Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 612 I Will Always Trust You and Love You

Chapter 612 I Will Always Trust You and Love You

Liu Wenya immediately frowned in embarrassment, and hurriedly explained, "Everyone, I didn't mean that..."

It's just that the emotional people didn't listen to her explanation at all.

Ping An didn't expect that the atmosphere would become more intense after the woman's provocation.

"Everyone, our boss doesn't come to the store very often now, and I'm in charge of all the affairs in Dailai Miri!" Pingan cleared his throat and said angrily, "Everyone knows that everything from our Dailai The clothes and underwear produced in the United States have a special label belonging to our Dai Lai Mei, but any customer who wants to reject the order, you can bring the order to apply for a refund. We support 100% unconditional return!
In addition, as long as you feel that there is something wrong with the clothes, as long as they are produced by us, you can return them for a refund! "

The voice of peace resounded everywhere, gradually calming down the restless people.

Liu Wenya, who had been standing on one side, did not expect Ping An to be so clever, calming down the anger of the people with just a few words.

This is somewhat different from the plan she conspired!
Liu Wenya immediately winked at someone in the crowd, the latter signaled and shouted loudly, "What's the use of you just refunding the goods? This Dai Laimei actually used poisonous cloth to make clothes for everyone. It's too much! We strongly urge you to close the shop!"

"That's right, I strongly urge you to close the shop!"

"Close the store! Close the store!"

The already calm crowd exploded again, Ping An immediately frowned, his eyes seemed to fall on Liu Wenya's face inadvertently, and then quickly retracted.

At that time, Yang Yanqiu who rushed over immediately led someone to arrest the three men who had echoed in the crowd just now!

"Black shop!"

"De Lai Mei is a black shop!"

"Government and business collusion, killing the common people!"

The men never expected that the magistrate's wife would personally bring someone to arrest them, and they were suddenly afraid.

But remembering the money that person gave earlier, they began to slander and slander non-stop!
"Liu Fang, Zhao Dafei, Niu Jin! Why don't you shut up about this arrest?" Wu Ming opened his eyes and roared angrily, "The three of you are habitual criminals of petty theft. How could you wear Dai Laimei's clothes? Can you afford it? And you, Niu Jin, you were just released yesterday, and you came here today to make noises? Tell me, who ordered you!"

These three hooligans are regular visitors to the county government prison.

Facing Wu Ming's scrutinizing gaze, Niu Jin didn't dare to do anything wrong.

"Fathers and elders, the shopkeeper of Dai Laimei is Tang Huanxi. As this girl said, Tang Huanxi and I are indeed good friends." Yang Yanqiu cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "Now Chang and Dyeingfang appear Regarding the poisoned cloth incident, Mr. Song and Butou Wu are investigating the truth. As for Dai Lai Mei, they were only implicated! Didn’t Dai Lai Mei’s buddy have already said that? If you have any dissatisfaction, you can return the goods. Money! In addition, I would like to say that everyone has not forgotten the Dragon Boat Festival earthquake last year, right? If shopkeeper Tang wants to earn black-hearted money, he doesn’t have to wait until now, what do you think?”

After Yang Yanqiu finished speaking, he explained a few more words to Ping An.

Gradually the crowd began to quiet down.

With the help of Wu Ming, the crowd of onlookers lined up in a neat and orderly queue, and began to process the return and refund in an orderly manner.

Liu Wenya did not expect that the poisonous cloth incident that she had planned with great difficulty would be solved so easily.

But Tang Huanxi didn't even show her face.

It seems that brother Minxue is right, she can't underestimate the enemy.

As night fell quietly, Xiao Baorui was personally feeding Tang Huanxi chicken soup.

"Miss, do you want more?"

"Don't eat, I'm full." Tang Huanxi said with a smile, squinting her eyes, "Xiao Baorui, go and get me a bronze mirror."

"what happened?"

"I want to see how fat I look, and I always feel that my double chin is popping out..." Tang Huanxi curled her lips and said aggrievedly, "It is said that women will gain weight after giving birth. True."

"My lady is not fat." Xiao Baorui looked at her and said very sincerely, "My lady, you look really good-looking now."

"Really good-looking?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Better than that Miss Liu?"

"What Miss Liu?" Xiao Baorui was taken aback for a moment, then said in a serious voice with a straight face, "Lady, who said something in front of you? There is nothing between me and that Liu Wenya..."

"I trust you!" Tang Huanxi interrupted the man's words with a smile, and said with firm eyes, "Xiao Baorui, don't be nervous, I trust you, I know you can't tolerate other women in your eyes except me. "

Xiao Baorui rushed forward suddenly, and pecked lightly on her lips with lightning speed.

There was indescribable temptation in the hoarse voice, "My lady, thank you!"

"Fool, isn't the most important thing between husband and wife is trust?" Tang Huanxi reached out and tapped the bridge of his nose gently, and said softly, "Xiao Baorui, no matter how the years change in the future, I will always trust you and love you. ensure."

"Miss..." Xiao Baorui, who was completely emotional, couldn't help stretching out his hand to embrace him, and said in a low voice, "Miss, it's good to have you!"

"Then can you tell me about that Miss Liu now?" Tang Huanxi raised her head slightly, her soft hand rested on his earlobe, her eyes were shining like stars, "What does this Miss Liu look like? Does it look good?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it."

"Then is she Liu Ye Wanmei?"

"I do not know either."

"Don't tell me, you don't even know whether this Miss Liu has a round face or an oval face?"

"I don't know," Xiao Baorui nodded frankly, "Do you think I need to know?"

"Well, well done!" Tang Huanxi immediately nodded and praised, "But Xiao Baorui, why does this Ms. Liu have a secret love for you?"

"I once overheard Uncle Qin say that Liu Wenya has long been engaged to Qiu Minxue, the old Qiu Ge, but few people know about it... This Liu Wenya, with a deep heart, followed me all the way. I came to Yunshui County, but I never realized that I was being followed, so one can imagine how deep this person's mind is."

"Why did the lady suddenly ask her?"

"Something happened to Dai Lai Mei this afternoon..." Leaning in the arms of her man, Tang Huanxi briefly explained what happened to Dai Lai Mei this afternoon, and finally said with a frown, "Where are Chang and Dye Cloth Fong?" Shopkeeper Cai and Sister Cai have spent most of their lives, and I believe they will never buy the so-called poisoned cloth, so this matter must be weird."

"My lady suspects that Liu Wenya is behind this incident?"

(End of this chapter)

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