Chapter 535
He Yihang patted Xiao Baorui's chest excitedly, his eyes were full of sincere thoughts!

"Brother He, long time no see!" Xiao Baorui smiled innocently, subconsciously protecting Tang Huanxi behind him.

He Yihang's temper is too jumpy, he is a little worried that he will accidentally bump into his wife!
"Are you eating?" Seeing the oil stain on He Yihang's lips, Tang Huanxi suddenly frowned, and then spat it out with a wow...

At that time, He Yihang's expression was very exciting!
But I haven't seen you for dozens of days, this woman did it on purpose, right?

Isn't he just darker and fatter?

But she wouldn't want to throw up when she saw herself, would she?

At that time Tang Huanxi was suffering from nausea, and did not see He Yihang's contemptuous gaze at all.

"Forget it, my lord, I don't care about villains, you women are troublesome!" He Yihang rolled his eyes, then turned on the radar mode, and kept searching in the crowd, but after searching for a while, he still disappeared The figure of An Xiuhui.

"Where's Brother Xiao? Where's Miss An?" After confirming that there was no voice from An Xiuhui in the crowd, He Yihang grabbed Xiao Baorui's arm impatiently, "Hasn't she been with you all this time? Why is she suddenly gone now? Where has she gone?"

Even Xiao Baorui, who was very nervous, also sensed the deep meaning in He Yihang's words, and he frowned immediately, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Jing Yuan is his younger sister, how dare this brat He Yihang try to get Jing Yuan's idea?

"Brother Xiao, why don't you speak? Miss An!" He Yihang didn't realize that Xiao Baorui's eyes were getting darker and darker, but became more eager.

"Her father sent someone to look for her, so she went home first." Looking at Xiao Baorui who was about to explode, Tang Huanxi immediately reached out and grabbed his wrist, then showed a sweet smile at He Yihang, "Young Master He, I'm really sorry, I didn't want to vomit just looking at you... vomit..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Huanxi began to bend over and vomit again!

"Did you do it on purpose?" He Yihang turned green angrily, turned and left angrily.

But before leaving, he did not forget to order the shopkeeper to invite them all to Yipinxiang's box.

Let people quickly go to a table, and then start pulling Xiao Baorui to ask questions!
However, Xiao Baorui ignored He Yihang who was so noisy at all, and only took care of his wife wholeheartedly.

After Tang Huanxi drank a large bowl of white porridge, she finally felt less uncomfortable in her stomach.

Seeing her complexion gradually return to normal, Jin Sheng also heaved a sigh of relief, pinched her wrist, checked her pulse seriously, and only let go after confirming that she was fine.

"Doctor Jin, is my wife okay?" Xiao Baorui nervously moved his head to Jin Sheng's side.

"Huanxi is fine. Women are pregnant, and only a very small number of them don't suffer from morning sickness. In addition, Huanxi's physique is already weak. If she wants to keep this child, she will have to work hard." Jin Sheng said a few words expressionlessly. , Then he turned his eyes away and stopped speaking.

He Yihang, who was pouring wine for Xiao Baorui, suddenly stopped his movements.

He immediately looked up at Tang Huanxi, "Are you pregnant?"



"Thank you!"

"Brother Xiao, congratulations, come on, come on, how can we not drink one of such happy things?"

"I don't want to drink it, I'm afraid the smell of alcohol will poison my wife." Xiao Baorui shook his head lightly, then put down the teapot he was holding, and poured himself a cup of tea instead.

He Yihang suddenly felt that his teeth were so sore!

"Just eating food and not drinking, what's the point?" He Yihang poured himself a glass of wine and muttered a few words in a low voice.

"Mr. He is right. Drinking alone is really meaningless. Why don't we try to guess riddles?" Tang Huanxi suddenly smiled, her brows were curved, and those narrowed peach eyes were like a cute fox. Smart!
"Say, how do you want to play? I will definitely accompany you!" He Yihang patted his chest, and smiled very boldly!
Although this woman is very tough, she can play and is interesting!
"How about this, within the time limit of one stick of incense, I will ask a riddle. If Mr. He can answer it, I will make Xiao Baorui punish himself three cups; if Mr. He cannot guess it, then I will go to the Shanzhen Museum to choose some riddles Medicinal ingredients!"

" want to deceive my family's medicinal materials again?" He Yihang immediately widened his eyes, pointed at Tang Huanxi's nose and cursed angrily!
"This is just a simple gamble. I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. Why don't you dare to fight?"

"Come on!" He Yihang immediately patted the table, put one foot on the stool, and smiled recklessly, "You just let the horse come here, young master, I'm not afraid of you!"

Tang Huanxi narrowed her eyes and smiled, "The answer to the riddle I'm about to reveal is reflected in everyone. Mr. He, you have to listen carefully!"

"Bluestone slabs, slabs of green stones, and bluestone slabs with foreign nails!" Tang Huanxi rubbed his chin and immediately gave out the riddle.

At the same time, Xiao Baorui also prepared the incense burner.

"What the hell? Foreign nails? What is that?" He Yihang blinked his eyes in a daze, his mind was in chaos!
"Have not heard……"

Accompanied by the sound of He Yihang begging the stick of incense not to burn too fast, Tang Huanxi and his party began to eat.

I have to say that Yipinxiang's food tastes really good.

Although it is still far behind Master Tang's cooking skills, the taste is still very good.

Especially the pearl glutinous rice balls, which are soft, sweet and delicious!
The time for a stick of incense was fleeting, and He Yihang lay powerlessly on the soft bed.

"Tell me, what is the answer to the mystery?"

"Actually, the answer to the mystery is the eyes." Tang Huanxi pointed at his eyes with his index finger and explained with a smile.

In the end, everyone suddenly realized.

Simple puzzles, but not easy answers.

Everyone has eyes, no wonder Tang Huanxi gave such an explanation beforehand.

"Would you like another one?" Tang Huanxi, who had already eaten and drank enough, simply stood up and walked around in front of He Yihang, "Master He, please listen to the question, what things can be touched twice by father and mother, wife You can touch it once, but your husband can’t touch it?"

"Husband means husband, and wife means wife! Do you understand?"

"What the hell question, I don't know!" He Yihang thought about it for a while, and finally rolled his eyes, turned around and prepared to leave!

After He Yihang left, Tang Huanxi also yawned, she was really tired after a day's driving.

Fortunately, Yipinxiang has spare rooms.

Xiao Baorui ordered the waiter in the shop to boil more hot water, but he followed the lady and went back to the room.

"Miss, are you tired?"

"Well, a little," Tang Huanxi, who was leaning on the bed, closed her eyes and rested, feeling a little weak all over.

"Lady, what is the answer to the riddle just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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