Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 634 The person in front of you is the sweetheart

Chapter 634 The person in front of you is the sweetheart

Listening to Xu Wanjin's words, Xiao Baorui nodded vigorously.

He understood Uncle Xu's good intentions, and carefully put away the house deed.

Fire in July.

The weather is unbelievably hot.

Tang Huanxi was sitting in the carriage, fanning non-stop. Xiao Yijin was leaning in her arms, sleeping soundly.

"Ma'am, thanks to you buying a shop to store ice cubes some time ago, I believe the mung bean popsicles will be out of stock!" Hong Fu gave Tang Huanxi a thumbs up while biting the popsicles.

Her master is really amazing, not only can cook all kinds of delicacies, but also make ice!

Beautiful as a flower and capable, she is like a nine-day fairy descending to earth!
"How many days has it been since we left Yunshui County?" Tang Huanxi lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at the cracks on the fields scorched by the sun, feeling more and more worried.

"It's been five days." Hong Fu carefully counted with her fingers.

"The sun was so big for five days, and there was not even a trace of wind. I am afraid that there will be a severe drought this year." It has been more than half a month since the last rain, and the weather has always been sunny. In July, the temperature suddenly rose.

Such abnormal weather is really worrying.

[Ding——Your refrigerator cutie is online, what's the master's order? 】

[Little cutie, will there be a severe drought in this year's weather? 】

[Amount...] Little cutie hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

【Then can you make it rain? 】

【Uh...Master, don't you think too highly of cutie? 】The little cutie shrank her head immediately, and asked pitifully, 【I'm just a refrigerator, and I don't have the ability to call the wind and rain. 】

【Hey, I'm just asking, I didn't expect you to be so weak, it's really regrettable——】

The little cutie suddenly became angry from embarrassment!
【Owner!Although I don't have the ability to call the wind and rain, but the little master has it! 】

【Yijin? 】Tang Huanxi frowned suddenly, her eyes were full of disbelief, 【Yijin, a little baby who is only over a month old, how can she have the ability to call the wind and rain? 】

【Master, haven't you noticed?As long as the little master cries hard, it will rain. 】

Tang Huanxi thought about it seriously, and then suddenly came to his senses.

Before she was confinement, Yijin only cried twice.

Every time Yijin finished crying, it would rain heavily outside.

In addition, Yijin has a very obedient temperament and rarely cries, so she didn't realize it at all.

[Little cutie, why does Yijin have such abilities? 】 Tang Huanxi's heart is full of worries.

【Master, do you remember that I once said that the little master is actually the real master of the little cutie? 】

【Have you ever said such a thing? 】

【…】Little cutie was so blocked that she couldn’t speak
The master never listened to her seriously at all!

【Master, when you arrive in Kyoto, you must take the little master to the Great Buddha Temple, you will understand everything. 】

Gradually, Tang Huanxi felt exhausted and fell asleep drowsily.

When she woke up again, the carriage had already stopped.

She opened the curtain, and the scene she saw was very warm.

Xiao Baorui held Xiao Yijin in his arms, his eyes were soft, and there was a blazing bonfire in front of him.

"Miss, are you awake?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi stepped up to his side and asked in a low voice, "Did I sleep for a long time?"

"I've been running around all the way, and seeing my lady, you've lost a lot of weight." Xiao Baorui raised his hand and stroked her face, his eyes were full of self-blame, "It's all my fault, and I made my lady suffer."

Tang Huanxi raised her hand and flicked him on the forehead, then gave him an angry look, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will ignore you!"

"My lady..." Xiao Baorui immediately leaned his head on her shoulder and began to act like a spoiled child.

"What are you doing?"

"Grilled fish, is it delicious?"

"good smell."

Soon the grilled fish made by Xiao Baorui was freshly baked.

Tang Huanxi took a small bite, and her face immediately sank.

too hard--

In the end, she had to do it herself and started grilling the fish.

After eating and drinking, Tang Huanxi gradually raised the corners of her lips as she looked at the bright starry sky above her head, "Xiao Baorui, look how bright the stars are!"

"My lady, the stars are not as beautiful as you."

"Pfft..." Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing, "When did you learn these rustic love words?"

"What is earthy love talk?" Xiao Baorui blinked, his eyes full of puzzlement.

"Ahem, do you want me to teach you?"

"May all ears be heard."

"Hmm... the moon in the sky is the moon in the sea, and the person in front of you is the person you love." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes with affection, "Xiao Baorui, will you spoil me forever?"

"My lady, I will!" Xiao Baorui held her hands and said firmly.

Leaning on the man's generous shoulder, Tang Huanxi looked at the bright stars in the night sky.

Hong Fu, who had been sitting in the carriage all this time, slightly raised the corners of her lips when she saw this warm scene.

The best appearance of love is probably like the young master and young lady, right?

Xiao Yijin, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly burst into tears.

Tang Huanxi hurriedly hugged the child in her arms.

The crying gradually stopped.

After a breath, the sky unexpectedly began to rain densely.

Xiao Baorui immediately led them back to the carriage.

Half an hour later, the group arrived near a dilapidated Town God's Temple.

"I didn't expect it to rain suddenly," Xiao Baorui said with a frown while wiping Tang Huanxi's face with a handkerchief. There is no harvest, I'm afraid there will be a drought soon..."

"Yeah, such abnormal weather is really rare." Tang Huanxi frowned suddenly, full of worry in her heart.

Xiao Baorui picked up a large bundle of dry straw, spread the starched blue sheets on it, and turned to look at her, "Lady, there are no inns around here, we can only rest here tonight."

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, hugged Xiao Yijin, and soon fell asleep.

Xiao Baorui guarded them, and the flames of warmth danced in his eyes.

The next morning, the air was extremely stuffy.

The rain last night did not change anything, but made the air even more stuffy.

Even though there was an ice basin on the carriage, Tang Huanxi still felt uncomfortable.

"Madam?" Hongfu looked at her while fanning her fan, her eyes were full of worry, "Madam, would you like some water?"

"Okay!" Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, took a big sip of water, but still felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Seeing her face getting paler and paler, Hong Fu's heart ached.


Suddenly, Tang Huanxi's eyes went dark, and she fell down...

(End of this chapter)

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