Chapter 497

[Ding—Master, someone is looking for Xu Jiudi. The system reminds me that the master needs to be more vigilant! 】

Tang Huanxi, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly heard the urgent voice of the little cutie, and she immediately opened her eyes, her eyes becoming more vigilant.

At that time, it was already dark.

Feeling the movement of the person beside him, Xiao Baorui also completely recovered his consciousness, turned his head to look at the person beside him, "Lady, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Baorui, shhh—" Tang Huanxi suddenly heard a slight sound, then put his index finger to the man's lips, and finally pointed to the roof above, the husband and wife instantly understood.


Tang Huanxi squinted her eyes and sneered, then ordered Xiao Baorui to throw a stool into the sky——

In an instant, a big hole broke in the roof!

A gray figure rolled down!
Xiao Baorui quickly stepped forward and subdued him as quickly as possible!

"Who are you?" The 'little thief' wanted to struggle anxiously, but Xiao Baorui's strength was really too great, he struggled for a long time, his face turned red, but it was still useless.

"who are you?"

"Jia Lian, I'm Jia Zhengjing's cousin!" Xiaobailian roared angrily, "What kind of thieves are you two from? How dare you be so arrogant and domineering!"


Tang Huanxi's mind was quickly sent all the information about the little boy in front of him.

Jia Lian, 28 years old.Jia Zhengjing's cousin is also one of Xu Jiudi's many concubines.

The house where Jia Lian lives is at the left rear of the mansion. Today, when Jia Lian heard that Xu Jiudi had returned home, he hurriedly looked for him to do some shady things, but he didn't want to happen to see the peony next to Xu Jiudi with the Jia mansion. Many servants left together.

How could Jia Lian miss such a rare opportunity?
So he sneaked up to the roof, wanting to have a look at Xu Jiudi, but he didn't want to be discovered by Xiao Baorui and his wife before he even made a sound——

"Thieves?" Tang Huanxi snorted coldly, "We are not thieves, but you, Jia Lian, you are so good that you even cuckolded your cousin? If this news gets out, your Jia family will be embarrassed." It’s really going to be thrown away!”

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't understand what you're talking about!" Jia Lian's neck was red with anger, but he looked away guiltily.

"Some things, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing. Jia Lian, now you should pay the price for what you did yourself!" Tang Huanxi was worrying about how to solve the predicament in front of her. Cannon fodder, if she didn't make good use of Jia Lian, she would be too sorry for herself!
Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes slightly, thought seriously for a moment, and soon came up with an idea, she moved to Xiao Baorui's side, and said a few words in a low voice!
Xiao Baorui's eyes lit up instantly, he kept nodding, and then he approached Jia Lian who was lying on the ground step by step.

" bastard...what do you want to do?"

"Soon, you will know!" Xiao Baorui smiled slightly, then raised his hand, and slashed at his neck vigorously!

Jia Lian immediately rolled his eyes, then fell into a drowsy sleep——

The moonlight is like water, and the night wind is blowing.

Under Tang Huanxi's order, Xiao Baorui stripped off all the clothes on Jia Lian's body, and threw them into one of the guest rooms in Jia's mansion, and then threw Xu Jiudi, who was still conscious with his eyes closed and his clothes half-faded, over there. ...

The husband and wife exchanged a look, and then left Jia's mansion with An Xiuhui and Wei Ping.

Before leaving, Tang Huanxi threw the burning torch into the front hall of Jia's main courtyard!
"Huanxi, is it true that the fire won't reach the wing room in the backyard?" Wei Ping frowned slightly as she watched the thick smoke rising rapidly from where Jia's mansion was located, and asked worriedly, "If it's true I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle if people are killed."

"Sister Wei, don't worry, no one will die." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and explained in a warm voice, "Xiao Baorui and I have already prepared a lot of fire prevention equipment in the room that Xu Jiudi and the others temporarily left. Xiao Baorui and I have sprinkled cold water, and we have already sent Mudan to notify the members of the Jia family, so before the fire burns to that room, someone will rescue them."

"When the Jia family members see them, they will definitely be furious!" An Xiuhui followed her words and said with a smile, "Although Xu Jiudi's reputation is already rotten, she has become Jia's wife. She should abide by the rules of Jia's family and have sex with Jia Zhengjing's cousin, and her fate will definitely not be so good..."

"That's right!" Tang Huanxi snapped his fingers with a smile, and then continued, "If it's just to have sex with a clansman, it's not a crime to die, but if you don't hesitate to kill your husband just to have sex with others, then the consequences It’s unimaginable.”

"You——" Jia Zhengjing, who was tied up and leaned against a corner of the car, was trembling with anger when he heard these people talking about these vicious plans!

"Jing Lang, don't be afraid!" Wei Ping suddenly smiled when she saw his expression, stretched out her index finger to lift his chin, and said in a deep voice, "We are going to Jinling this time to seek justice for you, Jing Lang. !"

"You...Wei Shi, you bitch, are you really desperate?" Jia Zhengjing's eyes turned red instantly, and he stared fiercely at her and said, "Don't forget that you still have Tracking Gu in your body, If Xu Jiudi is tortured or dies, you will not be much better!"

"Don't worry, Jing Lang, if you don't die, I won't want to die!" Wei Ping lowered her eyes slightly, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on her face, "Does Jing Lang really think that I will believe your nonsense? Jing Lang, We have been together for so long, and I only now realize that you are such a heartless and ruthless person. You misled us earlier, making me think that the person who tricked me was Xu Jiudi, in order to kill me with my hands. Xu Jiudi?
The trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone, Jinglang, you did it really well! "

Jia Zhengjing's eyes widened in horror, when did he show his feet?

Do not--

He performed so well, there must be no flaws!
This must be a trap, a trap dug by this bitch Wei, just waiting for himself to fall!
"I don't know what you're talking about! Even if you kidnap me now, you can't draw out the Gu worms in your body. All in all, you're still going to die!"

"Even if Sister Wei is going to die, she will die after you!" Tang Huanxi yawned tiredly, leaned on his man's shoulder, and smiled slightly, "Actually, 'Jia Zhengjing' is already dead, and You, the real Jia Zhengjing, have now fallen into our hands, and if we want to kill you, it would be as simple as crushing an ant, wouldn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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