Chapter 448
After eating a piece of mung bean ice, Tang Huanxi felt that the trace of anxiety in his heart was gone.

She simply clapped her hands, smiled and accepted the second branch task issued by the system.

Isn't it just to let a ten-year-old boy with a somewhat distorted psychology reshape the correct values!
She Tang Huanxi accepted this challenge!
At that time, the little cuties nestled in the space silently cheered for their masters!
It was still early, and she and Wu Ming had an appointment in the afternoon, so she had nothing to do now, so she quickly decided to write a letter to Xiao Baorui.

"My husband, Baorui, will tell you that it's like three autumns without seeing each other. Xiao Baorui, you bastard, if you dare not come back as scheduled, I will remarry! Hmph!"

Tang Huanxi, who angrily wrote these words, did not hold back and smiled.

He simply kneaded the paper in front of him into dough, and began to write seriously again.

At that time, it was located in a dilapidated earth temple outside Yun'an City.

Weeds are overgrown, dust and cobwebs are everywhere.

Xiao Baorui frowned nervously as he looked at Hong Yan, who had more air intake and less air output, feeling a little at a loss.

He originally set off for Jinling with a caravan from Yunshui County, but he received a letter from a seven or eight-year-old beggar on the way. The letter said that there was still one member of the Xiao family in Jinling who was still alive. In the prefect's mansion of Ancheng, and that person was probably Xiao Jingchen's younger sister Xiao Jingyuan, so Xiao Baorui left the caravan, changed his route, and rushed towards Yun'an City.

But when he just stepped into the city gate, he heard that the magistrate was assassinated and the whole city was under martial law.

In the dark night, just when he was about to sneak into the magistrate's mansion to find out, Hong Yan suddenly appeared and took him away.

In order to protect him, Hong Yan accidentally got a poisoned dart on his shoulder.

In the end, the two fled to the dilapidated Earth Temple on the outskirts of the city.

"Brother Xiao, you should leave early. I was injured. There must have been a lot of blood on the way. It's not yet dawn. If you leave now, there is still time! Go!" Hong Yan suddenly felt better. It was cold, and my lips began to turn black and purple!
He raised his right hand to cover his bleeding left shoulder, his eyes were full of gloom.

Today's him is really a tiger in peace.

At the beginning, he killed the adopted son of the magistrate of Yun'an, but now he is going to die in Yun'an City.

"No!" Xiao Baorui, who was entangled in the three, finally frowned, took off the small gourd hanging around his neck, dripped two drops of water on Hong Yan's shoulder, and dripped another two drops on Hong Yan's lips !
After finishing all this, he immediately put the person on his back, and when he was about to go out, he heard footsteps from far to near.

Xiao Baorui suddenly sweated like raindrops.

After calming down for a few seconds, his eyes fell on the disgraced Buddha statue not far away!

"Don't blame the land, if Xiao can escape this catastrophe today, he will definitely spend a lot of money to repair this temple in the future! It's a promise, no one can deceive you!" After saying these words to the Buddha statue, Xiao Baorui said Hong Yan hid behind the statue.

Both of them held their breath, not daring to make a sound.

Soon, a group of people from the prefect of Yun'an rushed into the earth temple!
"Lord An, look at the blood here!" By the candlelight in the lantern, someone saw the traces on the bluestone slab and shouted nervously!
"But the blood is gone here..."

"Search for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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