Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 585 The wonderful request of the wonderful mother and daughter

Chapter 585 The wonderful request of the wonderful mother and daughter

Tang Huanxi looked at Tang Jinjin who was huddled in a corner not far away, complex emotions quickly flashed across his eyes.

After all, she and Tang Jinjin are both half-sisters, and now this girl is hanging out with Xiao Baocai, which is really a headache.

"Are you really pregnant?" Tang Huanxi suddenly said, breaking the weird silence.

Tang Jinjin bit her lip tightly, feeling unspeakable pain in her heart. She once thought that Tang Huanxi, a fool, would remain a fool for the rest of her life. It was her, but she never dreamed that one day the fool would not be a fool anymore.

And Xiao Baorui, that handsome and extraordinary man, how could he love a fool so much?

In the past, Tang Jinjin thought that he was a cloud in the sky, and Tang Huanxi was just yellow mud on the ground that others could trample on!

But now... Thinking of his current situation, Tang Jinjin felt indescribably melancholy.

Xiao Baocai already had a fiancée Li Chuxue, but what is she?

"Sister, can you help me for the sake of sisterhood?" Tang Jinjin, who had hesitated for a long time, suddenly approached Tang Huanxi and bowed respectfully, "I know my mother and I have done a lot in the past. I'm sorry about you, it's all our fault. Now my mother and I are homeless... I'm pregnant, just two months old, if I can't marry Xiao Baocai, I... I will be soaked Cage! Sister! Please, help me, please?"

Before Tang Huanxi could answer, Tang Jinjin knelt down and grabbed her arm, begging bitterly!

Tang Huanxi didn't say a word, but Hongfu who was standing beside her immediately understood, without saying a word, she took a step forward and forcefully lifted her up.

Tang Jinjin didn't expect the maid beside Tang Huanxi to be so powerful, as if she had used a clever trick to make herself stand up uncontrollably.

"Tang Jinjin, you actually think there is a sisterhood between you and me? This really surprises me!"

"Sister... You and I are sisters. This is an unchangeable fact. What's more, I understand the truth that one prospers, one prospers, and the other loses. If something happens to me, won't your face be dull?"

"I haven't seen you for a few months, but you have become more and more eloquent. It seems that you have learned a lot from Xiao Baocai's side during this time! It's just Tang Jinjin, don't forget, he has a fiancée."

"So what? The person Baocai loves is me!"

"So you agreed to him, willing to be insulted by Mrs. Zhao, and also asked to come in front of me?"

"Yes!" Tang Jinjin nodded subconsciously, and then his eyes widened in surprise! "You...how did you know?"

"Your acting skills are too unfamiliar. With Zhao's temperament, if she knew that you were Xiao Baocai's concubine and even pregnant, she would definitely hit you in the stomach without saying a word! After all, the Li family is not someone she can offend.

Xiao Baocai and Li Chuxue had a marriage contract a long time ago, and as the Li family, they absolutely cannot tolerate that the future son-in-law would have a concubine and a child early! "

"If I'm not wrong, the reason why you performed such a big show is very simple. You want me to blackmail me, right?"

Now Dailaimei and Zhenmeili's business is getting better and better, and Tang Huanxi's reputation is also getting better and better. That's why Qiu Ju and her daughter have such a big show with Zhao!

"Tell me, what is your purpose?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, but the smile in his eyes was full of sarcasm!

"I...I..." Tang Jinjin's face suddenly became extremely ugly. She really didn't expect that the scene was over before it started, and she was speechless.

At that time, Qiu Ju, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stepped forward, looked into Tang Huanxi's eyes and said, "You find a way to transfer Dai Lai Mei's shop to me and Jin Jin, and you will pay another 500 taels of silver." Give Jin Jin a splendid wedding!"

Hearing this, Tang Huanxi couldn't bear it anymore. She dragged her cheek slightly with her right hand, tilted her head to look at Qiu Ju, and said with serious eyes, "Why do you think I will agree to such absurd request of yours? Besides Now, there is nothing but hatred between me and you, why do you think I will agree to you?"

"You..." Qiu Ju was speechless when Tang Huanxi asked her back, and she became even more angry! "Tang Huanxi, after all, Jin Jin is also your younger sister. If her reputation is damaged, do you think you will have a good reputation?"

"Besides, I still hold a secret about your mother! If you don't do what I ask, don't blame me for being cruel and revealing all the things about your mother that you can't see! At that time, if you It's too late to regret it!"

"My mother?" Curiosity flashed across Tang Huanxi's eyes.

She really didn't know much about his mother, He Dongxue.

Tang Shizhu also admitted before that he is not his biological father, so does the secret that Qiu Ju speaks have something to do with her biological father?
Tang Huanxi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Seeing her expression gradually becoming serious, Qiu Ju's eyes quickly flashed a look of satisfaction.

Before Tang Huanxi could answer immediately, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door. Qiu Ju hurried to Tang Huanxi's side, lowered her voice, and said in a threatening tone, "Tang Huanxi, your mother's reputation is terrible now. It’s in your hands, think about it for yourself!”

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, but said nothing.

Soon the village chief Wang Yong, Xiao Dazhuang and Mrs. Zhao all walked into the hall.

Wang Yong had also dealt with Tang Huanxi twice before, and had a good impression of her. He had already figured out the whole matter from other people just now.

"Girl Huanxi, why are you back in the village with your stomach full now? Now that Baorui is not at home, you have to take good care of yourself!"

Xiao Baorui went back to Hekou Village a few years ago. At that time, he bought two catties of liquor and half a piece of pork and went to Wang Yong's house. At that time, he said that he planned to go to the military camp to earn military merit.

Wang Yong knew that Xiao Baorui had always been a man with ideas, but he didn't expect him to leave just as soon as he said so!
But what Xiao Baorui said before leaving moved him very much!
"Brother Wang, if my family happily returns to the village in the future, please take care of me!"

"Since you are worried, why do you insist on going to the barracks?"

"Brother Wang, my daughter-in-law is the best and most perfect woman in the world, but what I can give her is too little. After thinking about it, I finally thought of one thing! Now I see my wife The business is getting bigger and bigger, and I'm worried that some powerful people will be attracted in the future... So I'm going to the military camp, trying to get my wife an imperial wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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