Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 578 Don't want to and don't want to!

Chapter 578 Don't want to and don't want to!
When Luliu rushed to the inner hall in a hurry, An Xiuhui lay powerlessly on the table, her eyes were slackened, as if her soul had been sucked out of her whole body, she was lifeless.

"Master? Master? Are you okay?"

"Green Liu, pour me a cup of hot tea." Hearing the familiar voice, An Xiuhui gradually came to her senses that the matter had come to this point, and she could only find a way to face it.

But how can she sleep in?

She must not let Murong Ze succeed!
"Green Liu, accompany me to Fengluan Palace. I want to see the Empress." An Xiuhui thought for a long time, and finally decided to show her favor to the Empress. The Empress has been with Murong Ze for many years. If she is willing to help out, maybe she Can successfully avoid this catastrophe.

"...Master, the emperor will send someone to come later, sister, the master is going to sleep in the Cheng'en Palace. Are you really determined to go to the queen at this time? I am worried..."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure." An Xiuhui frowned and interrupted her, and quickly left Chuxiu Palace with Lu Liu and two other second-class maids, and walked towards the direction of Fengluan Palace go.

At that time, it was Fengluan Palace.

Empress Xie Wanru leaned on the bed, her brows seemed to be tinged with melancholy.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The Holy Majesty is just greedy for novelties... Besides, this An Cairen's family background is not well-known, so she will not pose any threat to you..." As the Queen's confidant, Xue Momo Holding back for her, he smiled and analyzed, "What's more, didn't His Majesty praise the Second Prince last night? All in all, this is a good thing!"

Murong Ze now has three sons. The eldest son has a humble mother and has been weak since he was a child. He has been left by the emperor to recuperate in the Huangzhuang on the outskirts of Kyoto. The second son is the son of the empress Xie Wanru. He is only eight years old this year. He is cute and intelligent; The third prince was born of Concubine He Gui, and he is still in his infancy.

Three princes are already a lot.

Xie Wanru rubbed her sore and swollen brows, but a strange feeling arose in her heart.

Thinking of the obsessive look in which the Holy Majesty looked at An Xiuhui at the banquet last night, she felt very uncomfortable, as if cut by a knife.

Since ancient times, emperors have been so ruthless, even if she has been by the Holy Majesty's side for so many years, so what?

So far, she still hasn't figured out how she fell in love with him?
The memory seems to have been completely blurred.

"I know what Mammy means, but I'm a little worried..." The queen frowned, and finally sighed helplessly, "Forget it, everyone has their own destiny, and there are some things that I have no right to ask. "

Inside this high palace wall, there are always newcomers smiling.

Relatively speaking, it is a good thing that the Holy Majesty is interested in An Xiuhui.

After all, An Xiuhui's background is simple enough.

"Empress, Ancai please see me!" Just as the empress was feeling alone, a court lady suddenly came to report.

The queen nodded her head lightly to express her agreement, and within a quarter of an hour, Madam Xue greeted him in front of her.

The moment An Xiuhui saw the queen, she knelt down on the ground with a plop, and her bright eyes were filled with tears.

"Empress...the concubine hastily came to bother you, please forgive me!" An Xiuhui's voice became choked several times.

The queen, who didn't know why, immediately retreated the servants, leaving only one mother Xue to continue standing in the inner hall.

Then he shifted his gaze to An Xiuhui's face, and asked in bewilderment, "What happened to An Cairen? Could it be that he has been wronged?"

"Empress, I beg you to save my concubine!" An Xiuhui suddenly kowtowed in the direction of the queen!
"An Cairen, what happened to you? If you have been wronged in any way, you can speak up. As the most honorable woman in the harem, the empress will definitely seek justice for you!

Besides, if you were injured in Fengluan Palace, wouldn't it be because you deliberately wanted to tarnish the empress's reputation? "

"I don't dare, my concubine is afraid!" An Xiuhui hastily pleaded guilty, "This concubine didn't do it on purpose, I ask the empress to punish me!"

"Mother, look at what you said, how scared An Cairen is?" The queen pretended to be annoyed and glared at Xue mother, but there was no trace of anger in her tone.

"Ancai, get up first. If you have suffered any grievances in Chuxiu Palace, just tell me! I will definitely make the decision for you!"

"Thank you empress, concubine, I heard that empress empress is a model of girls before entering the palace... Madam, in fact, concubine... concubine doesn't want to sleep in bed." Full of sincerity, meeting the queen's surprised gaze, An Xiuhui laughed at herself, "To be honest, my concubine never thought about participating in the draft, let alone lose her freedom and live in a deep palace. Never thought that even if the concubine deliberately ran away from home before the draft, her fate would not be changed after all!"

"Have you ever run away from home?" The queen was slightly shocked when she heard the news, "Are you so unwilling to enter the palace?"

"Yes, my concubine does not want to. Empress, you and the Holy Majesty's childhood sweethearts are young couples. The Majesty is enthroned and you are the empress! Your relationship is enviable. Yes, the concubine knows that all the women in the harem are His Majesty's women. But only you are the Holy Majesty's wife. Xiuhui would rather be a poor man's wife than a rich man's concubine."

Hearing her sincere words, Xie Wanru couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

The queen was silent for a while, and finally looked at An Xiuhui, her eyes darkened, "If you really don't want to enter the palace, why would you appear here?"

"Empress, Xiuhui is suffering..." An Xiuhui smiled wryly, her tone full of helplessness, "My father, as the magistrate of Yun'an, is a soft-spoken man! There is an order from the Holy Spirit, how dare he not follow it? If Xiuhui resists the order If you don't enter the palace, you will implicate many innocent people! Even if Xiuhui yearns for freedom, she can't hurt innocent people!"

Only then did the queen remember that An Xiuhui was indeed appointed by the emperor to enter the palace.

Having figured out the cause and effect, she stretched out a hand and helped An Xiuhui up herself.

"I believe your words, but An Cairen, now that you have entered this harem and become one of the many women of the Holy Majesty, it is a kind of luck for you to be favored by the Holy Majesty. How many women have never seen the Holy Majesty in their whole lives? Now that the Holy Majesty likes you and is willing to let you sleep, you should be happy."

"Empress...the concubine...the concubine does not want to..." An Xiuhui grabbed the queen's clothes nervously, her eyes were full of pleading, "May I ask you to help the concubine?"


"Empress, my concubine doesn't want to be a woman of the sage, please help my concubine?"


In the end, Xie Wanru looked at her and nodded, which was her agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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