Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 445 She Really Missed Him

Chapter 445 She Really Missed Him
"Then does he miss me?"

"I do not know."

"Woooooo..." Tang Huanxi suddenly felt aggrieved and began to cover her face and cry.

The little cutie stared blankly for a moment.

Women are so scary, they burst into tears when they disagree with each other.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door, and Tang Huanxi stopped crying immediately.

Raising his hand to wipe away his tears, he forced a smile and opened the door.

"Sister, it's time to eat." Xiao Musheng looked at Tang Huanxi whose eyes were already red, frowned deeply, and asked anxiously, "Sister, is there something wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Tang Huanxi smiled at him, reached out and pinched his cheek, "I just miss Xiao Baorui a little."

"But didn't he just leave today?"

"..." Tang Huanxi was speechless for a moment.

"Ahem, what delicious food did sister-in-law prepare tonight?"

"There are egg custard, cold cucumber, braised chicken wings, and..." Mu Sheng narrowed his eyes and smiled and counted, "By the way, sister, do I have to go to Feiteng Academy to study?"

"Why, you don't want to go?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

"It's not that I don't want to go, but..." Mu Sheng frowned again, and finally sighed helplessly, "Master Song said that if you want to stay in Feiteng Academy, you must live in it, and you can only live in it every month. Going home for four days, I can't bear you..."

"Are you really reluctant to part with me? Or are you reluctant to part with my delicious food?" Tang Huanxi instantly understood his little thoughts and asked with a smile.

Xiao Musheng lowered her head shyly.

"Don't worry, although you have to stay in the school after you go to school, you can go home for four days every month. As long as you study hard, I will prepare a lot of delicious rewards when you come back from vacation. You guys, how are you?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Musheng nodded hastily and smiled happily.

Both Qian Zihan and Mu Sheng had been initially approved by Mr. Song, and the person who was happiest about this matter was Mrs. Qian.

Looking at the dazzling array of dishes on that table, Tang Huanxi couldn't help being amazed.

"Sister-in-law, why is the food so good tonight?"

"There are chicken wings and fish, wow, I like to eat them all!"

"I'm not happy with this, so I made more food, everyone, don't just look at it, eat it quickly!" Qian said with a quick smile, "Huanxi, although the dishes you cook are delicious, I dare to take pictures of them. The breast guarantees that the steamed fish I cook tastes pretty good too!"

"Then I have to eat more!"

Because there is one thing that makes everyone happy, everyone eats this meal very happily.

During the dinner, Tang Huanxi also took out a few cans of Coke, and everyone ate to their heart's content.

In the blink of an eye, the willow twigs are on the moon.

Everyone went back to their houses to rest. Tang Huanxi sat on the stone bench under the locust tree, looked up at the stars in the night sky, but felt infinite emotion in his heart.

On the first night Xiao Baorui left, she really missed him.

Sure enough, feelings are an extremely terrifying thing, and they are so fascinating.

"Auntie?" After Qian Shi fell asleep, Qian Zihan rolled over and got out of bed. When he walked into the yard, he saw the lonely and bleak figure from his back. He walked slowly to Tang Huanxi's side and smiled slightly. , "Auntie, why are you still awake so late?"

"Zihan?" Tang Huanxi turned around, met the worried eyes of the little boy, and smiled slightly. I'm not used to your second uncle no longer..."

"Auntie, is Second Uncle going to do something very dangerous?" Qian Zihan frowned, looked into her eyes, and asked firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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