Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 553 Zhen Meili

Chapter 553 Zhen Meili

Perhaps Tang Huanxi's eyes were too frightening, so frightened that Tang Shizhu couldn't help but shuddered, and took a step back subconsciously.

"You...what do you want to do?" Facing Tang Huanxi's approaching step by step, Tang Shizhu subconsciously backed away, his face pale as paper, becoming more and more ugly.

"Guess?" Tang Huanxi smiled while playing with the gleaming kitchen knife in his hand!

Just now she asked Mrs. Qian to kill a chicken, and there was still some blood on the kitchen knife that hadn't been wiped clean.

"You... killing people is against the law!"

"Yes, I know that killing people is against the law, don't worry, I won't kill you!" Tang Huanxi smiled, but in Tang Shizhu's eyes, that smile seemed to have crawled out of the ground Like a demon, dreadful, frightening...


Tang Shizhu staggered, and fell backwards. His head hit the nearby bluestone slab, and bright red blood flowed out immediately.

"Killed! Killed!"

Tang Jinjin, who had witnessed the whole process, had a complete psychological breakdown and cried loudly!

Hongfu gave her a cold look, then stretched out her hand to touch her dumb acupoint, and suddenly, the surroundings became silent.

After half an hour.

After Jin Sheng cleaned and bandaged the wound on Tang Shizhu's head, he didn't care about it.

Thinking of the hardships that his sister and Huanxi had endured, Jin Sheng wished he could kill this man.

But he couldn't allow Huanxi to be charged with patricide, so he could only try to save him.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" After Jin Sheng wiped his hands, Tang Huanxi took a step forward and asked with a smile.

"I can't die. If you really answered that sentence, the disaster will last for a thousand years." Jin Sheng sneered and said no more.

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly. To be honest, although she hated Tang Shizhu, she didn't want his life.

"But although I can't die, but this head is injured, the worst result is to become stupid."

"Being stupid? Doctor... what does this mean!" Qiu Ju, who had been standing on one side with a white face, suddenly became nervous and incoherent. She jumped forward, grabbed Jin Sheng's arm, and asked eagerly He said, "Doctor, the head of the family... what will become of the head of the house..."

Jin Sheng frowned, and shook Qiu Ju away vigorously, "I won't die, at most I'll be stupid."

"Being stupid - stupid -"

Qiu Ju kept muttering to herself, thinking that Tang Shizhu would become a fool in the future, she choked up and couldn't speak!
She grabbed Tang Jinjin's arm and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Tang Huanxi looked at the backs of the mother and daughter fleeing, raised her eyebrows slightly, and rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Uncle, let's go have breakfast first, I specially got up early to make crystal buns today!"

"it is good!"

Ever since, the group went to the side hall for breakfast. As for Tang Shizhu, he was completely forgotten.

The crystal buns made by Tang Huanxi are crystal clear and delicious, which makes people want to eat more.

In less than a moment, a total of 24 buns in the three cages were wiped out.

"Delicious! The buns made by my lady are really delicious!" Xiao Baorui touched his chubby belly and smiled happily, "My lady, what shall we have for lunch?"

"Huanxi is pregnant now, and you still keep her busy in the kitchen?" Jin Sheng suddenly put down his chopsticks forcefully, angrily yelling.

"Uncle, I just want to ask my lady what she has for lunch, so I'll make it for her..." Xiao Baorui blinked, and there was a hint of cunning in the smile in his eyes.

Jin Sheng suddenly had nothing to say.

This man is clearly an old fox!
"Xiao Baorui, uncle, I'm going to find sister Yanqiu later, I'll go back and clean up first." Tang Huanxi very cleverly avoided the childish verbal war between the two big men.

Both Xiao Baorui and Jin Sheng sincerely wanted to protect her and take care of her, so it was not appropriate for her to open her mouth to help anyone.

The moment Tang Huanxi left the table, Qian also retreated cautiously.

Xu Wanjin looked at the two men who were still facing each other, sighed helplessly, and turned to leave.

"Hmph!" Jin Sheng scolded coldly, then got up, and strode away.

Xiao Baorui smiled indifferently, hummed a tune and began to clean up the mess on the table.

Hongfu followed Tang Huanxi all the way until Tang Huanxi suddenly turned around and smiled at her.

"There was a little episode just now, I haven't had time to introduce myself." Tang Huanxi smiled and extended his right hand to her, "My name is Tang Huanxi."

"Young lady, I know your name."

"Oh," Tang Huanxi nodded unsurprisingly, then walked around Hongfu, and finally smiled thoughtfully, "Xiao Baorui asked you to come to my side mainly because he wanted you to protect me, Right?"


"Then you can't put on a straight face and release a cold air that no one should enter!" Tang Huanxi blinked and smiled softly at her, "And in the future, when you are by my side, you will inevitably have to accompany me. I went out to discuss business, and with such a stern face, probably everyone can guess that you are a killer."

Hongfu's expression was dull for a moment, "Is it so obvious?"

"Hmm! It's obvious!" Tang Huanxi nodded vigorously, "Quite obvious!"

Hong Fu frowned, thoughtful, and then disappeared in front of Tang Huanxi's eyes with lightning speed.

A quarter of an hour later, Hongfu changed out of the rose red dress and wore a navy blue gown.

It's like a fiery red rose suddenly turned into a gentle water lily, plus she deliberately put away the hostility in her body, making her whole person look much gentler.

Only now did Tang Huanxi have the time to look carefully at the person in front of him.

He has a dignified appearance and a gentle temperament, except for those sharp red phoenix eyes, which are vaguely sharp.

"Madam, is this better?"

"Well, it's much better. It's less ostentatious and more gentle." Tang Huanxi commented with a smile, then turned and went back to the room to tidy herself up. After a quarter of an hour, the two walked towards the Song Mansion. .

At that time, Yang Yanqiu had been waiting for a long time.

"Sister, let's go to the store today and have a look?" Tang Huanxi stepped forward, took her arm affectionately, and smiled.

"By the way, Huanxi, have you figured out the name of this shop?" Yang Yanqiu suddenly thought of something and asked anxiously.

Tang Huanxi unhurriedly took out a piece of paper from his pocket and slowly opened it.

Looking at the three big characters that suddenly appeared on the paper, Yang Yanqiu's eyes lit up!
"Good name!"

"Zhenmeili, and it sounds like Zhenmei, you girl, you are really weird!" Yang Yanqiu tapped the tip of her nose, and gently raised her lips, "I will let my husband write these words later. , and make another plaque at that time!"

"With the calligraphy of the county magistrate, I believe that the business in our store will flourish in the future!"


(End of this chapter)

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