Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 492 The terrible thing is that life is worse than death!

Chapter 492 The terrible thing is that life is worse than death!
Wei Ping, who was so angry and bloody, suddenly vomited blood, and the shocking dark red color immediately smeared on the white bed sheet, which looked very terrifying!
Tang Huanxi hurried forward and fed her a few mouthfuls of mountain spring water.

After a breath, Wei Ping slowly opened her eyes.

"Am I... am I useless?" With Tang Huanxi's support, Wei Ping slowly sat up from the bed, her eyes full of self-deprecating smiles, "Sister Huanxi, I seem to be more important than I thought. Stupid!"

In Jia Zhengjing's eyes, he is just a cheap life!
So even if he is pregnant with his child, he can still remain indifferent.

He even watched himself injured and fell into the sea!

"Sister Wei, you are not stupid, you just met a scumbag." Tang Huanxi patted her hand and comforted her softly, "At least you can still see the true face of this scumbag while you are alive, so don't be too sad .”

"If you can't take good care of your body, you will really be sorry for the grievances you have suffered, do you understand?" Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said earnestly, "If I guessed correctly, I'll wait for you later. After a while, Jia Zhengjing will see you alone!"

"Then what should I do?" Wei Ping coughed twice, nervously grabbed Tang Huanxi's sleeve, "Huanxi, I..."

"Sister Wei, don't be afraid, as long as you do what I say, you will be safe and sound!" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, then leaned into her ear, and whispered a few words in a soft voice.

Wei Ping nodded again and again, and felt less uneasy.

Sure enough, after a stick of incense, someone made an excuse to interrogate the prisoner Wei Ping.

Tang Huanxi, Xiao Baorui and An Xiuhui watched her leave.

Jia Mansion, flower hall.

August osmanthus fragrance, the flower hall is filled with a faint fragrance of osmanthus.

Wei Ping was taken to the middle of the flower hall;
To be precise, she was thrown into the flower hall!


Just as she was coughing non-stop, a pair of black thick-soled boots suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She raised her eyes slightly, and met Jia Zhengjing's ironic eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

He raised his hand, lifted her chin, and sneered again and again.

"You really think you can escape from my palm? How naive!"

"Jia Zhengjing, don't be complacent! Those nasty things you have done will be discovered one day, and then you will become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats!" Wei Ping frowned forcefully, her tone Full of anger!

Jia Zhengjing raised his hand suddenly, and slapped her hard in the face!

"Bitch, where is the ledger?"

"If you want to know where the account book is, unless you give me the antidote first!" Wei Ping lay half of her body on the ground, the position of her chest fluctuated even more, her tone was full of sadness, "I really didn't dream Thinking about it, you actually poisoned me a long time ago! Jia Zhengjing, a person like you who is not as good as a beast will definitely go to hell in the future! Definitely will!"

"Oh, you're not too stupid, you know your life is in my hands!" Jia Zhengjing's expression suddenly became fierce, he grabbed Wei Ping's neck forcefully, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to waste time In the hands of you bastard! Either you obediently hand over the account book, and I will spare your life! Or I will kill you now!"

"If you want to kill it, kill it!" Wei Ping shrugged her shoulders and smiled nonchalantly, "But if I die, someone will take those ledgers to the capital, and at that time, you just wait to die! Jia Zhengjing, I, Wei Ping, am really blind to fall in love with something inferior to a beast like you, bah—"

Jia Zhengjing let go of his hand suddenly, and then tore Wei Ping's clothes vigorously.

But the clothes are gone, and the ledger is still gone!

"Come here! Come here!" Jia Zhengjing suddenly called out a servant, then pointed at Wei Ping who was curled up into a ball, and sneered, "This bitch, I'll give you a reward. Sell ​​it to the kiln!"

"Jia Zhengjing! You will definitely die!" Wei Ping's eyes turned red with anger, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She got up from the ground with a bang, and then ruthlessly grabbed Jia Zhengjing's neck!

The two were torn together in an instant!
The boy who had just entered the door saw this scene, and when he hurried forward to help, he was slashed from behind and passed out instantly!
Xiao Baorui and Wei Ping exchanged a look, and soon Wei Ping began to make some (unsuitable for children) sounds on purpose.

At the same time, Xiao Baorui took off all the clothes on Jia Zhengjing's body and put them on the boy's body!

After a cup of tea, Tang Huanxi and An Xiuhui swaggered into the flower hall.

"Huanxi, you are really amazing!" At that time, An Xiuhui looked at Xiao Baorui's completely new face, and immediately gave Tang Huanxi a thumbs up, "You know how to disguise yourself?"

"Um... low-key, low-key!" Tang Huanxi quickly waved his hands and smiled, but his eyes were full of arrogant smiles!
My sister has eighteen kinds of martial arts, and she has everything!

A mere disguise technique, pediatrics!

【Master, you obviously exchanged points of fortune for a human skin mask, why do you keep putting money on your face?face]

"Then Huanxi, what should we do next?" Wei Ping looked at Jia Zhengjing, who was stuffed with stinky socks, and sneered, "I really want to kill this scumbag with my own hands!"

"Sister Wei, death is not terrible, what is terrible is that life is worse than death!" Tang Huanxi blinked at her and smiled sweetly.

After a breath, the four of them gathered together and began to plot how to find the mother Gu of the Tracking Gu hidden in Jia's Mansion.

"Mother-child Gu should have telepathy, so Sister Wei, your first task in the past two days is to heal your wounds well. Wait until we have completely controlled the entire Jia Mansion, and then start slowly planning."

In Jia Zhengjing's hands, not only are there books involving extensive corruption and accepting bribes, but more importantly, he actually has items belonging to the Xiao family in Jinling.

There must be some kind of ulterior secret hidden behind this!
Tang Huanxi wanted to dig out this secret!
"Huanxi, why did those people listen to you so much just now?" An Xiuhui asked curiously.

About two quarters of an hour ago, Tang Huanxi suddenly said that she was in a hurry to urinate, and soon a nursing home opened the gate.

In the end, somehow, the man fell straight in front of them, and they walked smoothly from the guest room to the flower hall in the front yard.

More importantly, several servants and nurses saw them on the road, but they seemed to be air in the eyes of those people?

"Hahaha, because I know magic spells, those people are all overwhelmed by my beauty!" Tang Huanxi touched her face, and smiled brazenly!
【Obviously it was the master who threatened to smash my head, so I got a brief hypnosis】

"Stinky refrigerator, do you understand what it means to see through but not tell through? Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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