Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 477 She's Very Good, Excellent

Chapter 477 She's Very Good, Excellent
Xiao Baorui did not expect that his wife would take the initiative to kiss, he was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes became fascinated, and he began to indulge in it.

Even though he and his wife have become a real husband and wife, every time he sees her eyes, he will still be involuntarily addicted to it, unable to extricate himself.

At that time, the initiative had been completely taken by Xiao Baorui.

When Tang Huanxi felt that she was about to suffocate, her hands inadvertently climbed onto the man's shoulders, and when she was about to push her away forcefully, the man let go of her.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and blinked at the satisfied smile on the man's face.

"Miss," Xiao Baorui suddenly came close to her ear, breathing like blue, "Miss, do you miss me?" Xiao Baorui let go of the little man in his arms, stretched out his hand to gently caress her face, The eyes are full of gentle doting, "Lady, I miss you too. But just now the doctor said that you are weak, so I will control myself well during this time, and you should control yourself too!"

Tang Huanxi felt that her cheeks were already rosy.

Terribly hot.

Why in this man's mouth, is she that kind of untidy woman?
"Ahem, I'm going to sleep, Xiao Baorui, good night."

"Okay, lady, good night." Xiao Baorui smiled and planted a light kiss on her forehead.

Then he lay down beside her, hugged her in his arms, smiled contentedly, and fell asleep in an instant.

Tang Huanxi, who was held in the arms of the silly man, slightly raised the corners of her lips, rubbed against the man's arms, and then fell into a sweet dreamland.

Silent all night.

The next day was sunny and sunny.

Tang Huanxi, who had slept peacefully, felt refreshed and energetic.

Looking at the breakfast prepared by the He family, Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, but felt a little more emotional in her heart.

The base camp of the He family is the seemingly remote but prosperous Pei County. Pei County is also the hometown of medicinal materials. Most of the people live and work in peace and contentment. Therefore, the living standards of the people in Pei County are relatively high.

As the He family is the local snake in Peixian County, the breakfast is so exquisite that it is jaw-dropping.

Frying, steaming and cooking, all kinds.

"This is my favorite pigeon soup. The servants in the mansion prepare fresh pigeons every day to make soup, and add a little goat's milk. It tastes very delicious. Brother Xiao, why don't you try it?" He Yihang, the owner of Chang Jingzhai, had someone prepare a rich breakfast early this morning, and then invited everyone to sit down together.

"I think this white flour steamed bun tastes better, it's simple and filling." Xiao Baorui opened the corner of his lips silly, picked up a big white flour steamed bun and began to nibble on it. He also took a spring roll and handed it to Tang Huanxi. "My lady, you'll drink this porridge while it's hot. The spring rolls are too oily, so you can't eat too much."

"Understood! Long-winded!" Tang Huanxi glared at him pretending to be annoyed, but in fact, there was an irresistible smile and satisfaction in his eyes.

Although Xiao Baorui is a rough guy, he treats her with care.

Seeing this scene, An Xiuhui, who was quietly sitting across from her having breakfast, couldn't help feeling a little envious.

The fate of a woman's life is mostly doomed.

Obey the father at home, obey the husband when married, and obey the son when the husband dies.

In this dynasty where men are superior to women, everything is unfair to women.

But now Tang Huanxi is very different.

She is very, very good.

The most important thing is that Xiao Baorui really loves her.

Choosing a lover to be with you for a lifetime is the biggest long-cherished wish of a woman.

"Sister, try this too, the red bean cake is really delicious!" Xiao Baorui's abrupt opening broke the strange calm.

An Xiuhui watched the man pick up a piece of red bean cake with his own chopsticks and handed it to her bowl, raised her eyebrows slightly, but in the end she didn't say a word.

He lowered his head and silently took a bite of the red bean crisps.

Sweet and soft glutinous taste.

"Is it delicious?" Seeing An Xiuhui's satisfied expression, Xiao Baorui immediately asked nervously.

There was a bit of careful flattery in his tone.


"You are just like your mother, you like red bean cakes the most." Seeing her nodding, Xiao Baorui's eyes blushed unknowingly.

Xiao Baorui was already five years old when the fire broke out in the Xiao family in Jinling.

A five-year-old child already has memories.

"I remember that my mother's favorite food was red bean cakes, and my father used to laugh at my mother for this. After all, red beans are something that expresses love, but in my mother's eyes, they become red bean cakes..." recalled From the past, Xiao Baorui smiled.

The man did not cry easily because he did not reach the sad spot.

Tang Huanxi felt the sadness of the person beside her, and silently placed her little hand in the man's broad palm.

In the past, Xiao Baorui was a lonely person, but from now on, she will always be by his side.

An Xiuhui silently ate the last mouthful of red bean cakes, then put down her chopsticks, pursed her lips and remained silent.

Although she thought the red bean cake tasted pretty good, she didn't like it.

"I heard that every plant and tree in the He family is very particular about the decoration. I wonder if Mr. He can show us around?" An Xiuhui changed the subject with a smile.

"That's good." Tang Huan said with a smile, "Since we're leaving for Jinling in the future, why don't we take this opportunity to visit this famous He family? Don't you know that Mr. He will reward you?"

"Now that you're here, let's take a stroll around this garden." He Yihang smiled generously, and then recruited another servant.

Soon, the four servant girls walked side by side and removed most of the eaten breakfast from the table of the Eight Immortals.

Chang Jingzhai is located in the easternmost part of He's house, and the plants, flowers and trees in the garden are all carefully selected by He Yihang.

The layout is grand, and just a glance can make people happy.

"Look, there seems to be a bird's nest on the sycamore tree?" Following the direction Xiao Baorui pointed, Tang Huanxi also saw the bird's nest not far away.

"The tired bird is returning to its nest," He Yihang said with a smile with his head held high, "at the beginning, the master planned to cut down this sycamore tree, but when he saw the bird's nest on the tree, he gave up on this idea, and the bird was in the same place. Young master, Chang Jingzhai has stayed here."

Hearing He Yihang's arrogant and self-satisfied tone, Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, said nothing, and then shifted her gaze to An Xiuhui's face.

Sure enough, the girl looked at He Yihang with a little more approval.

"I'm not as enlightened as Brother He," Xiao Baorui said abruptly, "When I lived alone in a thatched hut on the mountain, I was so hungry that I often went to climb trees to dig out bird eggs and bake them."


Tang Huan laughed happily.

Seeing Xiao Baorui's eyes became more and more loving.

After all, her man is really cute!
 Xiao Chengzi's operation was very successful, and Cheng Zi finally calmed down and coded

(End of this chapter)

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