Chapter 487
Tang Huanxi boldly kissed the man's face, then buried her head in his arms, stretched out her arms to hug his muscular waist, pursed her lips and remained silent.

She knew Xiao Baorui was really angry.

Angry at her for not caring for her body.

"Lady, I really can't do anything about you." Xiao Baorui smiled weakly, he was really helpless for such a disobedient lady.

"Xiao Baorui, I promise there will be no next time, okay?" Tang Huanxi raised her head in his arms, showing an extremely silly and sweet smile.

"Well, there will be no next time." Xiao Baorui met her gaze, raised his hand and stroked her fluffy hair, "Have you seen that woman before?"

"Well, we chatted for a while." Tang Huanxi said a few words concisely, and roughly introduced Wei Ping's background and the reason for falling into the water.

Xiao Baorui listened quietly, always expressionless.

"Xiao Baorui, is this Wei Ping too stupid?"

"It's not stupid, it's stupid." Xiao Baorui's voice was as clear as well water without any emotional fluctuations, "When we fought against the enemy on the battlefield, I don't know how many brothers lost their lives! Life is the most precious thing, but This person does not cherish life so much, it is really stupid!"

Xiao Baorui is a very tenacious person.

More importantly, he loves life.

Nothing is more important than being alive.

"This is a woman. Once she becomes a muscle, she will die!" Tang Huanxi followed his words and began to complain.

At this time, Wei Ping was still sitting on the bed stupidly, her eyes filled with sadness.

She looked down at her flattened belly, and the corners of her lips suddenly raised a slight curve.

Since she has nothing left, what is there to worry about?

A quarter of an hour later.

Tang Huanxi looked at Wei Ping who was sitting in front of her, and silently lowered her eyes.

After all, she still cherished her life, otherwise the dagger would not have deviated from her heart and did not cause fatal injuries to her.

"I want to cooperate with you." Wei Ping looked at her and said in a deep tone, "Although I don't know what your purpose of saving me is, I want to make Jia Zhengjing's life worse than death! I want him to regret, regret for I am so ruthless!"

Probably because the hatred in her heart has been buried for too long, the expression on Wei Ping's face at this time is very frightening.

This is love to hate.

"Okay, I promise you!" Tang Huanxi looked at her and nodded sincerely, "After tonight we will be able to reach Grain Rain City, you have a good night's rest, and I will make plans for you tomorrow morning."

"Hmm." Wei Ping nodded, looking at Tang Huanxi with more curiosity and inquiry, "Can you tell me your identity? And why did you save me?"

Most importantly, she knew who she was from the start.

Regarding this point, Wei Ping was full of doubts.

"My husband's family name is Xiao." Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled.

Seeing her attitude, Wei Ping smiled instead of anger, nodded to her, then turned and left.

Although she still doesn't know where this woman came from, it doesn't matter.

Since Jia Zhengjing dared to trick her into beating the child in her stomach, she had nothing to be afraid of.

That woman was right, it would be a pity if she died like this.

Even if she was going to die, she would drag Jia Zhengjing to hell with her!

"Wei Ping's hatred for Mr. Jia is so strong." Tang Huanxi leaned on Xiao Baorui's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Woman, it's really scary."

Once love reaches the extreme, after being betrayed, it will turn into extreme hate.

"Don't worry, lady, I won't give you a chance to hate me." Xiao Baorui gently embraced her in his arms, his tone full of tenderness, "Lady, you have been traveling with me all this time, and you look so thin Quite a lot, when we get to Guyu City, let's rest for a few days and make some adjustments, okay?"


Tang Huanxi was worrying about how to propose to Xiao Baorui to stay in Guyu City for a few more days, but now Xiao Baorui proposed it himself, which solved her predicament!

At noon the next day, the sun was just right.

The He family's boat arrived at the pier in Guyu City.

He Yihang was busy with matters related to the sale of He family medicinal materials, so he parted ways with Xiao Baorui and the others at the pier.

Tang Huanxi always felt that the way He Yihang looked at An Xiuhui before leaving was a little special.

Could it be that this middle school boy has moved his mind on An Xiuhui?
In Guyu City, with Wei Ping's help, they successfully moved into a private house in the center of the city.

"Is this your property?" Tang Huanxi looked at the woman in front of her while walking on the bluestone path in the garden, and raised the corners of her lips curiously.

"Well, that person gave it to you." Wei Ping explained in a low voice, without the slightest emotion in her voice.

A simple but exquisite small house, although the area is not large, it is rare to have a front yard and a back garden.

On both sides of the road paved with bluestone slabs, there are colorful rose flowers blooming enchantingly.

There are bursts of floral fragrance in the air, which is refreshing.

"I feel wronged that you are staying here for the time being." Leading the three of them to the wing room in the backyard, Wei Ping turned to look at them with a guilty smile on her face, "There is no one to take care of this house, so it seems It’s a bit desolate. But I’ll tidy it up for the time being, and I can barely live in it. I’ll go to the kitchen first to see if there’s anything I can eat. You can do whatever you want.”

"Thank you." Tang Huanxi nodded slightly to express her gratitude.

Although she saved Wei Ping, in a sense, they belonged to a cooperative relationship.

Wei Ping was sincere enough to bring them here.

"Miss, sister, rest first, I'll clean up the house!" Xiao Baorui turned around and said something to the two people behind him, then rolled up his sleeves and started working.

After working for two full hours, Xiao Baorui cleaned up the two guest rooms.

After taking a nap, Tang Huanxi got up and went to the kitchen.

At that time, Wei Ping had already cleaned up the kitchen.

"Are you going to cook noodles?" Seeing the dough in her hand, Tang Huanxi curled up her lips, washed her hands and walked to her side, "Let me come, the sliced ​​noodles I made taste very good."

"Okay." Wei Ping nodded, and passed the dough in her hand.

Tang Huanxi picked up the dough with one hand, picked up the kitchen knife with the other, and began to slice the noodles.

One by one, like snowflakes, they fell into the boiling iron pot.

A quarter of an hour later, the delicious sliced ​​noodles are freshly baked.

"Your cooking skills are really extraordinary." Wei Ping boasted that her cooking skills were not bad, but she was amazed when she saw Tang Huanxi's movements in one go.

"When I cook another egg, it will be even more perfect!" Tang Huanxi raised her head proudly and continued to work.

Sunset West Mountain.

The four sat around the table, eating delicious sliced ​​noodles, all satisfied.

"Wei Ping, shall we go for a walk in the garden?" After eating, Tang Huanxi slowly got up and looked at Wei Ping with a smile in his eyes, "I already have a plan."

(End of this chapter)

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