Chapter 529
Xiao Baorui remained silent for a long time, finally slowly raised his eyes, met An Xiuhui's worried eyes, and shook his head lightly.

"None of us knows what the truth was back then. Although I trust Uncle Xu very much, who can guarantee that there will be no hidden secrets?" Xiao Baorui clenched his fists, his eyes flickered, and his tone With a somewhat self-deprecating smile, "What's more, I'm just a reckless man now, with no power or power. Even if I want to take revenge, I have more than enough heart but not enough power."

An Xiuhui was stunned for a while, she did not expect Xiao Baorui's cognition to be so clear-headed.

That's right, in the eyes of the superiors, they are just ants who want to live by stealth. If the superiors want to deal with them, then they have no room to resist. What's more, Xu Wanjin may not know all about the events of the year the truth.

"No matter what you choose in the future, I just hope that you and sister Huanxi are safe and sound." An Xiuhui sighed deeply, then untied the purse hanging from her waist, and took out two talismans from it, Smiling slightly, "When I was in Jinling City, I went to Jiming Temple to ask for the peace talisman. I heard that the peace amulet of Jiming Temple is the most effective. This is for you and Sister Huanxi."

Xiao Baorui's eyes turned red immediately, he was so excited that he choked up and couldn't speak.

"I thought... I thought you wouldn't easily accept my useless brother."

"I am born to be useful, big brother, you don't have to belittle yourself." An Xiuhui thought for a while, stepped forward, raised her arm and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, no matter what you want to do in the future, I will support you unconditionally .”

He was her only relative in this world, so An Xiuhui's wish was very simple, she only hoped that he was safe and healthy, and that was enough.

"En!" Xiao Baorui nodded vigorously, and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Jing Yuan, don't worry, brother will take good care of himself and your sister-in-law!"

"Brother, I know my father... In your eyes, he is a traitor and corrupt official, but in my eyes, he is a competent and excellent father, so when we return to Yun'an City after a while, I will come back again." Yun'an Mansion." An Xiuhui looked into his eyes and explained softly, "Besides, Uncle Xu is right, we can't be together, if I really go back to Yunshui County with you, I'm afraid it will attract people's attention. So for our mutual safety, in order not to implicate those innocent people, it is safer for me to continue to be the eldest lady of the prefect of Yun'an, do you understand?"

Xiao Baorui listened carefully to her words, was silent for a long moment, and finally nodded slightly.

"Actually...actually, my lady's thoughts are similar to yours, but just now I just...couldn't hold back my temper with my lady." Now recalling his previous attitude, Xiao Baorui really regretted it and wished he could kill himself with a piece of tofu !
"In that case, why don't you go coax sister-in-law?" An Xiuhui smiled slightly, blinked at him, then turned him around, pushed him away.

At that time, Tang Huanxi was cooking anti-fetal medicine in the kitchen.

While fanning the fan, she looked down at her still flat belly, her eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of her lips curved slightly.

Doctor Cheng Ji also said that it was difficult for her to conceive, so Tang Huanxi never had any extravagant hopes for her belly.

But Jin Sheng said that she was pregnant, which is really very happy.

No matter what, she must take good care of the child in her stomach!

[Ding——Your refrigerator cutie is online!Congratulations to the host for being pregnant, the system specially rewards 888 points of blessing! 】Suddenly the cutie's naughty voice sounded in his mind, Tang Huanxi hesitated for a moment, then put down the fan in his hand.

[Smelly refrigerator, are you too stingy?I am happy, such a big happy event, you actually only rewarded 888 points of blessing?Too picky! ] If she remembered correctly, when she consummated the marriage with Xiao Baorui for the first time, the stinky refrigerator rewarded her with 1666 points of blessing!

This difference is too big!

[Ahem, master, please be patient, as long as you can successfully conceive this child, the system will have more rewards when the child is born! 】

【real? 】Tang Huanxi raised the corners of his eyes slightly, with undisguised doubt in his tone.

[It must be true, master, don't worry!Master, your body is relatively weak now, so cutie recommends that you rest more, don't be too tired...]

The smelly refrigerator talked a lot of nonsense, and the smile in Tang Huanxi's eyes became more and more obvious.

A quarter of an hour later, the chattering cutie realized that her master had ignored her at all, and immediately shut her mouth.

【Why are not you talking? ] Tang Huanxi crossed her arms and asked with a curious smile.


[Smelly refrigerator, you are abnormal, not normal at all, tell me honestly, why are you so concerned with the baby in my belly?What is his connection with you? 】

【Master... Do you want to be so perverted?Am I being so obvious? 】

[Nonsense, when did you ever care about me from the bottom of your heart? 】Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes silently, offering courtesy for nothing, not to rape or steal, not to mention her sixth sense clearly told her that this stinky refrigerator has no good intentions!
[Uh...Master, you have won! 】The little cutie stretched out her thumb silently, and gave a thumbs up without hesitation, 【Master, your physique is relatively weak, so I haven’t transformed into a real body until now. If the little master can be born smoothly and have a strong body, I will I can be conceived with him, and when you give birth, I can also transform into an entity. 】

Tang Huanxi silently raised her right hand and stroked her chin, carefully savoring the meaning of the little cutie's words, [Then can you guarantee that I can give birth to this child safely?Doctor Cheng and witch doctor Jin both said that I am too weak to conceive a healthy child, can you help me? 】

【certainly! 】Little cutie answered decisively, and then said a series of words.

In the end Tang Huanxi nodded, her eyes were deep.

As long as she obediently listens to the doctor's advice, takes anti-natal drugs regularly, and accumulates a lot of blessing points, when she gives birth in the future, she can use the blessing points to help herself a lot!

After communicating with the cutie, Tang Huanxi's heart became a little more stable.

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui searched the entire restaurant, and finally saw Tang Huanxi in the kitchen, "Miss, are you alright?"

The man hurriedly ran up to Tang Huanxi, pulled her into his arms, and said in a tone full of guilt, "Ma'am, I'm sorry! It's all my fault, I shouldn't use such a bad tone to talk to you." Speak, I'm really sorry!"

Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a little sore in her heart, and tried her best to push away the man's embrace, and said, "Why, you thought about it after chatting with Jing Yuan for a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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