Chapter 522

[Smelly refrigerator!Don't get complacent too early!Although you are just a certain space beyond my consciousness now, but when you transform into a real entity in the future, I will see if I will beat you up! 】

The cutie shivered suddenly!Then there was a flattering smile on his face, 【Master, I was wrong!Woohoo, I don't dare anymore! 】

[It's too late, sisters can hold grudges, when you come, let's clear up old and new debts together! 】

[Woooooo, master, you are so fierce! 】Little cutie suddenly changed into a crying expression!
Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then got into the simple kitchen of the cabin.

Jin Sheng likes delicious food, so why doesn't she do what she likes?

Moreover, she is quite interested in Jin Sheng's love history, the fire of gossip is burning ragingly!

"Ma'am, what kind of food are you going to cook?" Xiao Baorui walked into the kitchen with a bent waist, looked at the graceful figure in front of him, with a smile in his eyes, "It smells very spicy, doesn't it?"

"Chopped pepper fish head and boiled fish fillets!" Tang Huanxi laughed while sneezing, "Xiao Baorui, what do you see?"

Looking at the small green pot in his wife's hand, Xiao Baorui shook his head in a daze, "What is this?"

"Beer, this is beer. When we have dinner with Golden Witch Doctor, you will do this..." Tang Huanxi leaned closer to the man's ear, whispered a few words, and then laughed as if throwing a fish cat with a secretive and proud smile.

"Miss, is this what you want?"

"I want to know more about the golden witch doctor."

"No way!" Xiao Baorui suddenly put on a straight face, with a hint of anger appearing in his eyes!

"Big jealous, I don't mean the understanding you think, you idiot!"

Tang Huanxi stretched out her finger and poked the man's forehead, then carefully expressed her concerns.

Although Granny Bu treats them sincerely, they don't know much about Jin Sheng's temper.

It was related to Wei Ping and Xu Wanjin, so Tang Huanxi felt that he should be more cautious in everything, just in case.

lunch time.

Looking at the colorful and fragrant dishes on the table and the twelve small green jars placed in the center of the table, Jin Sheng raised his eyebrows in doubt, "This is it?"

"Of course good food should be paired with good wine." Tang Huanxi snapped his fingers and smiled slightly, "Witch Doctor Jin is willing to leave his hometown to help my friends. Huanxi is naturally very grateful, so this is my kindness, Chopped Pepper Fish Head, boiled fish slices, steamed fish, and this spicy stir-fried clam, all made by myself, by the way, and this!"

Tang Huanxi picked up a can of beer and introduced it seriously, "This is beer. As the old saying goes, one must enjoy life to the fullest, so don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon! Golden witch doctor, would you like to try this beer?"

"Beer? I've never heard of it."

Jin Sheng's face was still calm, but there was a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

"Witch Doctor Jin, why don't you try it?" Xiao Baorui had already pulled the tab on the jar and poured the wine into the glass in front of Jin Sheng.

The three of them clinked glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

"The taste is bitter and pungent, but the taste is somewhat unique." Jin Sheng commented earnestly.

Tang Huanxi winked at her man, and then kept serving Jin Sheng vegetables, while Xiao Baorui kept pouring wine into Jin Sheng's cup.

You come and go, a dozen beers are all emptied.

But Jin Sheng's expression became more and more sober, but Tang Huanxi and Xiao Baorui's complexions were flushed and their eyes were blurred.

"Witch doctor Jin, why do you keep dangling in front of my eyes? And you, Xiao Baorui, what are you doing? How can you fly?" Tang Huanxi, who was already drunk, blinked and asked stupidly.

Jin Sheng looked at the couple in front of him and shook his head helplessly.

"What do you want to know?" From the very beginning, Tang Huanxi's enthusiasm made Jin Sheng more vigilant. The couple kept pouring alcohol on themselves, which was too blatant.

So Jin Sheng decided to play tricks, and wanted to see what kind of tricks the couple was trying to play.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were actually drunk!

"I...I want to know...Grandma Bu said, did Qianlian... the golden witch doctor know about it?" Tang Huanxi slowly raised the corners of her lips, and asked with a smirk, "Qianlian is your junior sister, Bu The mother-in-law said that the witch doctors in Dai County rarely go out, so is Qian Lian the witch doctor who tricked my friends?"

"I don't know either." Jin Sheng looked at her drunken eyes and said sincerely, "Now I don't know where Qian Lian is. The reason why I am willing to go to Jinling with you is to find Qian Lian. Lian, I want to know her whereabouts..."

Jin Sheng stood up, looked at the dazzling sunlight not far away, and gave a helpless smile, "It's been so many years, I don't know if she still hates me? I taught her Gu skills myself, so wait until you see her." After reading your friends, I will know if it is her handwriting."

Jin Sheng turned and left.

Tang Huanxi, who was lying on the table, slowly closed her eyes, and opened them suddenly a second later, no longer looking drunk.

【Master, are you pretending to be drunk? 】

[Nonsense, can't you see this? 】Tang Huanxi rolled her big eyes, then raised the corners of her lips triumphantly, 【Jin Sheng is a smart man, if he wants to get a doctor drunk, isn't that just a joke? 】

[So you set up a trick on purpose to let him see that you set up a trick to trick Jin Sheng? 】

Tang Huanxi nodded, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the man who had fallen asleep lying on the table in his eyes, and helplessly helped his forehead.

Xiao Baorui, what a fool!

She gave him the task of filling Jin Sheng with wine quietly, but this man was too honest!
He insisted on drinking with Jin Sheng, and finally succeeded in getting himself drunk!

At this moment, Tang Huanxi was powerless to complain!
At dusk, as the boatman speeded up, they finally arrived at Jinling Ferry before dark.

After the three of them rested for a while, they set off for the Yingbin Building.


The door was opened, and when Xu Wanjin, who was already in low spirits, saw the young couple Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi, his eyes lit up, "Are you back? Did you go all right? Did you get hurt?"

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, my wife and I are not injured, but your complexion, why is it getting uglier?" Xiao Baorui looked at Xu Wanjin's complexion seriously, and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine..." Xu Wanjin waved his hand weakly, "Thanks to the spiritual spring water that girl left me earlier, otherwise I might not be able to see the sun this morning."

This morning, when Xu Wanjin woke up, he felt that his limbs were sore and his whole body was weak, and the position of his heart was even more painful, making it suffocating.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he remembered the little jade bottle Tang Huanxi had left behind, and immediately drank the water in the bottle. Only then did he restrain the pain in his body, but his face was still ugly.

"Don't worry, Uncle Xu, we've already invited the witch doctor, you'll be fine!" Xiao Baorui hastily stepped back, looking at the golden witch doctor with pleading eyes!
 Explain why it took so long.

  I got pregnant by accident, but Chengzi just gave birth to Xiao Chengzi two years ago. The dystocia was converted to a caesarean section.

  The family members are also worried about Chengzi's health, so they are still in confinement at home, and I hope the cuties understand.Take a bow and thank you.

  Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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