Chapter 566
Jin Sheng was taken aback by Tang Huanxi's actions, and soon returned to normal.

He took the painting and looked at it seriously.

"The character in this painting is really similar to your mother in terms of eyebrows and eyes. However, this person's temperament is as cold as frost, which is a bit different from your mother." Jin Sheng commented seriously, "Happy, Your mother and I have been separated since childhood, so I can't remember your mother's appearance, but the cinnabar between this person's eyebrows is exactly the same as your mother's."

"But Huanxi, who is the character in this painting? From my uncle's point of view, this person is eight or nine percent similar to you."

Tang Huan stood up from the chair with a bang, and a bold guess appeared in his mind!

"Huanxi, are you alright?" Seeing her suddenly pale face, Jin Sheng asked anxiously.

【Owner?Owner?Are you OK? 】

Sensing that Tang Huanxi's mood fluctuated greatly, the cutie rushed out eagerly and asked with concern.

At this moment, Tang Huanxi only felt that she had a splitting headache, as if countless fragments of memory were stuffed into her mind.

Those memories seem to belong to her, but also seem to be far away from her.

"Huanxi? Huanxi?" Jin Sheng called dozens of times in a row, but the person in front of him didn't respond at all.

In desperation, Jin Sheng had no choice but to prick her acupuncture points with silver needles.

Gradually, Tang Huanxi fainted completely.

"My lady? My lady? What's the matter with you..." Xiao Baorui, who just came back, rushed into the side hall in a hurry, and immediately hugged Tang Huanxi in his arms, "Uncle, what's wrong, my lady?"

"She's fine. I tapped her acupuncture points, and she fell asleep." Jin Sheng frowned and explained, then pinched her wrist again, and felt the pulse seriously.

Seeing Jin Sheng's frown deepened, Xiao Baorui's mood became extremely uneasy.

"What's wrong with the lady? Uncle, what's the matter with the lady?" Xiao Baorui asked nervously, his voice unconsciously tinged with a tremor...

"Judging from the pulse condition, there is nothing serious about being happy." Jin Sheng let go of his hand silently, but his tone was more serious, "But I noticed that the breath in her body is a bit disordered, as if she has been hit by something."

"How could this happen?" Xiao Baorui looked down at the person in his arms, feeling more and more worried.

Seeing the lady's face getting paler and paler, Xiao Baorui became anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

What worries him the most is that the lady's body is getting colder and colder, and her breath is getting weaker and weaker.

【Owner?Are you OK? 】

Cutie looked at Tang Huanxi who was standing alone in the confined space, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

[Little cutie, you know that, right? 】Tang Huanxi took a deep breath, her tone was not as relaxed and cheerful as usual, but a little more melancholy.

That tone is exactly the same as that of Concubine Lan Gui back then.

【Master... I don't understand what you mean. 】Little cutie immediately lowered her eyes and said cautiously.

【Don't hide it from me, I've already guessed it. 】Tang Huanxi raised the corners of her lips silently, and laughed at herself, 【There are so many similarities in this world, even if Concubine Lan's appearance is somewhat similar to mine, it's not surprising, but why can I empathize with Concubine Lan's emotions?So I thought, Concubine Lan Gui is my previous life, right? 】

Tang Huanxi didn't dare to believe this at first, after all, the matter of reincarnation is too unreal.

But her soul could be sent here by a refrigerator.

So, what is impossible in this world?
Little Cutie didn't expect her master to guess it so quickly, and she was immediately speechless.

It and the system have accompanied the owner for so many years, and after a thousand years of reincarnation, they came to the Great Yong Dynasty again.

It originally thought that this time the master would definitely change her own destiny.

So it discussed with the system before setting up the point of blessing system, in order to let the owner continue to use Tang Huanxi's identity and start her life again.

【Ok. 】Little cutie sighed with herself for a while, and finally nodded silently.

[Then can I know the whole story now? 】

[Master wants to hear? 】

[Well, I really want to. 】

The little cutie nodded lightly, and said softly, 【Master, close your eyes first, and then open them after a breath. 】

Tang Huanxi immediately followed suit, and when she opened her eyes again, there was a bustling street in front of her.

Just when she was wondering, a cute voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

【Master, I sent your soul to the former emperor's time, so you can see everyone and hear everyone's conversations, but they can't see you. 】

【I understand. 】

【But master, you can't change anything in this time and space. No matter what kind of picture you will see next, you can't get too excited, otherwise it will affect the little master in your belly, do you understand】

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly to express her understanding.

Then he carefully looked at the scenery in front of him.

Two pretty figures walked into a library slowly, Tang Huanxi accidentally caught a glimpse of one of the light blue figures, was startled, and followed subconsciously.

Concubine Lan?
The people in the picture should be Concubine Lan Gui and her personal maid.

"Miss, it will be Young Master Xiao's birthday soon, what do you want to give him?" The maid looked at Concubine Lan Gui and joked in a low voice.

"Brother Lin likes to practice calligraphy very much recently, and I plan to give him a set of the Four Treasures of the Study." Concubine Lan Gui lowered her head, her voice full of the shyness of a young daughter.

Just when Tang Huanxi was wondering, the picture in front of him suddenly flashed away.

There was the sound of gongs and drums, firecrackers and fireworks in the ear, and the lively ringing continued.

Dressed in a bright red wedding gown and wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, Concubine Lan Gui was hugged by a tall and handsome young man, and walked into the courtyard not far away.

Looking from a distance, it seems that the word Xiao Fu is written on the lofty plaque.

"Unexpectedly, the prime minister married his youngest daughter to Xiao Yulin, the number one martial artist in the dynasty! These two are simply a match made in heaven!"

"Who said no?"

"This martial arts champion Xiao Yulin is now a celebrity in front of the Holy Majesty, and now he is married to the beautiful and beautiful daughter of the Prime Minister's family. I really envy others!"

"Who said no?"

Listening to the voices of discussion in the crowd, Tang Huanxi immediately understood.

Concubine Lan Gui had married someone before entering the palace?
Xiao Yulin, champion of martial arts?

Tang Huanxi suddenly remembered the picture that had inadvertently flashed in her mind!
The scene where the man in the bright yellow dragon robe and the woman in the blue palace dress are standing side by side and talking under the eaves!

The picture flashed, and there was a picture of yellow sand flying all over the sky.

There was a burst of drums, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood!

"Soldiers, kill me—"

Accompanied by the roar of the man standing on the city wall, there is a scene of thousands of troops advancing rapidly.

The moment Tang Huanxi looked back, she saw the man's face clearly.

The man who was wearing a red wedding dress a second ago actually put on a silver armor at this moment.

What surprised her even more was that that face was exactly the same as that of Xiao Baorui.

(End of this chapter)

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