Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 499 Afraid of Not Enough Meat!

Chapter 499 Afraid of Not Enough Meat!
At that time, the smile on Tang Huanxi's face was calm, but Jia Zhengjing still felt the murderous intent in her words.

This woman really doesn't care about his life or death, even she really wants to kill herself...

The panic spreading from his heart made him feel shocked and frightened, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"You... killing people is against the law!"

"Mr. Jia, this is the end of the matter, do you think we still care about the law?" Tang Huanxi simply squatted in front of him, resting his chin with one hand, pointing the other finger at the already hazy sky, and smiled slightly, " Mr. Jia, it's dawn!"

Jia Zhengjing frowned stubbornly, remained silent for a while, and finally sneered, "I want to talk to Wei Shi alone!"

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, and looked sideways at Wei Ping beside her, "Sister Wei, are you willing to give him this chance?"

"En!" Wei Ping nodded, then took a step forward, raised her eyes to meet Jia Zhengjing's cold gaze, "What do you want to tell me?"

Tang Huanxi stepped back and left obediently, and sat next to Xiao Baorui again.

The flames gradually faded.

A strange sound came from not far away.

Xiao Baorui nervously held the wrist of the person beside him, and said softly to her, "It should be a wild boar from the sound."

"Wild boar?" Tang Huanxi's eyes lit up instantly!
Chopped pepper pork head meat, spicy pork jerky, spicy pork jerky——

For a while, countless delicacies made with pork appeared in her mind!

【Master, wild boar!Are not you afraid? 】

The little cutie felt the thoughts in Tang Huanxi's mind at this time, and was really speechless——

【Well, I'm a little scared, I'm afraid I won't have enough meat——】

cutie, pawn—

Meeting such a big-hearted and tough master, the little cutie hugged her poor self in distress.

"Xiao Baorui, how confident are you in hunting this wild boar?" Thinking of those delicacies, Tang Huanxi felt her saliva was about to flow out. She immediately supported the man's shoulders, leaned into his ear, and asked softly.

Xiao Baorui looked at her and asked softly, "My lady wants to hunt wild boars?"

"Hmm, can't you?"

"It's not difficult to hunt this wild boar." Xiao Baorui frowned and pondered for a moment, "Lady, it's dawn now, so it's not difficult for us to hunt wild boars, but I only have a dagger on me. If that wild boar finds out that you are here, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you..."

Besides Tang Huanxi, An Xiuhui was resting with her eyes closed beside the fire, and Wei Ping was talking to Jia Zhengjing not far away.

Xiao Baorui would be a little worried if he wanted to protect wild boars while hunting them.

"Xiao Baorui, listen to the sound of this wild boar. This wild boar is already very close to us. If we can't kill the pig first, the consequences will be even more disastrous. So I already have an idea." Tang Huanxi rolled his eyes, and instantly plan.

She woke up An Xiuhui, told her to stay where she was and not to run around, and then followed Xiao Baorui, approaching little by little following the sound of the wild boar.

With the help of the morning light, Tang Huanxi realized that their current location was below a steep slope!
Really God is helping them!

Xiao Baorui held her hand tightly, and the two of them pressed their bodies against the hillside at the same time.

Tang Huanxi held up a huge green tree branch on top of her head, and then carefully poked out half of her head.


Her line of sight happened to meet a pair of black eyeballs the size of copper bells!

The moment the wild boar, which was about half the height of a person, found Tang Huanxi, it let out a strange cry, and then rushed to her like a flash of lightning——

Xiao Baorui clenched the dagger in his hand, found the right moment, and stabbed one of the boar's eyes!
The wild boar howled in pain, leaped forward, presented a perfect parabola, and then fell heavily behind the hillside!


Xiao Baorui turned over, clenched the dagger in his hand and slashed across the wild boar's belly, instantly filled the air with a strong smell of blood!

The wild boar whose abdomen was suddenly slashed kept howling in pain——


Tang Huanxi took the thick branch in his hand and smashed it hard on the wild boar's head!

The branch in her hand was instantly torn apart, the wild boar's eyes widened, its fangs raised, and it rushed towards Xiao Baorui's position fiercely——

There was a violent noise like a thunderbolt, and it exploded immediately!
At that time, the wild boar had completely died.

Xiao Baorui's face was covered with red blood.

Tang Huanxi hurried up, took out a handkerchief, wiped off the blood on her man's face, and gave him a thumbs up in admiration, "Xiao Baorui, you are awesome!"

"Hehe, it was my lady who helped me knock out the wild boar, otherwise it would be impossible to subdue this wild boar so quickly." Xiao Baorui smiled foolishly, and walked around Tang Huanxi anxiously, "My lady, are you not injured?" ?”

"No, with you here, how could I get hurt?"

"It's fine if you don't."

【Master, are you and Xiao Baorui doing business with each other? 】

【No, I'm showing affection! 】

The little cutie was instantly dejected, and silently closed her mouth.

At that time, An Xiuhui and Wei Ping both came over and saw the dead wild boar lying on the ground.
"You—you actually hunted and killed a wild boar?" At that time, An Xiuhui couldn't find any words to describe her feelings. Is the couple in front of her a god?

They actually worked together to hunt down a huge wild boar?

"Hmm, Xiao Baorui and I have worked together very well. We used to hunt together in the mountains before." Tang Huanxi didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Hunt a wild boar, little case!
"It's already dawn. If we don't deal with this wild boar sooner, I'm worried that the smell of blood will attract more beasts. My lady, what should we do next?" Xiao Baorui was not so happy, but worried about the situation in front of him.

After all, Death Ridge deserves its reputation.

A ferocious beast like a wild boar is easier to deal with.

But if they encounter a more advanced python or a beast like a big worm, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to escape.

"Don't worry, I have a solution." Tang Huanxi gave him a reassuring look, then took the dagger in his hand and began to deal with the wild boar.

[Little cutie, let’s do a brain teaser, now I ask you a question, how many steps does it take to put a wild boar in the refrigerator? 】Suddenly, Tang Huanxi had an idea, closed his eyes, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

[Ten seconds time limit, must answer]

The little cutie looked bewildered, and then thought seriously.

[I think three steps are enough. 】Tang Huanxi seized the opportunity and replied with a smile, 【First I need to open the door of the refrigerator, then throw the wild boar in, and finally close the door of the refrigerator, so there are only three steps in total. 】

A question mark and an exclamation point popped out of the cutie's head instantly!

【Master, are you serious? 】

(End of this chapter)

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