Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 649 Angry

Chapter 649 Angry

Even though Tang Huanxi shouted hoarse, the real person from the Three Realms never appeared.

"Miss, don't shout." Xiao Baorui quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to her lips, and said softly, "When I just woke up, I found that we were in this meditation room, and the door was locked from the outside, so We can't get out at all."

After Tang Huanxi drank a glass of water, she gradually calmed down.

She lowered her eyes to cover the fierceness in her eyes, and complex emotions were intertwined in her eyes.

Why did the senior brother lock her and Xiao Baorui in this meditation room?
"My lady, what's going on with all this?" Xiao Baorui looked at her with puzzlement in his eyes, "Why did you suddenly appear in the Hall of Mental Cultivation? And why are we imprisoned here by a real person?"

"Xiao Baorui, do you know the legend of Bairui, the Fairy of Hundred Flowers?" Tang Huanxi took a deep breath, and then smiled slightly at him, "The Fairy of Baihua is Yuan Jun, the youngest daughter of the Jade Emperor, Bairui, who is in charge of the Heavenly Court." , and I am Bairui."

"My lady, you..." The news was so shocking that Xiao Baorui couldn't believe it.

Tang Huanxi gave a wry smile, and snapped his fingers. Soon the two of them were no longer in a meditation room, but a beautiful and prosperous garden, where a hundred flowers were in full bloom, and the air was filled with the fragrance of various flowers.

"Miss, you... you are Baihua Fairy?"

"That's all in the past. My fairy bones have been removed long ago. Speaking of which, I don't have any mana anymore." Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, and then sighed softly, "Xiao Baorui, this time I'm the one who got you and Jing Yuan into trouble. "

"Miss, no matter who you used to be, I only know that you are my wife now." Xiao Baorui looked at her with firm eyes.

Tang Huanxi fell silent immediately.

The past has passed, so why should she worry about the past.

"Xiao Baorui, you are right."

"It's just that Hong Yan and the others have been imprisoned by Murong Ze now, and we are trapped here..."

"Xiao Baorui, do you feel that when we learned the truth about the Jinling Xiao family being wiped out, all this is like a trap? It seems that there is someone who has been leading us by the nose and let us follow his arrangement to the next step. Came to Kyoto one step at a time.”

"What does the lady mean? Someone did this on purpose?"

"Well, by the way, Xiao Baorui, why did you choose to bring Hong Yan and the others into the palace today to question Murong Ze?"

"Jing Yuan said that she wanted to leave the capital immediately, and you were still unconscious, so I decided to enter the palace early and ask the truth, and we will leave immediately."

"In other words, Jing Yuan asked you to enter the palace?"


"Jing Yuan..." Thinking of the scene she saw today, Tang Huanxi only felt a faint pain in the area of ​​her heart.

If Jing Yuan is the one who will hurt Xiao Baorui in the end, what should she do?
"My lady, do you doubt Jing Yuan?" Looking at her serious eyes, Xiao Baorui shook his head subconsciously, "No, Jing Yuan won't hurt us, she is my younger sister, she is our relative..."

"Xiao Baorui, don't worry, I'm not suspicious of Jing Yuan, I'm just wondering who is that hand that's been pushing us from behind." Tang Huanxi stroked her chin thoughtfully.

"Senior brother? Senior brother! If you don't show up again, I will burn this meditation room down." Tang Huanxi said this with a blank face, and then slowly spread out the palm of her right hand, on which a Clusters of blue flames.

The Daoist of the Three Realms sighed heavily, and then appeared in front of the two.

"I wanted you to stay in the meditation room to cultivate your body and mind, why do you still not repent?"

"Brother, thank you for saving Xiao Baorui." Tang Huanxi showed him a grateful smile, then took Xiao Baorui's hand, and quickly disappeared!

Looking at the two figures that suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, the Daoist of the Three Realms sighed helplessly.

Palace, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The moment he saw An Xiuhui again, Murongze was in a daze.

"I thought you would never appear in front of me again."

"Let go of my elder brother and sister-in-law."


"As long as you are willing to let my eldest brother and sister-in-law go, no matter what you want, I will promise you."

"Including you?" Murong Ze walked up to her step by step, raised his hand and raised her chin, "You successfully got rid of the identity of Concubine Hui by feigning death, do you want to return to my side now?"

"Then guess, will I want you again?"

An Xiuhui lowered her eyes to cover the flashing killing intent in her eyes, and there was a complicated light intertwined in her eyes.

"How can I take a woman who doesn't love me so much?"

"Murongze, you don't have to put on such a gesture. You deliberately summoned me into the palace and brought your eldest brother into the capital, didn't you just want to know the whereabouts of that edict? Let me tell you, that edict does exist! "

"Back then, the former emperor passed the throne to the third prince, and you stole the throne under you! Once the edict is revealed to the world, everyone in the world will know that you are actually a liar!"


Murong Ze slapped her angrily!

"It's just a prisoner, how dare you speak to me in such a tone, do you really think I'm a good-tempered person?"

"Hehe, did you become angry from embarrassment?"

"Only I know the whereabouts of the imperial edict!" Xiao Jingyuan raised her hand to wipe the blood from her lips, her gaze was like a torch, "If you want to know, let my eldest brother and sister-in-law go!"

"Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi are the assassins who broke into the palace to assassinate me. How could I let them go so easily?" Murong Ze laughed angrily, "So what if the edict is in your hands? As long as I give an order, they will Immediately be dismembered by five horses!"

"you dare!"

"Why don't you try it?"

"Despicable! Murong Ze, you despicable villain!"

"Hehe, thanks for the compliment."

Fengluan Hall.

The queen raised the corners of her lips curiously after hearing the news of Madam Xue's return, "You mean, Concubine Hui has already returned?"

"Returning to your mother, Concubine Hui is currently in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but the gates of the Hall of Mental Cultivation are closed. Eunuch Fu is standing outside the hall and guarding, saying that no one can come near..."

"I know Concubine Hui well. If she had no other choice, she would not be able to return to the palace." The queen rubbed her brows and said softly, "Let's go, go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"Your Majesty is planning to go..."

"In any case, Ben Gong and Concubine Hui are sisters. Now that I know she is still alive, how can I turn a blind eye?"

When the Queen came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Murong Ze and An Xiuhui were still confronting each other.

"Concubine Hui, you should know that no one who opposes me will end well."

"Just because of a legendary will, you actually killed so many innocent people from the Jinling Lan family and the Xiao family, Murong Ze, don't you feel afraid every time you dream back at midnight? Don't you feel afraid? "

"Afraid? Fear?" Murong Ze couldn't help but sneered, "This is a world of the jungle!"

(End of this chapter)

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