Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 643 Tang Huan likes to see you for a long time

Chapter 643 Tang Huan likes to see you for a long time
The back mountain of the Great Buddha Temple is a dense mountain, and there is a cave in the mountain.

There has always been an old man with white hair and a childlike face living in the cave.

The moment Tang Huanxi appeared holding Xiao Yijin, the old man who had been sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes!
The originally clear and dull eyes gradually began to sparkle.

He finally appeared.

After more than 100 years, he still came here.

Sure enough, the reincarnation of heaven!
"Ache—" Tang Huanxi sneezed uncontrollably just as the old man was chattering.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

"It's all right, Xiao Baorui, continue talking." Tang Huanxi touched his nose and said softly.

"Every first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, many people will come to the Great Buddha Temple to offer incense. If Xiuhui suddenly faints at this time, it will inevitably cause turmoil. When the medicine takes effect, Xiuhui, you will not be breathing for a while, and at this time, we will find a way to burn down the palace you live in."

"Brother, your plan is good, but what if those people find that there are no corpses in the palace...?"

"I have sent Hongtao to Dali Temple, he will find death row prisoners who are similar in size to yours." Xiao Baorui had already arranged everything in advance.

"In order not to arouse suspicion, we will leave the Great Buddha Temple early tomorrow morning. At that time, we will temporarily live in the farmer's house at the foot of the Great Buddha Temple. We will come back on the fifteenth day." Xiao Baorui looked at An Xiuhui and asked with some worry Said, "Xiuhui, these few days you find a way to pack your luggage quietly, so that no one will find out."

"it is good."

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon, and now everyone in the Great Buddha Temple is extremely respectful to Concubine Hui.

After all, a few days ago, Grand Duke Fu, who was next to the Holy One, specially told the host of the Great Buddha Temple that no matter what, he must take good care of Concubine Hui and not slack off in the slightest.

So when Tang Huanxi saw the exquisite vegetarian dishes on the table, her eyes were full of shock.

"The vegetarian food in Dafo Temple tastes good, sister-in-law, try it while it's hot." An Xiuhui smiled softly, holding Xiao Yijin in her arms reluctantly to let go.

"Okay, Xiuhui, you can give Yijin to Hong Fu's hug, don't delay the meal."

"Sister-in-law, I finally saw Xiao Yijin, how can I not hug her more?" An Xiuhui smiled quickly, and looked down at Xiao Yijin, just as Xiao Yijin also raised her head to meet her gaze, aunt The two nephews looked at each other, and both saw smiles in each other's eyes.

Half an hour later, Lu Liu and Lu Yin cleaned up the table.

An Xiuhui hugged Yijin and walked to Tang Huanxi's side, "Sister-in-law, I made a lot of small clothes and bellybands with my own hands, and I will send Lu Yin back to the palace later and bring those clothes to Yijin? "

"...Okay," Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, with complex emotions flashing in her eyes, "Xiuhui, do you really not regret it?"

Tang Huanxi knew very well that An Xiuhui was capable of keeping that child.

But she didn't, and even deliberately designed such a play...

"Sister-in-law, I never do things that I regret." An Xiuhui looked at her and said firmly, "Sister-in-law, even if I have the ability to give birth to that child, I can't protect that child from growing up healthily. Since So, why should I let him come to this world to suffer?"

What's more, she doesn't love Rong Ze.

Since you don't love her, why should you wrong yourself and have children for a man you don't love?
"Since you don't regret it, I won't say anything more." Tang Huanxi smiled, "Your elder brother said that when everything is settled, he will take us back to the mountains and forests, and we will live a secret and peaceful life from now on." Life."

"I'm looking forward to that day too."

The setting sun is setting, and the sunset is gorgeous.

When Tang Huanxi was about to leave the Great Buddha Temple with Xiao Yijin in her arms, a young novice suddenly walked in front of her.

"If you want to solve the biggest doubt in your heart, please go with the little monk."

When Tang Huanxi was puzzled, a cute voice suddenly came from his mind.

"Master, you go! We are going to meet real people from the Three Realms!"

Real people from the Three Realms?

Tang Huanxi immediately turned to look at Xiao Baorui, "Xiao Baorui, just stay here and wait for me."

"My lady?" Xiao Baorui didn't want her to leave, so he whispered, "My lady, I'm not familiar with this place, so we should leave early?"

"Xiao Baorui, I have a reason to go."


In the end, Tang Huanxi carried Xiao Yijin and followed the little novice monk to the back mountain of the Great Buddha Temple.

There is a waterfall in front of me. The waterfall falls from a high altitude, and there are clouds and mist in the sky.

This place is like a fairyland on earth.

"Where is the real person?" Tang Huanxi was about to ask the little novice, but there was no sign of the little novice behind him.

【Master, close your eyes quickly and listen carefully to the teachings of the real person! 】

Although it was a little unclear, Dang Huanxi still followed Xiaocutie's instructions.Silently closed his eyes.

The breeze was blowing, which was very pleasant.

[Tang Huanxi, long time no see. ] A familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

Tang Huanxi suddenly opened his eyes and saw the person in front of him clearly.

"Brother?" Tang Huanxi was taken aback by the blurted address!
How could she call this white-haired and childlike old man in front of her her senior brother?

"After a hundred years, you and I finally meet again." The real person of the Three Realms looked at Tang Huanxi in front of him, with complicated emotions intertwined in his eyes, "I thought there would be no chance for you and me to meet again in this life."

Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a splitting headache, and countless memory fragments suddenly flooded into her mind.

Those memories are both strange and familiar.

Unless Concubine Lan Gui was reincarnated in that life, she still had herself dressed as a teenager, and even more of herself dressed as a child.

What's more, she saw her home, the small apartment, and herself sleeping soundly on the sofa...

"What's going on here?" She raised her hand in pain to cover her head that was about to explode, and tightly hugged Xiao Yijin in her arms with her right hand.

"It seems that your memory has not been fully recovered." The real person of the Three Realms did not expect that her memory was missing so much. He shook the whisk in his hand, and soon the swaddling baby she was holding fell into his arms in an instant. bosom!
"You...what do you want to do?" Tang Huanxi, who was suffering from a splitting headache, felt that the picture in front of her was torn apart. Gradually, she couldn't see anything, and passed out completely...

What Tang Huanxi didn't know was that when she was unconscious, countless butterflies suddenly came and lifted her up in the air.

"Little cutie, why don't you show up quickly?" Following the real person of the Three Realms shaking Buddha dust, a white light shot out from Tang Huanxi's heart.

After a short breath, a blood-red jade pendant suddenly appeared in the palm of the real person from the Three Realms.

"Really, she has been punished enough these years, can you let her go?" The blood-red jade pendant stood up suddenly, showing a faint red figure.

(End of this chapter)

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