident at home, but the little master in Madam's womb died...

For so many years, Madam's stomach has never moved.

Chunshi knew that his wife was planning to adopt a child from the Song family.

If Mrs. Xiao can really help Mrs.... that would be great.

In the huge room, only Tang Huanxi and Yang Yanqiu were left.

"Happiness..." Yang Yanqiu suddenly raised his head and looked at the person in front of him, with a stern look in his eyes, "You have to be responsible for your words and deeds, you know how much I want a child, if you dare to take This kind of thing deceives me..."

"Then let me die with a bang of thunder." Tang Huanxi followed her and took the conversation, smiling softly.

"You...you stinky girl, how could you say such a thing!" Yang Yanqiu didn't expect Tang Huanxi to utter such a vicious curse, and immediately became furious!

"Sister Yanqiu, I will not deceive you." Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "Because I will not deceive those who trust me."

Yang Yanqiu bit her lips tightly, with complex emotions intertwined in her eyes.

After a moment of silence, she clenched her fists tightly, and finally released them silently.

"Huanxi, do you know how extravagant it is for me to have a child?" Yang Yanqiu smiled wryly, lowered her head and stroked her belly, "There used to be children here, but... probably we The fate of mother and child is too shallow, I can't keep him... After so many years, I... I really want a child of my own... Woooooo..."

Maybe it was suppressed for too long, and I suddenly touched the dusty past full of sadness.

No matter how strong Sister Yanqiu is, she is only a woman after all.

 cough cough:
  The little cuties who have been raising the text take advantage of these few days to read it quickly, the text is already very fat, and it is almost 50 words in a blink of an eye!
  This book is scheduled to be on the shelves next Tuesday, March 3th, and Orange will try to explode as much as possible when it is on the shelves.

  So take the time to read it, after the inversion of v, the previous content may be charged, so everyone don't keep writing...

  In addition, I know that many cuties will leave me after it is put on the shelves... woo woo woo, but Chengzi believes that those who work hard will have good luck! (silently cheering for myself)
(End of this chapter)

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