Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 628 The wicked have their own grind

Chapter 628 The wicked have their own grind

Everything developed as Tang Huanxi expected.

Niu Dajiang brought the bride back home, and had a drink with two good friends.

When he returned to the room, the medicine took effect, and he threw himself on the person sitting on the bed without saying a word.

The candlelight was dim, and the windows were not closed, so the candles were extinguished in less than a quarter of an hour.

Niu Dajiang, who was under the effect of the medicine, had a violent attack and almost broke Niu Lihua's waist!

Niu Lihua disappeared all night, Xiao Baoshan was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

He searched and searched, and finally came to Niu Dajiang's house in obsession, and happened to find Niu Lihua lying on Niu Dajiang's bed!

Niu Lihua burst into tears like rain, sobbing choked up.

What else did Xiao Baoshan not understand after watching this scene?
Especially Niu Lihua was originally pregnant, but now the bed is covered with blood——

Without a word, Xiao Baoshan, who was completely time and space, picked up the scissors on the table and stuck them in the heart of Niu Dajiang who hadn't reacted yet!
Just when he was about to take Niu Lihua to escape, Niu Dajiang's sons and daughters both returned home, they were caught by chance, and they hurriedly asked Niu Dajiang for a doctor.

In the end Niu Dajiang died, Xiao Baoshan was imprisoned, and Niu Lihua became insane.

For this result, Qian felt a little cruel.

But Tang Huanxi was very satisfied.

Wicked people have their own way, and Niu Dajiang's son-in-law, wife, and son-in-law are not easy characters to get along with.

After burying Niu Dajiang, they came to Xiao's house together and smashed down the gate of Xiao's house.

Xiao Dazhuang didn't expect things to turn out like this.

The youngest son who made them most proud became extremely gloomy, but the honest and honest eldest son ended up in jail.

Kill for life.

Xiao Baoshan was sentenced to death, and Song Zhuo decided to postpone his execution for one year because he was not a subjective homicide.

In other words, Xiao Baoshan needs to live in a prison for a year, and then wait to die.

Niu Lihua took Niu Dajiang's money, although she became insane, Song Zhuo didn't let her go, and was sentenced to three years in prison.

Tang Huanxi expressed his satisfaction when the execution results of the two men came out.

The ears can be clean for a while, which is great.

Zhenmeili's facial mask and all kinds of lotions were out of stock, but Tang Huanxi thought about it and felt that the prices of these things were too good, and ordinary people would definitely not be able to afford them.

So she came up with a great idea, and she started developing soaps and various floral-scented body washes and shampoos.

Just as she was hiding in the laboratory and tirelessly studying these good things, news came from the palace.

An Xiuhui still couldn't keep the child and had a miscarriage.

It wasn't that she did it intentionally, but because Concubine He Gui retreated from the viewing pavilion and fell into the lotus pond, she was frightened and had a miscarriage.

Imperial Palace, Luoxue Pavilion.

The queen looked at the weak Concubine Hui, quickly held her hand, and promised seriously, "Sister Hui Concubine, don't worry, as the lord of this harem, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

Yesterday Concubine He invited Concubine Hui to play chess at the Viewing Pavilion, and An Xiuhui came as scheduled.

Later, for some reason, the two empresses had a quarrel and argued a few words. When Concubine Hui’s personal maid, Lu Yin, went back to pick up the shawl, Concubine He suddenly pushed Concubine Hui into the lotus pond——

Originally, there were only Concubine He Gui, her personal maid Xiu'er, and Concubine Hui sitting opposite her in the gazebo.

But when the incident happened suddenly, Xiu'er was in a state of confusion, so she called the people nearby in a hurry. In the end, Concubine Hui was rescued by a young father-in-law who could swim, but Concubine Hui was delayed in the water for too long, and she had a miscarriage .

"Empress..." An Xiuhui's face was very haggard. She lay on the bed and looked at the queen and said in a low voice, "Empress...they are all concubines. Yes, please give me a lighter punishment, empress..."

"Concubine Hui! It is a serious crime to mutilate the heirs of the royal family!" The queen looked at her and said righteously, "Whether Concubine He Gui is intentional or not, you are always the biggest victim!"

"But empress... I have already lost this child, I don't want to implicate innocent people anymore." An Xiuhui looked at her, her eyes were full of sincere begging.

The queen looked at her appearance, sighed silently, and finally sighed helplessly, "Concubine Hui, don't worry, this palace will definitely handle this matter fairly, and you should rest well... You are still young, listen to the imperial physician, Take a good rest and take care of your body, and you will have more children in the future..."


The queen comforted her again, and finally left Luoxue Pavilion.

Concubine Hui declined other concubines who wanted to come to visit. After all, few people in the harem were sincere, and she didn't want to act with those people. She was tired of watching those hypocritical dramas.

Lu Yin brought the freshly cooked soup in front of her, hesitated to speak several times.

"Lu Yin, tell me what you have to say." An Xiuhui forced a smile, looked at her and said.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand why you are doing this?" Lu Yin looked at her and said in a low voice, "You sent the servant away on purpose and only took Luliu..."

"Lu Yin, it is impossible for Ben Gong to keep this child." An Xiuhui looked at her, and tenderly raised her lips, "Lu Liu is not as careful as you, so she can't see Ben Gong's movements. If it were you , you will definitely reach out to help Bengong, and then Bengong's plan will be exposed."

"Niang Niang..." Lu Yin's eyes widened, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

She was just guessing at first, but she never expected that Concubine Hui would actually make up her mind to get rid of the child in her stomach.

"Lu Yin, I don't love the Holy Majesty." An Xiuhui sighed softly, "Before I entered the palace, I didn't know what love is. The Holy Majesty cut off Bengong's dream of a world of mortals with his own hands. Apart from Bengong, how many women in this harem really love the Holy Majesty?
A woman with untiring grace can gain more power and be able to enjoy herself in the harem like a fish in water.So women in the harem love power more than the Holy Majesty.

When the Holy Majesty threatened Ben Gong to enter the palace, he should have known that Ben Gong would not fall in love with him, and it was impossible to fall in love with him in this life. "

"Your Majesty..." Seeing her resolute expression, Lu Yin became more and more puzzled, "My Majesty... it's all because of the fault of the servants. It must be that there is something wrong with the Bizi soup cooked by the servants, so I let the mother eat this. One suffers."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to blame yourself." An Xiuhui looked at her and smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, if it is true as you said, is there no one in this harem who loves the Holy Majesty?"

"Yes," An Xiuhui nodded, and said softly, "The Empress has always loved the Holy Majesty, her eyes are always shining when looking at the Holy Majesty, and Concubine He Gui also sincerely loves the Holy Majesty, as for the others I don't know what you think."

(End of this chapter)

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