Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 454 Are you afraid of being beaten with such a smelly mouth?

Chapter 454 Are you afraid of being beaten with such a smelly mouth?

Mentioning the clothes she designed yesterday, Tang Huanxi suddenly had a flash of inspiration, took over the first draft of her design, and began to revise it.

"Sister Huanxi thinks it's not good enough?" Pingan looked at her frowning and asked curiously.

"I think it's already very good." Fu'an also felt that Tang Huanxi was a little too harsh on his design, "Sister Huanxi, Mrs. Yang's father, Yang Jing, is a vanguard general of the fifth rank. This shirt you designed is really special." All right!"

"I once heard from Sister Yanqiu that my uncle was stationed in the northwest military camp all the year round, and there was a lot of wind and sand in the northwest. If you only pay attention to the appearance of the clothes..." Tang Huanxi squinted her eyes and thought carefully for a while, and finally took a paintbrush and began to modify the original design .

She originally wanted to design a battle robe for General Yang Jing.

But right now, this battle robe is not very practical.

As a person who often gallops on the battlefield, what he cares about is not the luxury of the clothes, but the convenience and more functions of the clothes.

If bear skin or tiger skin is used to sew the inside of the robe, at least it can keep out the cold and the invasion of wind and sand.

In addition, if some hidden pockets that others cannot understand are sewn in it, maybe the effect will be better.

After about fifteen minutes, Tang Huanxi finally finalized the draft.

"Follow the above style to rush to make, and I have specially marked some points for attention in some places. You two should be more careful when the time comes. As for the final finishing work, leave it to me!" Tang Huanxi quickly made a decision!

"it is good!"

In the dead of night, Tang Huanxi was lying on the bed, her dark eyes were full of worry.

"Ding—your little cute refrigerator is online, what's the master's order?"

"Why did Xiao Baorui change his plan and go to Yun'an City?"

"Ahem... Master needs to consume 100 Fu points to know about this!"

"Little cutie, do you know? I really want to pry your head off!"


"Say it!"

"Master, look for yourself—"

As the picture flashed in her mind, Xiao Baorui's figure instantly appeared in front of her eyes.

Yun'an City at that time.

Xiao Baorui and Hongyan disguised themselves and entered the city together.

"Anfu?" The two people on the screen dressed up as servants and entered a place called Anfu.

Then, the screen was cut off.

"...Little cutie, do you believe that my mother tore you in half? I spent 100 blessing points, and you gave me such a little news?" Tang Huanxi gritted her teeth, suppressing her anger, and asked in a deep voice.

"Master... the system stipulates that it can only be prompted here." The helpless and pitiful cutie said in a low voice.

"Then did you deduct my blessing points?"


"..." After several deep breaths, Tang Huanxi got out of bed and left Dai Lai Mei by the moonlight.

It's just that when she just passed a street corner, she ran into the person she least wanted to see.

"Huanxi?" The moment Xia Shuyun saw Tang Huanxi, surprise flashed in Xia Shuyun's eyes, and he hurried forward, trying to hold Tang Huanxi's hand, but she avoided it lightly.

Su Mubai, who was standing beside Xia Shuyun, witnessed this scene, squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, "It's just a remnant who doesn't have long eyes! Shuyun, if you get close to this kind of person, you won't be afraid of dirtying yourself." eyes?"

"Hehe," Tang Huanxi sneered, and met Su Mubai's disdainful eyes with his head held high, "Mr. Su, I advise you to be more careful when you speak. Aren't you afraid of being beaten by someone with such a stinky mouth?"

"you dare!"

"You think I dare not?"

A figure suddenly appeared, and it was a resounding slap towards Su Mubai's face!


 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, so nervous——

  I hope that the little cuties will vote and subscribe more, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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