Chapter 450
Seeing Xiao Baorui's calm expression, Hong Yan was a little surprised and at the same time admired him a little.

As expected of a descendant of the Xiao family in Jinling, he has an extraordinary bearing and is able to remain calm in such a critical situation.

What Hong Yan didn't expect was that the reason why Xiao Baorui bowed his head and remained silent at this moment was because he missed his little lady.

The moment I thought of Tang Huanxi, my chest was filled with warmth.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, why did you come to Yun'an City?" Hong Yan asked curiously.

Xiao Baorui gave a wry smile and told the ins and outs of the incident.

"In this way, the Xiao family in Jinling was not completely wiped out at the beginning? It's just that Brother Xiao still remembers your sister's appearance?" After listening to Xiao Baorui's explanation, Hong Yan asked thoughtfully, "Who killed that girl?" Where is the message passed to the little beggar?"

"I don't know either." Xiao Baorui shook his head and smiled wryly, "Actually, I also know that this news is not credible, but I always hold a glimmer of hope in my heart. We must find her!"

When the Xiao family in Jinling was wiped out, Xiao Baorui was less than five years old, and his younger sister Xiao Jingyuan was still a baby.

It has been 17 years now, and he really doesn't remember Xiao Jingyuan's appearance clearly.

But there was one thing about Xiao Jingyuan's appearance that impressed him deeply.

That is, there is a small red tear mole on the lower right corner of Xiao Jingyuan's left eye.

"Now you and I alone are no match for the magistrate of Yun'an." Seeing the flames jumping in front of him, Hong Yan suddenly thought to himself, "Brother Xiao, if you and I can sneak into Yun'an The government, things will be relatively simple."

"How to say?"

"Every year on the first day of August, An Xionghu's mansion will recruit a group of servants. If we can take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in, then everything will be much easier!"

As the leader of the Hongluan Gang, Hong Yan not only has high martial arts skills, but also has a brilliant mind!

Xiao Baorui, who was eager to find out about Xiao Jingyuan's news, nodded his head hastily after hearing Hong Yan's plan.

Tang Huanxi had a restless nap today, and she had a vague premonition in her heart that something might happen to Xiao Baorui?
"Smelly refrigerator, where is Xiao Baorui now?"

"Master—Xiao Baorui is currently in Yun'an City."

Tang Huanxi suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the words Yun'an City, ran barefoot to the front of the table, and opened the roll of parchment in the vase.

Yunshui County belongs to Yun'an City, but Xiao Baorui's target location should be Jinling, why would he detour to Yun'an City?

What the hell is going on?

"Little cutie, is Xiao Baorui in danger now?"

"Master, don't worry, the hero is not in danger right now!"

dong dong——

Just as Tang Huanxi was thinking about it, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Happy, Butou Wu wants to see you!"

In the morning, Wu Pengfei pointed at Tang Huanxi's nose for no reason and scolded her.

Qian, who witnessed the whole process, felt extremely annoyed, and now she looked at Wu Ming with a little more disgust and disgust.

The child does not teach, the father too.

I'm afraid this father won't be much better off teaching such an ignorant son.

However, although Qian was annoyed, she also understood that there was a reason for priorities.

Especially now, Wu Ming's face was covered with beads of sweat, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

 Cough cough—robbing the recommendation tickets of the cuties, huh!
  Thank you to the little cuties who have always supported Orange!


(End of this chapter)

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